
67 lines
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module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Send password recovery email',
description: 'Send a password recovery notification to the user with the specified email address.',
inputs: {
emailAddress: {
description: 'The email address of the alleged user who wants to recover their password.',
example: '',
type: 'string',
required: true
exits: {
success: {
description: 'The email address might have matched a user in the database. (If so, a recovery email was sent.)'
fn: async function ({emailAddress}) {
// Find the record for this user.
// (Even if no such user exists, pretend it worked to discourage sniffing.)
var userRecord = await User.findOne({ emailAddress });
if (!userRecord) {
// Come up with a pseudorandom, probabilistically-unique token for use
// in our password recovery email.
var token = await sails.helpers.strings.random('url-friendly');
// Store the token on the user record
// (This allows us to look up the user when the link from the email is clicked.)
await User.updateOne({ id: })
passwordResetToken: token,
passwordResetTokenExpiresAt: + sails.config.custom.passwordResetTokenTTL,
// Send recovery email
await sails.helpers.sendTemplateEmail.with({
to: emailAddress,
subject: 'Password reset instructions',
template: 'email-reset-password',
templateData: {
fullName: userRecord.fullName,
token: token