All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
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# Dragoon

The Bit Goblin video transcoder.
## Installing from RPM
Installing from the Bit Goblin repository is easy! Add the following repo file to `/etc/yum.repos.d/bitgoblin.repo`:
name=Bit Goblin repository
Update your package sources just to make sure all was added properly:
dnf updateinfo
Then install dragoon! Use the command below if you DON'T want DNF to install a bunch of unnecessary stuff to meet OpenJDK's weak dependencies; otherwise a regular `dnf install dragoon` is fine:
dnf --setopt=install_weak_deps=False --best install dragoon
## Configuration
If you were paying attention to Dragoon's output, you would have noticed that it failed with a complaint about not finding a configuration file. The location might move in the future or even be configurable, but for now you need to have a TOML file located at `~/.config/dragoon.toml` with at minimum the following contents:
# This example transcodes footage to DNxHD 1080p60 for use in video editors like DaVinci Resolve.
repo_path = '~/videos' # location of the videos to transcode
interval = 15 # number of minutes in between transcoding runs
video_format = 'mov' # video container format
video_codec = 'dnxhd' # video codec to use
video_parameters = 'scale=1920x1080,fps=60,format=yuv422p' # video extra format parameters flag - this will be broken later into separate attributes
video_profile = 'dnxhr_hq' # DNxHD has multiple presets for various video qualities
audio_codec = 'pcm_s16le' # audio codec to use
You can also run `./dragoon.jar -i` to install a new configuration file with some "workable" defaults. You can pair this with the `-c /path/to/config.toml` flag to specify a location to put the config file.
## CLI Parameters
Dragoon's CLI features some flags to help you get moving:
`-h` - prints the help message.
`-c /path/to/config.toml` - specify a path to a configuration file.
`-i` - install a new configuration file.
## Building
Currently this project is targeting Java 17 LTS and uses Maven to manage the software lifecycle. Thus, you must have a Java 17 JDK and Maven installed to build this project.
### Ubuntu
`sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk maven`
### Red Hat/Almalinux
`sudo dnf install java-17-openjdk-devel maven`
### Actually Building
Now that the needed tools are installed, you should be able to build this project. To build a JAR file with it's dependencies included:
`mvn clean compile assembly:single`
Then you can run the transcoder:
`java -jar target/Dragon-VERSION-jar-with-dependencies.jar`