"use strict"; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var _this = this; var root_1 = require('../../util/root'); var tryCatch_1 = require('../../util/tryCatch'); var errorObject_1 = require('../../util/errorObject'); var Observable_1 = require('../../Observable'); var Subscriber_1 = require('../../Subscriber'); var createXHRDefault = function () { var xhr = new root_1.root.XMLHttpRequest(); if (_this.crossDomain) { if ('withCredentials' in xhr) { xhr.withCredentials = true; return xhr; } else if (!!root_1.root.XDomainRequest) { return new root_1.root.XDomainRequest(); } else { throw new Error('CORS is not supported by your browser'); } } else { return xhr; } }; function defaultGetResultSelector(response) { return response.response; } function ajaxGet(url, resultSelector, headers) { if (resultSelector === void 0) { resultSelector = defaultGetResultSelector; } if (headers === void 0) { headers = null; } return new AjaxObservable({ method: 'GET', url: url, resultSelector: resultSelector, headers: headers }); } exports.ajaxGet = ajaxGet; ; function ajaxPost(url, body, headers) { return new AjaxObservable({ method: 'POST', url: url, body: body, headers: headers }); } exports.ajaxPost = ajaxPost; ; function ajaxDelete(url, headers) { return new AjaxObservable({ method: 'DELETE', url: url, headers: headers }); } exports.ajaxDelete = ajaxDelete; ; function ajaxPut(url, body, headers) { return new AjaxObservable({ method: 'PUT', url: url, body: body, headers: headers }); } exports.ajaxPut = ajaxPut; ; function ajaxGetJSON(url, resultSelector, headers) { var finalResultSelector = resultSelector ? function (res) { return resultSelector(res.response); } : function (res) { return res.response; }; return new AjaxObservable({ method: 'GET', url: url, responseType: 'json', resultSelector: finalResultSelector, headers: headers }); } exports.ajaxGetJSON = ajaxGetJSON; ; /** * Creates an observable for an Ajax request with either a request object with url, headers, etc or a string for a URL. * * @example * source = Rx.Observable.ajax('/products'); * source = Rx.Observable.ajax( url: 'products', method: 'GET' }); * * @param {Object} request Can be one of the following: * * A string of the URL to make the Ajax call. * An object with the following properties * - url: URL of the request * - body: The body of the request * - method: Method of the request, such as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE * - async: Whether the request is async * - headers: Optional headers * - crossDomain: true if a cross domain request, else false * - createXHR: a function to override if you need to use an alternate XMLHttpRequest implementation. * - resultSelector: a function to use to alter the output value type of the Observable. Gets {AjaxResponse} as an argument * @returns {Observable} An observable sequence containing the XMLHttpRequest. */ var AjaxObservable = (function (_super) { __extends(AjaxObservable, _super); function AjaxObservable(urlOrRequest) { _super.call(this); var request = { async: true, createXHR: createXHRDefault, crossDomain: false, headers: {}, method: 'GET', responseType: 'json', timeout: 0 }; if (typeof urlOrRequest === 'string') { request.url = urlOrRequest; } else { for (var prop in urlOrRequest) { if (urlOrRequest.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { request[prop] = urlOrRequest[prop]; } } } this.request = request; } AjaxObservable.prototype._subscribe = function (subscriber) { return new AjaxSubscriber(subscriber, this.request); }; AjaxObservable.create = (function () { var create = function (urlOrRequest) { return new AjaxObservable(urlOrRequest); }; create.get = ajaxGet; create.post = ajaxPost; create.delete = ajaxDelete; create.put = ajaxPut; create.getJSON = ajaxGetJSON; return create; })(); return AjaxObservable; }(Observable_1.Observable)); exports.AjaxObservable = AjaxObservable; var AjaxSubscriber = (function (_super) { __extends(AjaxSubscriber, _super); function AjaxSubscriber(destination, request) { _super.call(this, destination); this.request = request; this.done = false; var headers = request.headers = request.headers || {}; // force CORS if requested if (!request.crossDomain && !headers['X-Requested-With']) { headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'; } // ensure content type is set if (!('Content-Type' in headers)) { headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'; } // properly serialize body request.body = this.serializeBody(request.body, request.headers['Content-Type']); this.resultSelector = request.resultSelector; this.send(); } AjaxSubscriber.prototype.next = function (e) { this.done = true; var _a = this, resultSelector = _a.resultSelector, xhr = _a.xhr, request = _a.request, destination = _a.destination; var response = new AjaxResponse(e, xhr, request); if (resultSelector) { var result = tryCatch_1.tryCatch(resultSelector)(response); if (result === errorObject_1.errorObject) { this.error(errorObject_1.errorObject.e); } else { destination.next(result); } } else { destination.next(response); } }; AjaxSubscriber.prototype.send = function () { var _a = this, request = _a.request, _b = _a.request, user = _b.user, method = _b.method, url = _b.url, async = _b.async, password = _b.password, headers = _b.headers, body = _b.body; var createXHR = request.createXHR; var xhr = tryCatch_1.tryCatch(createXHR).call(request); if (xhr === errorObject_1.errorObject) { this.error(errorObject_1.errorObject.e); } else { this.xhr = xhr; // open XHR first var result = void 0; if (user) { result = tryCatch_1.tryCatch(xhr.open).call(xhr, method, url, async, user, password); } else { result = tryCatch_1.tryCatch(xhr.open).call(xhr, method, url, async); } if (result === errorObject_1.errorObject) { this.error(errorObject_1.errorObject.e); return; } // timeout and responseType can be set once the XHR is open xhr.timeout = request.timeout; xhr.responseType = request.responseType; // set headers this.setHeaders(xhr, headers); // now set up the events this.setupEvents(xhr, request); // finally send the request if (body) { xhr.send(body); } else { xhr.send(); } } }; AjaxSubscriber.prototype.serializeBody = function (body, contentType) { if (!body || typeof body === 'string') { return body; } var splitIndex = contentType.indexOf(';'); if (splitIndex !== -1) { contentType = contentType.substring(0, splitIndex); } switch (contentType) { case 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': return Object.keys(body).map(function (key) { return (key + "=" + encodeURI(body[key])); }).join('&'); case 'application/json': return JSON.stringify(body); } }; AjaxSubscriber.prototype.setHeaders = function (xhr, headers) { for (var key in headers) { if (headers.hasOwnProperty(key)) { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]); } } }; AjaxSubscriber.prototype.setupEvents = function (xhr, request) { var progressSubscriber = request.progressSubscriber; xhr.ontimeout = function xhrTimeout(e) { var _a = xhrTimeout, subscriber = _a.subscriber, progressSubscriber = _a.progressSubscriber, request = _a.request; if (progressSubscriber) { progressSubscriber.error(e); } subscriber.error(new AjaxTimeoutError(this, request)); //TODO: Make betterer. }; xhr.ontimeout.request = request; xhr.ontimeout.subscriber = this; xhr.ontimeout.progressSubscriber = progressSubscriber; if (xhr.upload && 'withCredentials' in xhr && root_1.root.XDomainRequest) { if (progressSubscriber) { xhr.onprogress = function xhrProgress(e) { var progressSubscriber = xhrProgress.progressSubscriber; progressSubscriber.next(e); }; xhr.onprogress.progressSubscriber = progressSubscriber; } xhr.onerror = function xhrError(e) { var _a = xhrError, progressSubscriber = _a.progressSubscriber, subscriber = _a.subscriber, request = _a.request; if (progressSubscriber) { progressSubscriber.error(e); } subscriber.error(new AjaxError('ajax error', this, request)); }; xhr.onerror.request = request; xhr.onerror.subscriber = this; xhr.onerror.progressSubscriber = progressSubscriber; } xhr.onreadystatechange = function xhrReadyStateChange(e) { var _a = xhrReadyStateChange, subscriber = _a.subscriber, progressSubscriber = _a.progressSubscriber, request = _a.request; if (this.readyState === 4) { // normalize IE9 bug (http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/1450) var status_1 = this.status === 1223 ? 204 : this.status; var response = (this.responseType === 'text' ? (this.response || this.responseText) : this.response); // fix status code when it is 0 (0 status is undocumented). // Occurs when accessing file resources or on Android 4.1 stock browser // while retrieving files from application cache. if (status_1 === 0) { status_1 = response ? 200 : 0; } if (200 <= status_1 && status_1 < 300) { if (progressSubscriber) { progressSubscriber.complete(); } subscriber.next(e); subscriber.complete(); } else { if (progressSubscriber) { progressSubscriber.error(e); } subscriber.error(new AjaxError('ajax error ' + status_1, this, request)); } } }; xhr.onreadystatechange.subscriber = this; xhr.onreadystatechange.progressSubscriber = progressSubscriber; xhr.onreadystatechange.request = request; }; AjaxSubscriber.prototype.unsubscribe = function () { var _a = this, done = _a.done, xhr = _a.xhr; if (!done && xhr && xhr.readyState !== 4) { xhr.abort(); } _super.prototype.unsubscribe.call(this); }; return AjaxSubscriber; }(Subscriber_1.Subscriber)); exports.AjaxSubscriber = AjaxSubscriber; /** A normalized AJAX response */ var AjaxResponse = (function () { function AjaxResponse(originalEvent, xhr, request) { this.originalEvent = originalEvent; this.xhr = xhr; this.request = request; this.status = xhr.status; this.responseType = xhr.responseType; switch (this.responseType) { case 'json': if ('response' in xhr) { this.response = xhr.response; } else { this.response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText || ''); } break; case 'xml': this.response = xhr.responseXML; break; case 'text': default: this.response = ('response' in xhr) ? xhr.response : xhr.responseText; break; } } return AjaxResponse; }()); exports.AjaxResponse = AjaxResponse; /** A normalized AJAX error */ var AjaxError = (function (_super) { __extends(AjaxError, _super); function AjaxError(message, xhr, request) { _super.call(this, message); this.message = message; this.xhr = xhr; this.request = request; this.status = xhr.status; } return AjaxError; }(Error)); exports.AjaxError = AjaxError; var AjaxTimeoutError = (function (_super) { __extends(AjaxTimeoutError, _super); function AjaxTimeoutError(xhr, request) { _super.call(this, 'ajax timeout', xhr, request); } return AjaxTimeoutError; }(AjaxError)); exports.AjaxTimeoutError = AjaxTimeoutError; //# sourceMappingURL=AjaxObservable.js.map