# overseer Self-hosted inventory tracker ## Installation/Deployment `git clone https://git.metaunix.net/BitGoblin/overseer` `npm install --no-dev` `npm run sequelize db:migrate` `npm run grunt` `npm run prod` ## Development Feel free to clone this project and submit Merge Requests or just fork it and make it your own! You will need the following tools/libraries to develop Overseer: * node.js * NPM * Grunt.js * Git (not strictly required but ideal) Other than that, you should be good to go! You can start the development server with `nodemon` to auto-reload changes: `npm run nodemon` And to auto-compile asset changes (e.g. SASS and JS): `npm run grunt watch` If all went well, you should be able to visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser and see the dashboard.