module.exports = { friendlyName: 'Update profile', description: 'Update the profile for the logged-in user.', inputs: { fullName: { type: 'string' }, emailAddress: { type: 'string' }, }, exits: { emailAlreadyInUse: { statusCode: 409, description: 'The provided email address is already in use.', }, }, fn: async function ({fullName, emailAddress}) { var newEmailAddress = emailAddress; if (newEmailAddress !== undefined) { newEmailAddress = newEmailAddress.toLowerCase(); } // Determine if this request wants to change the current user's email address, // revert her pending email address change, modify her pending email address // change, or if the email address won't be affected at all. var desiredEmailEffect;// ('change-immediately', 'begin-change', 'cancel-pending-change', 'modify-pending-change', or '') if ( newEmailAddress === undefined || ( !== 'change-requested' && newEmailAddress === || ( === 'change-requested' && newEmailAddress === ) { desiredEmailEffect = ''; } else if ( === 'change-requested' && newEmailAddress === { desiredEmailEffect = 'cancel-pending-change'; } else if ( === 'change-requested' && newEmailAddress !== { desiredEmailEffect = 'modify-pending-change'; } else if (!sails.config.custom.verifyEmailAddresses || === 'unconfirmed') { desiredEmailEffect = 'change-immediately'; } else { desiredEmailEffect = 'begin-change'; } // If the email address is changing, make sure it is not already being used. if (_.contains(['begin-change', 'change-immediately', 'modify-pending-change'], desiredEmailEffect)) { let conflictingUser = await User.findOne({ or: [ { emailAddress: newEmailAddress }, { emailChangeCandidate: newEmailAddress } ] }); if (conflictingUser) { throw 'emailAlreadyInUse'; } } // Start building the values to set in the db. // (We always set the fullName if provided.) var valuesToSet = { fullName, }; switch (desiredEmailEffect) { // Change now case 'change-immediately': _.extend(valuesToSet, { emailAddress: newEmailAddress, emailChangeCandidate: '', emailProofToken: '', emailProofTokenExpiresAt: 0, emailStatus: === 'unconfirmed' ? 'unconfirmed' : 'confirmed' }); break; // Begin new email change, or modify a pending email change case 'begin-change': case 'modify-pending-change': _.extend(valuesToSet, { emailChangeCandidate: newEmailAddress, emailProofToken: await sails.helpers.strings.random('url-friendly'), emailProofTokenExpiresAt: + sails.config.custom.emailProofTokenTTL, emailStatus: 'change-requested' }); break; // Cancel pending email change case 'cancel-pending-change': _.extend(valuesToSet, { emailChangeCandidate: '', emailProofToken: '', emailProofTokenExpiresAt: 0, emailStatus: 'confirmed' }); break; // Otherwise, do nothing re: email } // Save to the db await User.updateOne({id: }) .set(valuesToSet); // If this is an immediate change, and billing features are enabled, // then also update the billing email for this user's linked customer entry // in the Stripe API to make sure they receive email receipts. // > Note: If there was not already a Stripe customer entry for this user, // > then one will be set up implicitly, so we'll need to persist it to our // > database. (This could happen if Stripe credentials were not configured // > at the time this user was originally created.) if(desiredEmailEffect === 'change-immediately' && sails.config.custom.enableBillingFeatures) { let didNotAlreadyHaveCustomerId = (!; let stripeCustomerId = await sails.helpers.stripe.saveBillingInfo.with({ stripeCustomerId:, emailAddress: newEmailAddress }).timeout(5000).retry(); if (didNotAlreadyHaveCustomerId){ await User.updateOne({ id: }) .set({ stripeCustomerId }); } } // If an email address change was requested, and re-confirmation is required, // send the "confirm account" email. if (desiredEmailEffect === 'begin-change' || desiredEmailEffect === 'modify-pending-change') { await sails.helpers.sendTemplateEmail.with({ to: newEmailAddress, subject: 'Your account has been updated', template: 'email-verify-new-email', templateData: { fullName: fullName||, token: valuesToSet.emailProofToken } }); } } };