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* Staging environment settings
* (sails.config.*)
* This is mostly a carbon copy of the production environment settings
* in config/env/production.js, but with the overrides listed below.
* For more detailed information and links about what these settings do
* see the production config file.
* > This file takes effect when `sails.config.environment` is "staging".
* > But note that NODE_ENV should still be "production" when lifting
* > your app in the staging environment. In other words:
* > ```
* > NODE_ENV=production sails_environment=staging node app
* > ```
* If you're unsure or want advice, stop by:
var PRODUCTION_CONFIG = require('./production');
// /\ Start with your production config, even if it's just a guess for now,
// || then configure your staging environment afterwards.
// (That way, all you need to do in this file is set overrides.)
module.exports = Object.assign({}, PRODUCTION_CONFIG, {
datastores: Object.assign({}, PRODUCTION_CONFIG.datastores, {
default: Object.assign({}, PRODUCTION_CONFIG.datastores.default, {
// url: 'mysql://',
// /\ Hard-code your staging db `url`.
// || (or use system env var: `sails_datastores__default__url`)
sockets: Object.assign({}, PRODUCTION_CONFIG.sockets, {
onlyAllowOrigins: [
// '',
// '',
// '',
// '',
// /\ Hard-code a staging-only override for allowed origins.
// || (or set this array via JSON-encoded system env var)
// ```
// sails_sockets__onlyAllowOrigins='["http://localhost:1337", "…"]'
// ```
// url: 'redis://',
// /\ Hard-code your staging Redis server's `url`.
// || (or use system env var: `sails_sockets__url`)
session: Object.assign({}, PRODUCTION_CONFIG.session, {
// url: 'redis://',
// /\ Hard-code your staging Redis server's `url` again here.
// || (or use system env var: `sails_session__url`)
custom: Object.assign({}, PRODUCTION_CONFIG.custom, {
baseUrl: '',
// /\ Hard-code the base URL where your staging environment is hosted.
// || (or use system env var: `sails_custom__baseUrl`)
internalEmailAddress: '',
// /\ Hard-code the email address that should receive support/contact form
// || messages in staging (or use `sails_custom__internalEmailAddress`)
// sendgridSecret: 'SG.fake.3e0Bn0qSQVnwb1E4qNPz9JZP5vLZYqjh7sn8S93oSHU',
// stripeSecret: 'sk_sandbox__fake_Nfgh82401348jaDa3lkZ0d9Hm',
// stripePublishableKey: 'pk_sandbox__fake_fKd3mZJs1mlYrzWt7JQtkcRb',
// /\ Hard-code credentials to use in staging for other 3rd party APIs, etc.
// || (or use system environment variables prefixed with "sails_custom__")