/** * Seed Function * (sails.config.bootstrap) * * A function that runs just before your Sails app gets lifted. * > Need more flexibility? You can also create a hook. * * For more information on seeding your app with fake data, check out: * https://sailsjs.com/config/bootstrap */ module.exports.bootstrap = async function() { // Import dependencies var path = require('path'); // This bootstrap version indicates what version of fake data we're dealing with here. var HARD_CODED_DATA_VERSION = 0; // This path indicates where to store/look for the JSON file that tracks the "last run bootstrap info" // locally on this development computer (if we happen to be on a development computer). var bootstrapLastRunInfoPath = path.resolve(sails.config.appPath, '.tmp/bootstrap-version.json'); // Whether or not to continue doing the stuff in this file (i.e. wiping and regenerating data) // depends on some factors: // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // If the hard-coded data version has been incremented, or we're being forced // (i.e. `--drop` or `--environment=test` was set), then run the meat of this // bootstrap script to wipe all existing data and rebuild hard-coded data. if (sails.config.models.migrate !== 'drop' && sails.config.environment !== 'test') { // If this is _actually_ a production environment (real or simulated), or we have // `migrate: safe` enabled, then prevent accidentally removing all data! if (process.env.NODE_ENV==='production' || sails.config.models.migrate === 'safe') { sails.log('Since we are running with migrate: \'safe\' and/or NODE_ENV=production (in the "'+sails.config.environment+'" Sails environment, to be precise), skipping the rest of the bootstrap to avoid data loss...'); return; }//• // Compare bootstrap version from code base to the version that was last run var lastRunBootstrapInfo = await sails.helpers.fs.readJson(bootstrapLastRunInfoPath) .tolerate('doesNotExist');// (it's ok if the file doesn't exist yet-- just keep going.) if (lastRunBootstrapInfo && lastRunBootstrapInfo.lastRunVersion === HARD_CODED_DATA_VERSION) { sails.log('Skipping v'+HARD_CODED_DATA_VERSION+' bootstrap script... (because it\'s already been run)'); sails.log('(last run on this computer: @ '+(new Date(lastRunBootstrapInfo.lastRunAt))+')'); return; }//• sails.log('Running v'+HARD_CODED_DATA_VERSION+' bootstrap script... ('+(lastRunBootstrapInfo ? 'before this, the last time the bootstrap ran on this computer was for v'+lastRunBootstrapInfo.lastRunVersion+' @ '+(new Date(lastRunBootstrapInfo.lastRunAt)) : 'looks like this is the first time the bootstrap has run on this computer')+')'); } else { sails.log('Running bootstrap script because it was forced... (either `--drop` or `--environment=test` was used)'); } // Since the hard-coded data version has been incremented, and we're running in // a "throwaway data" environment, delete all records from all models. for (let identity in sails.models) { await sails.models[identity].destroy({}); }//∞ // By convention, this is a good place to set up fake data during development. await User.createEach([ { emailAddress: 'admin@example.com', fullName: 'Ryan Dahl', isSuperAdmin: true, password: await sails.helpers.passwords.hashPassword('abc123') }, ]); // Save new bootstrap version await sails.helpers.fs.writeJson.with({ destination: bootstrapLastRunInfoPath, json: { lastRunVersion: HARD_CODED_DATA_VERSION, lastRunAt: Date.now() }, force: true }) .tolerate((err)=>{ sails.log.warn('For some reason, could not write bootstrap version .json file. This could be a result of a problem with your configured paths, or, if you are in production, a limitation of your hosting provider related to `pwd`. As a workaround, try updating app.js to explicitly pass in `appPath: __dirname` instead of relying on `chdir`. Current sails.config.appPath: `'+sails.config.appPath+'`. Full error details: '+err.stack+'\n\n(Proceeding anyway this time...)'); }); };