
131 lines
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* <js-timestamp>
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* A human-readable, self-updating "timeago" timestamp, with some special rules:
* • Within 24 hours, displays in "timeago" format.
* • Within a month, displays month, day, and time of day.
* • Within a year, displays just the month and day.
* • Older/newer than that, displays the month and day with the full year.
* @type {Component}
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
parasails.registerComponent('jsTimestamp', {
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props: [
'at',// « The JS timestamp to format
'short',// « Whether to shorten the formatted date by not including the time of day (may only be used with timeago, and even then only applicable in certain situations)
'format',// « one of: 'calendar', 'timeago' (defaults to 'timeago'. Otherwise, the "calendar" format displays data as US-style calendar dates with a four-character year, separated by dashes. In other words: "MM-DD-YYYY")
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data: function (){
return {
formatType: undefined,
formattedTimestamp: '',
interval: undefined
// ╦ ╦╔╦╗╔╦╗╦
// ╠═╣ ║ ║║║║
// ╩ ╩ ╩ ╩ ╩╩═╝
template: `
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// ║ ║╠╣ ║╣ ║ ╚╦╝║ ║ ║╣
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beforeMount: function() {
if ( === undefined) {
throw new Error('Incomplete usage of <js-timestamp>: Please specify `at` as a JS timestamp (i.e. epoch ms, a number). For example: `<js-timestamp :at="something.createdAt">`');
if(this.format === undefined) {
this.formatType = 'timeago';
} else {
if(!_.contains(['calendar', 'timeago'], this.format)) { throw new Error('Unsupported `format` ('+this.format+') passed in to the JS timestamp component! Must be either \'calendar\' or \'timeago\'.'); }
this.formatType = this.format;
// If timeago timestamp, update the timestamp every minute.
if(this.formatType === 'timeago') {
this.interval = setInterval(async()=>{
try {
await this.forceRender();
} catch (err) {
err.raw = err;
throw new Error('Encountered unexpected error while attempting to automatically re-render <js-timestamp> in the background, as the seconds tick by. '+err.message);
// If calendar timestamp, just set it the once.
// (Also don't allow usage with `short`.)
if(this.formatType === 'calendar') {
this.formattedTimestamp = moment('MM-DD-YYYY');
if (this.short) {
throw new Error('Invalid usage of <js-timestamp>: Cannot use `short="true"` at the same time as `format="calendar"`.');
beforeDestroy: function() {
if(this.formatType === 'timeago') {
watch: {
at: function() {
// Render to account for after-mount programmatic changes to `at`.
if(this.formatType === 'timeago') {
} else if(this.formatType === 'calendar') {
this.formattedTimestamp = moment('MM-DD-YYYY');
} else {
throw new Error();
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methods: {
_formatTimeago: function() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var timeDifference = Math.abs(now -;
// If the timestamp is less than a day old, format as time ago.
if(timeDifference < 1000*60*60*24) {
this.formattedTimestamp = moment(;
} else {
// If the timestamp is less than a month-ish old, we'll include the
// time of day in the formatted timestamp.
let includeTime = !this.short && timeDifference < 1000*60*60*24*31;
// If the timestamp is from a different year, we'll include the year
// in the formatted timestamp.
let includeYear = moment(now).format('YYYY') !== moment('YYYY');
this.formattedTimestamp = moment('MMMM DD'+(includeYear ? ', YYYY' : '')+(includeTime ? ' [at] h:mma' : ''));