module.exports = { friendlyName: 'Deliver contact form message', description: 'Deliver a contact form message to the appropriate internal channel(s).', inputs: { emailAddress: { required: true, type: 'string', description: 'A return email address where we can respond.', example: '' }, topic: { required: true, type: 'string', description: 'The topic from the contact form.', example: 'I want to buy stuff.' }, fullName: { required: true, type: 'string', description: 'The full name of the human sending this message.', example: 'Hermione Granger' }, message: { required: true, type: 'string', description: 'The custom message, in plain text.' } }, exits: { success: { description: 'The message was sent successfully.' } }, fn: async function({emailAddress, topic, fullName, message}) { if (!sails.config.custom.internalEmailAddress) { throw new Error( `Cannot deliver incoming message from contact form because there is no internal email address (\`sails.config.custom.internalEmailAddress\`) configured for this app. To enable contact form emails, you'll need to add this missing setting to your custom config -- usually in \`config/custom.js\`, \`config/staging.js\`, \`config/production.js\`, or via system environment variables.` ); } await sails.helpers.sendTemplateEmail.with({ to: sails.config.custom.internalEmailAddress, subject: 'New contact form message', template: 'internal/email-contact-form', layout: false, templateData: { contactName: fullName, contactEmail: emailAddress, topic, message, } }); } };