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// Type definitions for RxJS-Experimental v2.2.28
// Project: https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/RxJS/
// Definitions by: Igor Oleinikov <https://github.com/Igorbek>
// Definitions: https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped
/// <reference path="rx.d.ts"/>
declare module Rx {
interface Observable<T> {
* Returns an observable sequence that is the result of invoking the selector on the source sequence, without sharing subscriptions.
* This operator allows for a fluent style of writing queries that use the same sequence multiple times.
* @param selector Selector function which can use the source sequence as many times as needed, without sharing subscriptions to the source sequence.
* @returns An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function.
let<TResult>(selector: (source: Observable<T>) => Observable<TResult>): Observable<TResult>;
* Returns an observable sequence that is the result of invoking the selector on the source sequence, without sharing subscriptions.
* This operator allows for a fluent style of writing queries that use the same sequence multiple times.
* @param selector Selector function which can use the source sequence as many times as needed, without sharing subscriptions to the source sequence.
* @returns An observable sequence that contains the elements of a sequence produced by multicasting the source sequence within a selector function.
letBind<TResult>(selector: (source: Observable<T>) => Observable<TResult>): Observable<TResult>;
* Repeats source as long as condition holds emulating a do while loop.
* @param condition The condition which determines if the source will be repeated.
* @returns An observable sequence which is repeated as long as the condition holds.
doWhile(condition: () => boolean): Observable<T>;
* Expands an observable sequence by recursively invoking selector.
* @param selector Selector function to invoke for each produced element, resulting in another sequence to which the selector will be invoked recursively again.
* @param [scheduler] Scheduler on which to perform the expansion. If not provided, this defaults to the current thread scheduler.
* @returns An observable sequence containing all the elements produced by the recursive expansion.
expand(selector: (item: T) => Observable<T>, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
* Runs two observable sequences in parallel and combines their last elemenets.
* @param second Second observable sequence or promise.
* @param resultSelector Result selector function to invoke with the last elements of both sequences.
* @returns An observable sequence with the result of calling the selector function with the last elements of both input sequences.
forkJoin<TSecond, TResult>(second: Observable<TSecond>, resultSelector: (left: T, right: TSecond) => TResult): Observable<TResult>;
forkJoin<TSecond, TResult>(second: IPromise<TSecond>, resultSelector: (left: T, right: TSecond) => TResult): Observable<TResult>;
* Comonadic bind operator.
* @param selector A transform function to apply to each element.
* @param [scheduler] Scheduler used to execute the operation. If not specified, defaults to the ImmediateScheduler.
* @returns An observable sequence which results from the comonadic bind operation.
manySelect<TResult>(selector: (item: Observable<T>, index: number, source: Observable<T>) => TResult, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<TResult>;
interface ObservableStatic {
* Determines whether an observable collection contains values. There is an alias for this method called 'ifThen' for browsers <IE9
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.if(condition, obs1, obs2);
* @param condition The condition which determines if the thenSource or elseSource will be run.
* @param thenSource The observable sequence or promise that will be run if the condition function returns true.
* @param elseSource The observable sequence or promise that will be run if the condition function returns false.
* @returns An observable sequence which is either the thenSource or elseSource.
if<T>(condition: () => boolean, thenSource: Observable<T>, elseSource: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
if<T>(condition: () => boolean, thenSource: Observable<T>, elseSource: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
if<T>(condition: () => boolean, thenSource: IPromise<T>, elseSource: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
if<T>(condition: () => boolean, thenSource: IPromise<T>, elseSource: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
* Determines whether an observable collection contains values. There is an alias for this method called 'ifThen' for browsers <IE9
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.if(condition, obs1, scheduler);
* @param condition The condition which determines if the thenSource or empty sequence will be run.
* @param thenSource The observable sequence or promise that will be run if the condition function returns true.
* @param scheduler Scheduler used to create Rx.Observabe.Empty.
* @returns An observable sequence which is either the thenSource or empty sequence.
if<T>(condition: () => boolean, thenSource: Observable<T>, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
if<T>(condition: () => boolean, thenSource: IPromise<T>, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
* Determines whether an observable collection contains values. There is an alias for this method called 'ifThen' for browsers <IE9
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.if(condition, obs1, obs2);
* @param condition The condition which determines if the thenSource or elseSource will be run.
* @param thenSource The observable sequence or promise that will be run if the condition function returns true.
* @param elseSource The observable sequence or promise that will be run if the condition function returns false.
* @returns An observable sequence which is either the thenSource or elseSource.
ifThen<T>(condition: () => boolean, thenSource: Observable<T>, elseSource: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
ifThen<T>(condition: () => boolean, thenSource: Observable<T>, elseSource: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
ifThen<T>(condition: () => boolean, thenSource: IPromise<T>, elseSource: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
ifThen<T>(condition: () => boolean, thenSource: IPromise<T>, elseSource: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
* Determines whether an observable collection contains values. There is an alias for this method called 'ifThen' for browsers <IE9
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.if(condition, obs1, scheduler);
* @param condition The condition which determines if the thenSource or empty sequence will be run.
* @param thenSource The observable sequence or promise that will be run if the condition function returns true.
* @param scheduler Scheduler used to create Rx.Observabe.Empty.
* @returns An observable sequence which is either the thenSource or empty sequence.
ifThen<T>(condition: () => boolean, thenSource: Observable<T>, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
ifThen<T>(condition: () => boolean, thenSource: IPromise<T>, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
* Concatenates the observable sequences obtained by running the specified result selector for each element in source.
* There is an alias for this method called 'forIn' for browsers <IE9
* @param sources An array of values to turn into an observable sequence.
* @param resultSelector A function to apply to each item in the sources array to turn it into an observable sequence.
* @returns An observable sequence from the concatenated observable sequences.
for<T, TResult>(sources: T[], resultSelector: (item: T) => Observable<TResult>): Observable<TResult>;
* Concatenates the observable sequences obtained by running the specified result selector for each element in source.
* There is an alias for this method called 'forIn' for browsers <IE9
* @param sources An array of values to turn into an observable sequence.
* @param resultSelector A function to apply to each item in the sources array to turn it into an observable sequence.
* @returns An observable sequence from the concatenated observable sequences.
forIn<T, TResult>(sources: T[], resultSelector: (item: T) => Observable<TResult>): Observable<TResult>;
* Repeats source as long as condition holds emulating a while loop.
* There is an alias for this method called 'whileDo' for browsers <IE9
* @param condition The condition which determines if the source will be repeated.
* @param source The observable sequence or promise that will be run if the condition function returns true.
* @returns An observable sequence which is repeated as long as the condition holds.
while<T>(condition: () => boolean, source: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
while<T>(condition: () => boolean, source: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
* Repeats source as long as condition holds emulating a while loop.
* There is an alias for this method called 'whileDo' for browsers <IE9
* @param condition The condition which determines if the source will be repeated.
* @param source The observable sequence or promise that will be run if the condition function returns true.
* @returns An observable sequence which is repeated as long as the condition holds.
whileDo<T>(condition: () => boolean, source: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
whileDo<T>(condition: () => boolean, source: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
* Uses selector to determine which source in sources to use.
* There is an alias 'switchCase' for browsers <IE9.
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.case(selector, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }, obs0);
* @param selector The function which extracts the value for to test in a case statement.
* @param sources A object which has keys which correspond to the case statement labels.
* @param elseSource The observable sequence or promise that will be run if the sources are not matched.
* @returns An observable sequence which is determined by a case statement.
case<T>(selector: () => string, sources: { [key: string]: Observable<T>; }, elseSource: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
case<T>(selector: () => string, sources: { [key: string]: IPromise<T>; }, elseSource: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
case<T>(selector: () => string, sources: { [key: string]: Observable<T>; }, elseSource: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
case<T>(selector: () => string, sources: { [key: string]: IPromise<T>; }, elseSource: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
* Uses selector to determine which source in sources to use.
* There is an alias 'switchCase' for browsers <IE9.
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.case(selector, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 });
* res = Rx.Observable.case(selector, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }, scheduler);
* @param selector The function which extracts the value for to test in a case statement.
* @param sources A object which has keys which correspond to the case statement labels.
* @param scheduler Scheduler used to create Rx.Observabe.Empty.
* @returns An observable sequence which is determined by a case statement.
case<T>(selector: () => string, sources: { [key: string]: Observable<T>; }, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
case<T>(selector: () => string, sources: { [key: string]: IPromise<T>; }, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
* Uses selector to determine which source in sources to use.
* There is an alias 'switchCase' for browsers <IE9.
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.case(selector, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }, obs0);
* @param selector The function which extracts the value for to test in a case statement.
* @param sources A object which has keys which correspond to the case statement labels.
* @param elseSource The observable sequence or promise that will be run if the sources are not matched.
* @returns An observable sequence which is determined by a case statement.
case<T>(selector: () => number, sources: { [key: number]: Observable<T>; }, elseSource: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
case<T>(selector: () => number, sources: { [key: number]: IPromise<T>; }, elseSource: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
case<T>(selector: () => number, sources: { [key: number]: Observable<T>; }, elseSource: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
case<T>(selector: () => number, sources: { [key: number]: IPromise<T>; }, elseSource: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
* Uses selector to determine which source in sources to use.
* There is an alias 'switchCase' for browsers <IE9.
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.case(selector, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 });
* res = Rx.Observable.case(selector, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }, scheduler);
* @param selector The function which extracts the value for to test in a case statement.
* @param sources A object which has keys which correspond to the case statement labels.
* @param scheduler Scheduler used to create Rx.Observabe.Empty.
* @returns An observable sequence which is determined by a case statement.
case<T>(selector: () => number, sources: { [key: number]: Observable<T>; }, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
case<T>(selector: () => number, sources: { [key: number]: IPromise<T>; }, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
* Uses selector to determine which source in sources to use.
* There is an alias 'switchCase' for browsers <IE9.
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.case(selector, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }, obs0);
* @param selector The function which extracts the value for to test in a case statement.
* @param sources A object which has keys which correspond to the case statement labels.
* @param elseSource The observable sequence or promise that will be run if the sources are not matched.
* @returns An observable sequence which is determined by a case statement.
switchCase<T>(selector: () => string, sources: { [key: string]: Observable<T>; }, elseSource: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
switchCase<T>(selector: () => string, sources: { [key: string]: IPromise<T>; }, elseSource: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
switchCase<T>(selector: () => string, sources: { [key: string]: Observable<T>; }, elseSource: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
switchCase<T>(selector: () => string, sources: { [key: string]: IPromise<T>; }, elseSource: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
* Uses selector to determine which source in sources to use.
* There is an alias 'switchCase' for browsers <IE9.
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.case(selector, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 });
* res = Rx.Observable.case(selector, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }, scheduler);
* @param selector The function which extracts the value for to test in a case statement.
* @param sources A object which has keys which correspond to the case statement labels.
* @param scheduler Scheduler used to create Rx.Observabe.Empty.
* @returns An observable sequence which is determined by a case statement.
switchCase<T>(selector: () => string, sources: { [key: string]: Observable<T>; }, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
switchCase<T>(selector: () => string, sources: { [key: string]: IPromise<T>; }, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
* Uses selector to determine which source in sources to use.
* There is an alias 'switchCase' for browsers <IE9.
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.case(selector, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }, obs0);
* @param selector The function which extracts the value for to test in a case statement.
* @param sources A object which has keys which correspond to the case statement labels.
* @param elseSource The observable sequence or promise that will be run if the sources are not matched.
* @returns An observable sequence which is determined by a case statement.
switchCase<T>(selector: () => number, sources: { [key: number]: Observable<T>; }, elseSource: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
switchCase<T>(selector: () => number, sources: { [key: number]: IPromise<T>; }, elseSource: Observable<T>): Observable<T>;
switchCase<T>(selector: () => number, sources: { [key: number]: Observable<T>; }, elseSource: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
switchCase<T>(selector: () => number, sources: { [key: number]: IPromise<T>; }, elseSource: IPromise<T>): Observable<T>;
* Uses selector to determine which source in sources to use.
* There is an alias 'switchCase' for browsers <IE9.
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.case(selector, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 });
* res = Rx.Observable.case(selector, { '1': obs1, '2': obs2 }, scheduler);
* @param selector The function which extracts the value for to test in a case statement.
* @param sources A object which has keys which correspond to the case statement labels.
* @param scheduler Scheduler used to create Rx.Observabe.Empty.
* @returns An observable sequence which is determined by a case statement.
switchCase<T>(selector: () => number, sources: { [key: number]: Observable<T>; }, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
switchCase<T>(selector: () => number, sources: { [key: number]: IPromise<T>; }, scheduler?: IScheduler): Observable<T>;
* Runs all observable sequences in parallel and collect their last elements.
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.forkJoin([obs1, obs2]);
* @param sources Array of source sequences or promises.
* @returns An observable sequence with an array collecting the last elements of all the input sequences.
forkJoin<T>(sources: Observable<T>[]): Observable<T[]>;
forkJoin<T>(sources: IPromise<T>[]): Observable<T[]>;
* Runs all observable sequences in parallel and collect their last elements.
* @example
* res = Rx.Observable.forkJoin(obs1, obs2, ...);
* @param args Source sequences or promises.
* @returns An observable sequence with an array collecting the last elements of all the input sequences.
forkJoin<T>(...args: Observable<T>[]): Observable<T[]>;
forkJoin<T>(...args: IPromise<T>[]): Observable<T[]>;
declare module "rx.experimental" {
export = Rx;