/** * Custom configuration * (sails.config.custom) * * One-off settings specific to your application. * * For more information on custom configuration, visit: * https://sailsjs.com/config/custom */ module.exports.custom = { /************************************************************************** * * * The base URL to use during development. * * * * • No trailing slash at the end * * • `http://` or `https://` at the beginning. * * * * > This is for use in custom logic that builds URLs. * * > It is particularly handy for building dynamic links in emails, * * > but it can also be used for user-uploaded images, webhooks, etc. * * * **************************************************************************/ baseUrl: 'http://localhost:1337', /************************************************************************** * * * Display dates for your app * * * * > This is here to make it easier to change out the copyright date * * > that is displayed all over the app when it's first generated. * * * **************************************************************************/ platformCopyrightYear: '2021', /************************************************************************** * * * The TTL (time-to-live) for various sorts of tokens before they expire. * * * **************************************************************************/ passwordResetTokenTTL: 24*60*60*1000,// 24 hours emailProofTokenTTL: 24*60*60*1000,// 24 hours /************************************************************************** * * * The extended length that browsers should retain the session cookie * * if "Remember Me" was checked while logging in. * * * **************************************************************************/ rememberMeCookieMaxAge: 30*24*60*60*1000, // 30 days /************************************************************************** * * * Automated email configuration * * * * Sandbox Sendgrid credentials for use during development, as well as any * * other default settings related to "how" and "where" automated emails * * are sent. * * * * (https://app.sendgrid.com/settings/api_keys) * * * **************************************************************************/ // sendgridSecret: 'SG.fake.3e0Bn0qSQVnwb1E4qNPz9JZP5vLZYqjh7sn8S93oSHU', //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // /\ Configure this to enable support for automated emails. // || (Important for password recovery, verification, contact form, etc.) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The sender that all outgoing emails will appear to come from. fromEmailAddress: 'noreply@example.com', fromName: 'The NEW_APP_NAME Team', // Email address for receiving support messages & other correspondences. // > If you're using the default privacy policy, this will be referenced // > as the contact email of your "data protection officer" for the purpose // > of compliance with regulations such as GDPR. internalEmailAddress: 'support+development@example.com', // Whether to require proof of email address ownership any time a new user // signs up, or when an existing user attempts to change their email address. verifyEmailAddresses: false, /************************************************************************** * * * Billing & payments configuration * * * * (https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys) * * * **************************************************************************/ // stripePublishableKey: 'pk_test_Zzd814nldl91104qor5911gjald', // stripeSecret: 'sk_test_Zzd814nldl91104qor5911gjald', //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // /\ Configure these to enable support for billing features. // || (Or if you don't need billing, feel free to remove them.) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*************************************************************************** * * * Any other custom config this Sails app should use during development. * * * ***************************************************************************/ // … };