doctype=html html head meta(name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0') title Minecraft @ Bit Goblin link(rel='stylesheet' href='') link(rel='stylesheet' href='/css/camelot.css') body img#background-image(src='/img/minecraft-landscape-1.png') div#main-container.container header#main-header.row .columns.twelve img.u-max-full-width(src='' alt='Minecraft java edition logo') section.row p Welcome to the Bit Goblin community Minecraft server! This is hosted free-of-charge for anyone who so pleases. I'm open to expanding how many/what servers are being hosted, so be sure to let me know any additions/changes you think should be made! p The only rules for the server(s) are as follows: "Be excellent to each other." So go out and have fun, but please don't be a jerk! hr section.row article.server-info.columns.twelve h3 Server Info table tbody tr td Address td tr td Port td 25565 tr td Version td 1.17.1 tr td Mode td Survival tr td Server Type td Vanilla hr footer#main-footer.row .columns.six p Hosted by Bit Goblin, with love. #site-links.columns.six h5 Other Bit Goblin sites: ul li #[a(href='') Main Website] li #[a(href='') YouTube] li #[a(href='') Twitch]