
94 lines
4.1 KiB

* <cloud-error>
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @type {Component}
* --- SLOTS: ---
* @slot default
* N/A
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
parasails.registerComponent('cloud-error', {
// ╔═╗╦ ╦╔╗ ╦ ╦╔═╗ ╔═╗╦═╗╔═╗╔═╗╔═╗
// ╠═╝║ ║╠╩╗║ ║║ ╠═╝╠╦╝║ ║╠═╝╚═╗
// ╩ ╚═╝╚═╝╩═╝╩╚═╝ ╩ ╩╚═╚═╝╩ ╚═╝
props: [
// ╦╔╗╔╦╔╦╗╦╔═╗╦ ╦╔╗╔╔╦╗╔═╗╦═╗╔╗╔╔═╗╦ ╔═╗╔╦╗╔═╗╔╦╗╔═╗
// ║║║║║ ║ ║╠═╣║ ║║║║ ║ ║╣ ╠╦╝║║║╠═╣║ ╚═╗ ║ ╠═╣ ║ ║╣
// ╩╝╚╝╩ ╩ ╩╩ ╩╩═╝ ╩╝╚╝ ╩ ╚═╝╩╚═╝╚╝╩ ╩╩═╝ ╚═╝ ╩ ╩ ╩ ╩ ╚═╝
data: function () {
return {
beWithoutMargins: undefined,
beforeMount: function() {
if (this.withoutMargins !== undefined && typeof this.withoutMargins !== 'boolean') {
throw new Error('<cloud-error> received an invalid `withoutMargins`. If provided, this prop should be precisely true or false.');
this.beWithoutMargins = this.withoutMargins||false;
// ╦ ╦╔╦╗╔╦╗╦
// ╠═╣ ║ ║║║║
// ╩ ╩ ╩ ╩ ╩╩═╝
template: `
<p :class="{ 'm-0': beWithoutMargins }" class="text-danger"><slot name="default">An error occured while processing your request. Please check your information and try again, or <a href="/contact">contact support</a> if the error persists.</slot></p>
// ╦ ╦╔═╗╔═╗╔═╗╦ ╦╔═╗╦ ╔═╗
// ║ ║╠╣ ║╣ ║ ╚╦╝║ ║ ║╣
// ╩═╝╩╚ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╩ ╚═╝╩═╝╚═╝
mounted: async function () {
watch: {
withoutMargins: function(unused) { throw new Error('Changes to `withoutMargins` are not currently supported in <cloud-error>!'); },
beforeDestroy: function() {
// ╦╔╗╔╔╦╗╔═╗╦═╗╔═╗╔═╗╔╦╗╦╔═╗╔╗╔╔═╗
// ║║║║ ║ ║╣ ╠╦╝╠═╣║ ║ ║║ ║║║║╚═╗
// ╩╝╚╝ ╩ ╚═╝╩╚═╩ ╩╚═╝ ╩ ╩╚═╝╝╚╝╚═╝
methods: {
// ╦╔╗╔╔╦╗╔═╗╦═╗╔╗╔╔═╗╦ ╔═╗╦ ╦╔═╗╔╗╔╔╦╗ ╦ ╦╔═╗╔╗╔╔╦╗╦ ╔═╗╦═╗╔═╗
// ║║║║ ║ ║╣ ╠╦╝║║║╠═╣║ ║╣ ╚╗╔╝║╣ ║║║ ║ ╠═╣╠═╣║║║ ║║║ ║╣ ╠╦╝╚═╗
// ╩╝╚╝ ╩ ╚═╝╩╚═╝╚╝╩ ╩╩═╝ ╚═╝ ╚╝ ╚═╝╝╚╝ ╩ ╩ ╩╩ ╩╝╚╝═╩╝╩═╝╚═╝╩╚═╚═╝
// ╔═╗╦ ╦╔╗ ╦ ╦╔═╗ ╔╦╗╔═╗╔╦╗╦ ╦╔═╗╔╦╗╔═╗
// ╠═╝║ ║╠╩╗║ ║║ ║║║║╣ ║ ╠═╣║ ║ ║║╚═╗
// ╩ ╚═╝╚═╝╩═╝╩╚═╝ ╩ ╩╚═╝ ╩ ╩ ╩╚═╝═╩╝╚═╝
// > Public methods are rarely exposed by Vue components, but sometimes they
// > are an important escape hatch. They are callable via something like
// > `this.$refs.componentNameInCamelCase.doSomething())`, and, by convention,
// > are always prefixed with "do".
// N/A
// ╔═╗╦═╗╦╦ ╦╔═╗╔╦╗╔═╗ ╔╦╗╔═╗╔╦╗╦ ╦╔═╗╔╦╗╔═╗
// ╠═╝╠╦╝║╚╗╔╝╠═╣ ║ ║╣ ║║║║╣ ║ ╠═╣║ ║ ║║╚═╗
// ╩ ╩╚═╩ ╚╝ ╩ ╩ ╩ ╚═╝ ╩ ╩╚═╝ ╩ ╩ ╩╚═╝═╩╝╚═╝