2014-11-20 16:38:45 -08:00

106 lines
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* Skeleton V1.2
* Copyright 2011, Dave Gamache
* Free to use under the MIT license.
* 6/20/2012
/* Table of Contents
#Base 960 Grid
#Tablet (Portrait)
#Mobile (Portrait)
#Mobile (Landscape)
#Clearing */
/* #Base 960 Grid
================================================== */
.container { position: relative; max-width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; }
.container .column,
.container .columns { float: left; margin-left: 4%; box-sizing: border-box;}
.row { margin-bottom: 20px; }
.row .column:first-child,
.row .columns:first-child { margin-left: 0; }
/* Nested Column Classes */
.column.alpha, .columns.alpha { margin-left: 0; }, { margin-right: 0; }
/* Base Grid */
.container .one.column,
.container .one.columns { width: 4.66666666667%; }
.container .two.columns { width: 13.3333333333%; }
.container .three.columns { width: 22%; }
.container .four.columns { width: 30.6666666667%; }
.container .five.columns { width: 39.3333333333%; }
.container .six.columns { width: 48%; }
.container .seven.columns { width: 56.6666666667%; }
.container .eight.columns { width: 65.3333333333%; }
.container .nine.columns { width: 74.0%; }
.container .ten.columns { width: 82.6666666667%; }
.container .eleven.columns { width: 91.3333333333%; }
.container .twelve.columns { width: 100%; }
.container .one-third.column { width: 30.6666666667%; }
.container .two-thirds.column { width: 48%; }
/* #Tablet (Portrait)
================================================== */
@media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) {
.container {
width: 85%;
@media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {
.container {
width: 80%;
/* #Clearing
================================================== */
/* Self Clearing Goodness */
.container:after { content: "\0020"; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; }
/* Use clearfix class on parent to clear nested columns,
or wrap each row of columns in a <div class="row"> */
.row:after {
content: '\0020';
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
visibility: hidden;
width: 0;
height: 0; }
.clearfix:after {
clear: both; }
.clearfix {
zoom: 1; }
/* You can also use a <br class="clear" /> to clear columns */
.clear {
clear: both;
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
visibility: hidden;
width: 0;
height: 0;