
1.5 KiB


Skeleton is a simple, responsive boilerplate to kickstart any responsive project.

Check out for documentation and details.

Getting started

There are a couple ways to download Skeleton:

  • Download the zip
  • Clone the repo: git clone

What's in the download?

The download includes Skeleton's CSS, Normalize CSS as a reset, a sample favicon, and an index.html as a starting point.

├── index.html
├── css/
│   ├── normalize.min.css
│   ├── skeleton.css
│   └── skeleton.min.css
└── images/
    └── favicon.ico

Why it's awesome

Skeleton is lightweight and simple. It styles only raw HTML elements (with a few exceptions) and provides a responsive grid. Nothing more.

  • Minified, it's less than a kb
  • It's a starting point, not a UI framework
  • No compiling or installing...just vanilla CSS

Browser support

  • Chrome latest
  • Firefox latest
  • Opera latest
  • Safari latest
  • IE latest

The above list is non-exhaustive. Skeleton works perfectly with almost all older versions of the browsers above, though IE certainly has large degradation prior to IE9.


Skeleton was created by Dave Gamache for a better web.


All parts of Skeleton are free to use and abuse under the open-source MIT license.