
283 lines
11 KiB

module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Send template email',
description: 'Send an email using a template.',
extendedDescription: 'To ease testing and development, if the provided "to" email address ends in "", '+
'then the email message will be written to the terminal instead of actually being sent.'+
'(Thanks [@simonratner](!)',
inputs: {
template: {
description: 'The relative path to an EJS template within our `views/emails/` folder -- WITHOUT the file extension.',
extendedDescription: 'Use strings like "foo" or "foo/bar", but NEVER "foo/bar.ejs" or "/foo/bar". For example, '+
'"internal/email-contact-form" would send an email using the "views/emails/internal/email-contact-form.ejs" template.',
example: 'email-reset-password',
type: 'string',
required: true
templateData: {
description: 'A dictionary of data which will be accessible in the EJS template.',
extendedDescription: 'Each key will be a local variable accessible in the template. For instance, if you supply '+
'a dictionary with a \`friends\` key, and \`friends\` is an array like \`[{name:"Chandra"}, {name:"Mary"}]\`),'+
'then you will be able to access \`friends\` from the template:\n'+
'<% for (friend of friends){ %><li><%= %></li><% }); %>\n'+
'This is EJS, so use \`<%= %>\` to inject the HTML-escaped content of a variable, \`<%= %>\` to skip HTML-escaping '+
'and inject the data as-is, or \`<% %>\` to execute some JavaScript code such as an \`if\` statement or \`for\` loop.',
type: {},
defaultsTo: {}
to: {
description: 'The email address of the primary recipient.',
extendedDescription: 'If this is any address ending in "", then don\'t actually deliver the message. '+
'Instead, just log it to the console.',
example: '',
required: true,
isEmail: true,
toName: {
description: 'Name of the primary recipient as displayed in their inbox.',
example: 'Nola Thacker',
subject: {
description: 'The subject of the email.',
example: 'Hello there.',
defaultsTo: ''
from: {
description: 'An override for the default "from" email that\'s been configured.',
example: '',
isEmail: true,
fromName: {
description: 'An override for the default "from" name.',
example: 'Anne Martin',
layout: {
description: 'Set to `false` to disable layouts altogether, or provide the path (relative '+
'from `views/layouts/`) to an override email layout.',
defaultsTo: 'layout-email',
custom: (layout)=>layout===false || _.isString(layout)
ensureAck: {
description: 'Whether to wait for acknowledgement (to hear back) that the email was successfully sent (or at least queued for sending) before returning.',
extendedDescription: 'Otherwise by default, this returns immediately and delivers the request to deliver this email in the background.',
type: 'boolean',
defaultsTo: false
bcc: {
description: 'The email addresses of recipients secretly copied on the email.',
example: [''],
attachments: {
description: 'Attachments to include in the email, with the file content encoded as base64.',
whereToGet: {
description: 'If you have `sails-hook-uploads` installed, you can use `sails.reservoir` to get an attachment into the expected format.',
example: [
contentBytes: 'iVBORw0KGgoAA…',
name: 'sails.png',
type: 'image/png',
defaultsTo: [],
exits: {
success: {
outputFriendlyName: 'Email delivery report',
outputDescription: 'A dictionary of information about what went down.',
outputType: {
loggedInsteadOfSending: 'boolean'
fn: async function({template, templateData, to, toName, subject, from, fromName, layout, ensureAck, bcc, attachments}) {
var path = require('path');
var url = require('url');
var util = require('util');
if (!_.startsWith(path.basename(template), 'email-')) {
'The "template" that was passed in to `sendTemplateEmail()` does not begin with '+
'"email-" -- but by convention, all email template files in `views/emails/` should '+
'be namespaced in this way. (This makes it easier to look up email templates by '+
'filename; e.g. when using CMD/CTRL+P in Sublime Text.)\n'+
'Continuing regardless...'
if (_.startsWith(template, 'views/') || _.startsWith(template, 'emails/')) {
throw new Error(
'The "template" that was passed in to `sendTemplateEmail()` was prefixed with\n'+
'`emails/` or `views/` -- but that part is supposed to be omitted. Instead, please\n'+
'just specify the path to the desired email template relative from `views/emails/`.\n'+
'For example:\n'+
' template: \'email-reset-password\'\n'+
' template: \'admin/email-contact-form\'\n'+
' [?] If you\'re unsure or need advice, see'
// Determine appropriate email layout and template to use.
var emailTemplatePath = path.join('emails/', template);
var emailTemplateLayout;
if (layout) {
emailTemplateLayout = path.relative(path.dirname(emailTemplatePath), path.resolve('layouts/', layout));
} else {
emailTemplateLayout = false;
// Compile HTML template.
// > Note that we set the layout, provide access to core `url` package (for
// > building links and image srcs, etc.), and also provide access to core
// > `util` package (for dumping debug data in internal emails).
var htmlEmailContents = await sails.renderView(
_.extend({layout: emailTemplateLayout, url, util }, templateData)
err.message =
'Could not compile view template.\n'+
'(Usually, this means the provided data is invalid, or missing a piece.)\n'+
return err;
// Sometimes only log info to the console about the email that WOULD have been sent.
// Specifically, if the "To" email address is anything "".
// > This is used below when determining whether to actually send the email,
// > for convenience during development, but also for safety. (For example,
// > a special-cased version of "" is used by Trend Micro Mars
// > scanner to "check apks for malware".)
var isToAddressConsideredFake = Boolean(to.match(/@example\.com$/i));
// If that's the case, or if we're in the "test" environment, then log
// the email instead of sending it:
var dontActuallySend = (
sails.config.environment === 'test' || isToAddressConsideredFake
if (dontActuallySend) {
'Skipped sending email, either because the "To" email address ended in ""\n'+
'or because the current \`sails.config.environment\` is set to "test".\n'+
'But anyway, here is what WOULD have been sent:\n'+
'-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Email log =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n'+
'To: '+to+'\n'+
'Subject: '+subject+'\n'+
} else {
// Otherwise, we'll check that all required Mailgun credentials are set up
// and, if so, continue to actually send the email.
if (!sails.config.custom.sendgridSecret) {
throw new Error(
'Cannot deliver email to "'+to+'" because:\n'+
let problems = [];
if (!sails.config.custom.sendgridSecret) {
problems.push(' • Sendgrid secret is missing from this app\'s configuration (`sails.config.custom.sendgridSecret`)');
return problems.join('\n');
'To resolve these configuration issues, add the missing config variables to\n'+
'\`config/custom.js\`-- or in staging/production, set them up as system\n'+
'environment vars. (If you don\'t have a Sendgrid secret, you can\n'+
'sign up for free at to receive credentials.)\n'+
'> Note that, for convenience during development, there is another alternative:\n'+
'> In lieu of setting up real Sendgrid credentials, you can "fake" email\n'+
'> delivery by using any email address that ends in "". This will\n'+
'> write automated emails to your logs rather than actually sending them.\n'+
'> (To simulate clicking on a link from an email, just copy and paste the link\n'+
'> from the terminal output into your browser.)\n'+
'[?] If you\'re unsure, visit'
var subjectLinePrefix = sails.config.environment === 'production' ? '' : sails.config.environment === 'staging' ? '[FROM STAGING] ' : '[FROM LOCALHOST] ';
var messageData = {
htmlMessage: htmlEmailContents,
to: to,
toName: toName,
bcc: bcc,
subject: subjectLinePrefix+subject,
from: from,
fromName: fromName,
var deferred = sails.helpers.sendgrid.sendHtmlEmail.with(messageData);
if (ensureAck) {
await deferred;
} else {
// FUTURE: take advantage of .background() here instead (when available)
if (err) {
'Background instruction failed: Could not deliver email:\n'+
util.inspect({template, templateData, to, toName, subject, from, fromName, layout, ensureAck, bcc, attachments},{depth:null})+'\n',
'Error details:\n'+
} else {
'Background instruction complete: Email sent via email delivery service (or at least queued):\n'+
util.inspect({to, toName, subject, from, fromName, bcc},{depth:null})
// All done!
return {
loggedInsteadOfSending: dontActuallySend,