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Bit Goblin <3 Minecraft

This is not "Microsoft <3 Linux"... this is for real!

The source code for Bit Goblin's Minecraft info website, built with express.js. I know the framework is rather old at this point, but who cares? It's stable and works well enough to serve a mostly static website.

Anyways, this is basically a simple website that displays the current Minecraft server info for the Bit Goblin community. This was originally made with Jekyll, but I had an idea for a cool little active players counter that required this be dynamically generated... or I could've used some javascript AJAX requests but no one wants that if it's not really necessary.

Feel free to clone this repository and get hacking on it! It's really nothing special but any help making the site better for the community or whatever will be greatly appreciated!

Featured in this repository are some scripts under bin/ which will make your life easier if you wish to hack on this thing. Assuming your user has access to Docker, then you can simply run a bin/docker-watch.sh to get running with a simple node.js container that installs all dependencies and even watches for changes in the local directory (thank you nodemon!).

This code is open-source and available to all under the Apache license 2.0. All contributions to this codebase shall be made under the current license, and any future licenses this repository may change to. (e.g. if I decide to change to the BSD 2-Clause license, all code will then be under the BSD 2-Clause license)