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# violin
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Violin is an easy to use, highly customisable PHP validator.
**Note: This package is under heavy development and is not recommended for production.**
## Installing
Install using Composer.
"require": {
"alexgarrett/violin": "2.*"
## Basic usage
use Violin\Violin;
$v = new Violin;
'name' => ['billy', 'required'],
'age' => [20, 'required|int']
if($v->passes()) {
echo 'Validation passed, woo!';
} else {
echo '<pre>', var_dump($v->errors()->all()), '</pre>';
## Adding custom rules
Adding custom rules is simple. If the closure returns false, the rule fails.
$v->addRuleMessage('isbanana', 'The {field} field expects "banana", found "{value}" instead.');
$v->addRule('isbanana', function($value, $input, $args) {
return $value === 'banana';
'fruit' => ['apple', 'isbanana']
## Adding custom error messages
You can add rule messages, or field messages for total flexibility.
### Adding a rule message
$v->addRuleMessage('required', 'You better fill in the {field} field, or else.');
### Adding rule messages in bulk
'required' => 'You better fill in the {field} field, or else.',
'int' => 'The {field} needs to be an integer, but I found {value}.',
### Adding a field message
Any field messages you add are used before any default or custom rule messages.
$v->addFieldMessage('username', 'required', 'You need to enter a username to sign up.');
### Adding field messages in bulk
'username' => [
'required' => 'You need to enter a username to sign up.'
'age' => [
'required' => 'I need your age.',
'int' => 'Your age needs to be an integer.',
### Using Field Aliases
Field Aliases helps you format any error messages without showing weird form names or the need to create a custom error.
'username_box|Username' => ['' => 'required']
// Error output: "Username is required."
### Extending Violin
You can extend the Violin class to add custom rules, rule messages and field messages. This way, you can keep a tidy class to handle custom validation if you have any dependencies, like a database connection or language files.
class MyValidator extends Violin
protected $db;
public function __construct(PDO $db)
$this->db = $db;
// Add rule message for custom rule method.
$this->addRuleMessage('uniqueUsername', 'That username is taken.');
// Custom rule method for checking a unique username in our database.
// Just prepend custom rules with validate_
public function validate_uniqueUsername($value, $input, $args)
$user = $this->db->prepare("
SELECT count(*) as count
FROM users
WHERE username = :username
$user->execute(['username' => $value]);
if($user->fetchObject()->count) {
return false; // Username exists, so return false.
return true;
// A database connection.
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=website', 'root', 'root');
// Instantiate your custom class with dependencies.
$v = new MyValidator($db);
'username' => ['billy', 'required|uniqueUsername']
## Rules
This list of rules are **in progress**. Of course, you can always contribute to the project if you'd like to add more to the base ruleset.
#### alnum
If the value is alphanumeric.
#### alnumDash
If the value is alphanumeric. Dashes and underscores are permitted.
#### alpha
If the value is alphabetic letters only.
#### alphaDash
If the value is alphabetic letters only. Dashes and underscores are permitted.
#### array
If the value is an array.
#### between(int, int)
Checks if the value is within the intervals defined. This check is inclusive, so 5 is between 5 and 10.
#### bool
If the value is a boolean.
#### email
If the value is a valid email.
#### int
If the value is an integer, including numbers within strings. 1 and '1' are both classed as integers.
#### number
If the value is a number, including numbers within strings.
> Numeric strings consist of optional sign, any number of digits, optional decimal part and optional exponential part. Thus +0123.45e6 is a valid numeric value. Hexadecimal (e.g. 0xf4c3b00c), Binary (e.g. 0b10100111001), Octal (e.g. 0777) notation is allowed too but only without sign, decimal and exponential part.
#### ip
If the value is a valid IP address.
#### min(int, [number])
Check if string length is greater than or equal to given `int`. To check the size of a number, pass the optional `number` option.
'username' => ['billy', 'required|min(3)|max(20)'],
'age' => ['20', 'required|min(18, number)|max(100, number)']
#### max(int, [number])
Check if string length is less than or equal to given `int`. To check the size of a number, pass the optional `number` option.
#### required
If the value is present.
#### url
If the value is formatted as a valid URL.
#### matches(field)
Checks if one given input matches the other. For example, checking if *password* matches *password_confirm*.
#### date
If the given input is a valid date.
You can validate human readable dates like '25th October 1961' and instances of `DateTime`. For example:
$twoDaysAgo = new DateTime('2 days ago');
$date = $twoDaysAgo->format('d M Y');
'date' => [$date, 'required|date']
#### checked
If a field has been 'checked' or not, meaning it contains one of the following values: *'yes'*, *'on'*, *'1'*, *1*, *true*, or *'true'*. This can be used for determining if an HTML checkbox has been checked.
#### regex(expression)
If the given input has a match for the regular expression given.
## Contributing
Please file issues under GitHub, or submit a pull request if you'd like to directly contribute.
### Running tests
Tests are run with phpunit. Run `./vendor/bin/phpunit` to run tests.