variable "proxmox_apiuser" { type = string default = "packer" } variable "proxmox_apitoken" { type = string default = "changeme" } source "proxmox-iso" "ubuntu-24" { template_name = "ubuntu-24" template_description = "Ubuntu 24.04, generated on ${timestamp()}" vm_id = "206" boot_wait = "10s" boot_key_interval = "200ms" boot_command = [ # Edit boot options "e", # Go to the end of the boot command " ", # Add kernel command-line to start autoinstall "autoinstall ", "ds=\"nocloud-net;seedfrom=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ubuntu/\"", "x" ] http_directory = "http" http_port_max = "8089" http_port_min = "8080" os = "l26" cores = "2" sockets = "1" cpu_type = "host" memory = "2048" scsi_controller = "virtio-scsi-single" disks { disk_size = "30G" storage_pool = "templates" type = "scsi" } network_adapters { bridge = "vmbr0" model = "virtio" } proxmox_url = "" insecure_skip_tls_verify = true username = "${var.proxmox_apiuser}" password = "${var.proxmox_apitoken}" node = "kamino" pool = "Templates" iso_url = "" iso_checksum = "sha256:8762f7e74e4d64d72fceb5f70682e6b069932deedb4949c6975d0f0fe0a91be3" iso_storage_pool = "iso" unmount_iso = true iso_download_pve = true ssh_username = "xadmin" ssh_password = "packer" ssh_timeout = "20m" } build { sources = ["source.proxmox-iso.ubuntu-24"] provisioner "shell" { scripts = [ "scripts/", "scripts/" ] } provisioner "file" { source = "scripts/" destination = "/home/xadmin/" } }