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* @description :: The conventional "custom" hook. Extends this app with custom server-start-time and request-time logic.
* @docs ::
module.exports = function defineCustomHook(sails) {
return {
* Runs when a Sails app loads/lifts.
initialize: async function () {'Initializing project hook... (`api/hooks/custom/`)');
// Check Stripe/Sendgrid configuration (for billing and emails).
var IMPORTANT_STRIPE_CONFIG = ['stripeSecret', 'stripePublishableKey'];
var IMPORTANT_SENDGRID_CONFIG = ['sendgridSecret', 'internalEmailAddress'];
var isMissingStripeConfig = _.difference(IMPORTANT_STRIPE_CONFIG, Object.keys(sails.config.custom)).length > 0;
var isMissingSendgridConfig = _.difference(IMPORTANT_SENDGRID_CONFIG, Object.keys(sails.config.custom)).length > 0;
if (isMissingStripeConfig || isMissingSendgridConfig) {
let missingFeatureText = isMissingStripeConfig && isMissingSendgridConfig ? 'billing and email' : isMissingStripeConfig ? 'billing' : 'email';
let suffix = '';
if (_.contains(['silly'], sails.config.log.level)) {
suffix =
> Tip: To exclude sensitive credentials from source control, use:
> config/local.js (for local development)
> environment variables (for production)
> If you want to check them in to source control, use:
> config/custom.js (for development)
> config/env/staging.js (for staging)
> config/env/production.js (for production)
> (See for help configuring Sails.)
let problems = [];
if (sails.config.custom.stripeSecret === undefined) {
problems.push('No `sails.config.custom.stripeSecret` was configured.');
if (sails.config.custom.stripePublishableKey === undefined) {
problems.push('No `sails.config.custom.stripePublishableKey` was configured.');
if (sails.config.custom.sendgridSecret === undefined) {
problems.push('No `sails.config.custom.sendgridSecret` was configured.');
if (sails.config.custom.internalEmailAddress === undefined) {
problems.push('No `sails.config.custom.internalEmailAddress` was configured.');
`Some optional settings have not been configured yet:
Until this is addressed, this app's ${missingFeatureText} features
will be disabled and/or hidden in the UI.
[?] If you're unsure or need advice, come by
// Set an additional config keys based on whether Stripe config is available.
// This will determine whether or not to enable various billing features.
sails.config.custom.enableBillingFeatures = !isMissingStripeConfig;
// After "sails-hook-organics" finishes initializing, configure Stripe
// and Sendgrid packs with any available credentials.
sails.after('hook:organics:loaded', ()=>{
secret: sails.config.custom.stripeSecret
secret: sails.config.custom.sendgridSecret,
from: sails.config.custom.fromEmailAddress,
fromName: sails.config.custom.fromName,
// ... Any other app-specific setup code that needs to run on lift,
// even in production, goes here ...
routes: {
* Runs before every matching route.
* @param {Ref} req
* @param {Ref} res
* @param {Function} next
before: {
'/*': {
skipAssets: true,
fn: async function(req, res, next){
var url = require('url');
// First, if this is a GET request (and thus potentially a view),
// attach a couple of guaranteed locals.
if (req.method === 'GET') {
// The `_environment` local lets us do a little workaround to make Vue.js
// run in "production mode" without unnecessarily involving complexities
// with webpack et al.)
if (res.locals._environment !== undefined) {
throw new Error('Cannot attach Sails environment as the view local `_environment`, because this view local already exists! (Is it being attached somewhere else?)');
res.locals._environment = sails.config.environment;
// The `me` local is set explicitly to `undefined` here just to avoid having to
// do `typeof me !== 'undefined'` checks in our views/layouts/partials.
// > Note that, depending on the request, this may or may not be set to the
// > logged-in user record further below.
if ( !== undefined) {
throw new Error('Cannot attach view local `me`, because this view local already exists! (Is it being attached somewhere else?)');
} = undefined;
// Next, if we're running in our actual "production" or "staging" Sails
// environment, check if this is a GET request via some other host,
// for example a subdomain like `webhooks.` or `click.`. If so, we'll
// automatically go ahead and redirect to the corresponding path under
// our base URL, which is environment-specific.
// > Note that we DO NOT redirect virtual socket requests and we DO NOT
// > redirect non-GET requests (because it can confuse some 3rd party
// > platforms that send webhook requests.) We also DO NOT redirect
// > requests in other environments to allow for flexibility during
// > development (e.g. so you can preview an app running locally on
// > your laptop using a local IP address or a tool like ngrok, in
// > case you want to run it on a real, physical mobile/IoT device)
var configuredBaseHostname;
try {
configuredBaseHostname = url.parse(sails.config.custom.baseUrl).host;
} catch (unusedErr) { /*…*/}
if ((sails.config.environment === 'staging' || sails.config.environment === 'production') && !req.isSocket && req.method === 'GET' && req.hostname !== configuredBaseHostname) {'Redirecting GET request from `'+req.hostname+'` to configured expected host (`'+configuredBaseHostname+'`)...');
return res.redirect(sails.config.custom.baseUrl+req.url);
// Prevent the browser from caching logged-in users' pages.
// (including w/ the Chrome back button)
// > •
// > •
// This also prevents an issue where webpages may be cached by browsers, and thus
// reference an old bundle file (e.g. dist/production.min.js or dist/production.min.css),
// which might have a different hash encoded in its filename. This way, by preventing caching
// of the webpage itself, the HTML is always fresh, and thus always trying to load the latest,
// correct bundle files.
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store');
// No session? Proceed as usual.
// (e.g. request for a static asset)
if (!req.session) { return next(); }
// Not logged in? Proceed as usual.
if (!req.session.userId) { return next(); }
// Otherwise, look up the logged-in user.
var loggedInUser = await User.findOne({
id: req.session.userId
// If the logged-in user has gone missing, log a warning,
// wipe the user id from the requesting user agent's session,
// and then send the "unauthorized" response.
if (!loggedInUser) {
sails.log.warn('Somehow, the user record for the logged-in user (`'+req.session.userId+'`) has gone missing....');
delete req.session.userId;
return res.unauthorized();
// Add additional information for convenience when building top-level navigation.
// (i.e. whether to display "Dashboard", "My Account", etc.)
if (!loggedInUser.password || loggedInUser.emailStatus === 'unconfirmed') {
loggedInUser.dontDisplayAccountLinkInNav = true;
// Expose the user record as an extra property on the request object (``).
// > Note that we make sure `` doesn't already exist first.
if ( !== undefined) {
throw new Error('Cannot attach logged-in user as `` because this property already exists! (Is it being attached somewhere else?)');
} = loggedInUser;
// If our "lastSeenAt" attribute for this user is at least a few seconds old, then set it
// to the current timestamp.
// (Note: As an optimization, this is run behind the scenes to avoid adding needless latency.)
var MS_TO_BUFFER = 60*1000;
var now =;
if (loggedInUser.lastSeenAt < now - MS_TO_BUFFER) {
.set({ lastSeenAt: now })
if (err) {
sails.log.error('Background task failed: Could not update user (`''`) with a new `lastSeenAt` timestamp. Error details: '+err.stack);
sails.log.verbose('Updated the `lastSeenAt` timestamp for user `''`.');
// Nothing else to do here.
});//_∏_ (Meanwhile...)
// If this is a GET request, then also expose an extra view local (`<%= me %>`).
// > Note that we make sure a local named `me` doesn't already exist first.
// > Also note that we strip off any properties that correspond with protected attributes.
if (req.method === 'GET') {
if ( !== undefined) {
throw new Error('Cannot attach logged-in user as the view local `me`, because this view local already exists! (Is it being attached somewhere else?)');
// Exclude any fields corresponding with attributes that have `protect: true`.
var sanitizedUser = _.extend({}, loggedInUser);
// If there is still a "password" in sanitized user data, then delete it just to be safe.
// (But also log a warning so this isn't hopelessly confusing.)
if (sanitizedUser.password) {
sails.log.warn('The logged in user record has a `password` property, but it was still there after pruning off all properties that match `protect: true` attributes in the User model. So, just to be safe, removing the `password` property anyway...');
delete sanitizedUser.password;
}//fi = sanitizedUser;
// Include information on the locals as to whether billing features
// are enabled for this app, and whether email verification is required.
res.locals.isBillingEnabled = sails.config.custom.enableBillingFeatures;
res.locals.isEmailVerificationRequired = sails.config.custom.verifyEmailAddresses;
return next();