# [Skeleton](http://getskeleton.com) Skeleton is a simple, responsive boilerplate to kickstart any responsive project. Check out for documentation and details. ## Getting started There are a couple ways to download Skeleton: - [Download the zip](https://github.com/dhg/Skeleton/releases/download/v2.0.2/Skeleton-2.0.2.zip) - Clone the repo: `git clone https://github.com/dhg/Skeleton.git` (Note: this is under active development, so if you're looking for stable and safe, use the zipped download) ### What's in the download? The download includes Skeleton's CSS, Normalize CSS as a reset, a sample favicon, and an index.html as a starting point. ``` Skeleton/ ├── index.html ├── css/ │ ├── normalize.min.css │ └── skeleton.css └── images/ └── favicon.ico ``` ### Why it's awesome Skeleton is lightweight and simple. It styles only raw HTML elements (with a few exceptions) and provides a responsive grid. Nothing more. - Around 400 lines of CSS unminified and with comments - It's a starting point, not a UI framework - No compiling or installing...just vanilla CSS ## Browser support - Chrome latest - Firefox latest - Opera latest - Safari latest - IE latest The above list is non-exhaustive. Skeleton works perfectly with almost all older versions of the browsers above, though IE certainly has large degradation prior to IE9. ## License All parts of Skeleton are free to use and abuse under the [open-source MIT license](https://github.com/dhg/Skeleton/blob/master/LICENSE.md). ## Extensions The following are extensions to Skeleton built by the community. They are not officially supported, but all have been tested and are compatible with v2.0 (exact release noted): - [Skeleton on LESS](https://github.com/whatsnewsaes/Skeleton-less): Skeleton built with LESS for easier replacement of grid, color, and media queries. (Last update was to match v2.0.1) - [Skeleton on SASS](https://github.com/whatsnewsaes/Skeleton-Sass): Skeleton built with SASS for easier replacement of grid, color, and media queries. (Last update was to match v2.0.1) ## Colophon Skeleton was built using [Sublime Text 3](http://www.sublimetext.com/3) and designed with [Sketch](http://bohemiancoding.com/sketch). The typeface [Raleway](http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Raleway) was created by [Matt McInerney](http://matt.cc/) and [Pablo Impallari](http://www.impallari.com/). Code highlighting by Google's [Prettify library](https://code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify/). Icons in the header of the documentation are all derivative work of icons from [The Noun Project](http://thenounproject.com). [Feather](http://thenounproject.com/term/feather/22073) by Zach VanDeHey, [Pen](http://thenounproject.com/term/pen/21163) (with cap) by Ed Harrison, [Pen](http://thenounproject.com/term/pen/32847) (with clicker) by Matthew Hall, and [Watch](http://thenounproject.com/term/watch/48015) by Julien Deveaux. ## Acknowledgement Skeleton was created by [Dave Gamache](https://twitter.com/dhg) for a better web.