The goal of this tool is provide a flexible, yet powerful tool to manage Salt formulas. It aims to support many different configurations in an intuitive manner, such as, but not limited to:
* Downloading formulas from multiple sources
* Keeping formula management to one single configuration file
* Avoiding needing to modify the Salt master config file to add new formula sources
Indeed, SaltStack are working on a tool, Salt Package Manager, that aims to do similar things. However, that tool feels a little "hacky", in my opinion, and doesn't use some of the tools that are already available to us, such as git/GitHub, and it requires the use of hosting packages out of a separate repository. Granted, that approach does have its positives, but I felt that I needed something a little lighter than that solution. To each their own :)
As it currently stands, you should only need to run a simple `` in a directory containing your SFM configuration. There are plans to 1) add a "system-wide" or "default" configuration path, so you do not need to be in a specific directory to run this, and 2) to add a `-c /path/to/config.yaml` parameter to override the default path to the configuration file.
Here's an explanation of the current list of configuration parameters...
#### `formulas_url`
Defines the default remote URL to use for Salt formulas. The default here is a common repository ( that, theoretically, most of your formulas will share.
#### `formulas_dir`
This defines where your formulas are going to be stored. This can be the same directory as your locally-written Salt states, or this can be an entirely separate directory altogether (Note: you WILL need to have permission to write to this directory).
#### `purge_formulas`
If true, SFM will attempt to remove all of the "unmanaged" Salt formulas that are present in the directory defined by `formulas_dir` (noted above).
#### `formulas`
This is just a simple hash/list of formulas to download/manage. Simply giving an array entry (e.g. `- munin` - note there is no colon), or an empty hash (e.g. `- munin: {}`) will let SFM attempt to guess the URL and destination directory.
#### Formula definitions
Each formula listed (as noted above) has specific options that may be set to change the default.
#### `url`
The remote URL to use - theoretically, this should work with SSH URLs if you have permission to clone over SSH, otherwise, HTTPS URLs will work just fine if you have permission to access the repository.
This option is not very important - if the URL isn't specified for a formula, then SFM will attempt to guess the formula's repository URL based off of the default repository URL and the name/title of the formula. If the name isn't specified, SFM will use the title of the title of the entry appended with "-formula" as its name. Thus, a name of "munin-form" with the default URL "" when end up with ""
**Note:** I'm debating removing this in a future release, as I don't see the use beyond saving a few characters here and there.
This program is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0 (I'm not a license guru, if this needs to be changed to comply with other licenses, I'll gladly change it)