const config = require('config'); const fs = require('fs'); const https = require('https'); const path = require('path'); exports.getCreate = function(req, res) { // render view res.render('create'); }; exports.postCreate = function(req, res) { mcDir = config.get('server_directory'); serverDir = path.join(mcDir, req.body.serverName); // make server directory fs.mkdirSync(serverDir); // grab the server JAR file serverJarUrl = ''; serverJarName = "server_" + req.body.serverVersion + ".jar"; serverJarPath = path.join(serverDir, serverJarName); https.get(serverJarUrl, (res) => { const filePath = fs.createWriteStream(serverJarPath); res.pipe(filePath); filePath.on('finish', () => { filePath.close(); console.log('Download Completed'); }); }); // create the shell script scriptFilePath = path.join(serverDir, ''); scriptContent = "#!/bin/sh\n\ncd " + serverDir + "\njava -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -jar server_" + req.body.serverVersion + ".jar nogui"; fs.writeFileSync(scriptFilePath, scriptContent); fs.chmodSync(scriptFilePath, 0o755); // save the current version to a text file - this will hopefully be temporary solution versionFilePath = path.join(serverDir, 'current_version.txt'); versionContent = req.body.serverVersion; fs.writeFileSync(versionFilePath, versionContent); fs.chmodSync(versionFilePath, 0o644); // redirect the user back to the home page res.redirect('/'); };