"format register"; System.register("angular2/src/router/directives/router_link_transform", ["angular2/compiler", "angular2/src/core/change_detection/parser/ast", "angular2/src/facade/exceptions", "angular2/core", "angular2/src/core/change_detection/parser/parser"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function(k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; var compiler_1 = require("angular2/compiler"); var ast_1 = require("angular2/src/core/change_detection/parser/ast"); var exceptions_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/exceptions"); var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var parser_1 = require("angular2/src/core/change_detection/parser/parser"); var FixedPart = (function() { function FixedPart(value) { this.value = value; } return FixedPart; })(); var AuxiliaryStart = (function() { function AuxiliaryStart() {} return AuxiliaryStart; })(); var AuxiliaryEnd = (function() { function AuxiliaryEnd() {} return AuxiliaryEnd; })(); var Params = (function() { function Params(ast) { this.ast = ast; } return Params; })(); var RouterLinkLexer = (function() { function RouterLinkLexer(parser, exp) { this.parser = parser; this.exp = exp; this.index = 0; } RouterLinkLexer.prototype.tokenize = function() { var tokens = []; while (this.index < this.exp.length) { tokens.push(this._parseToken()); } return tokens; }; RouterLinkLexer.prototype._parseToken = function() { var c = this.exp[this.index]; if (c == '[') { this.index++; return new AuxiliaryStart(); } else if (c == ']') { this.index++; return new AuxiliaryEnd(); } else if (c == '(') { return this._parseParams(); } else if (c == '/' && this.index !== 0) { this.index++; return this._parseFixedPart(); } else { return this._parseFixedPart(); } }; RouterLinkLexer.prototype._parseParams = function() { var start = this.index; for (; this.index < this.exp.length; ++this.index) { var c = this.exp[this.index]; if (c == ')') { var paramsContent = this.exp.substring(start + 1, this.index); this.index++; return new Params(this.parser.parseBinding("{" + paramsContent + "}", null).ast); } } throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Cannot find ')'"); }; RouterLinkLexer.prototype._parseFixedPart = function() { var start = this.index; var sawNonSlash = false; for (; this.index < this.exp.length; ++this.index) { var c = this.exp[this.index]; if (c == '(' || c == '[' || c == ']' || (c == '/' && sawNonSlash)) { break; } if (c != '.' && c != '/') { sawNonSlash = true; } } var fixed = this.exp.substring(start, this.index); if (start === this.index || !sawNonSlash || fixed.startsWith('//')) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Invalid router link"); } return new FixedPart(fixed); }; return RouterLinkLexer; })(); var RouterLinkAstGenerator = (function() { function RouterLinkAstGenerator(tokens) { this.tokens = tokens; this.index = 0; } RouterLinkAstGenerator.prototype.generate = function() { return this._genAuxiliary(); }; RouterLinkAstGenerator.prototype._genAuxiliary = function() { var arr = []; for (; this.index < this.tokens.length; this.index++) { var r = this.tokens[this.index]; if (r instanceof FixedPart) { arr.push(new ast_1.LiteralPrimitive(r.value)); } else if (r instanceof Params) { arr.push(r.ast); } else if (r instanceof AuxiliaryEnd) { break; } else if (r instanceof AuxiliaryStart) { this.index++; arr.push(this._genAuxiliary()); } } return new ast_1.LiteralArray(arr); }; return RouterLinkAstGenerator; })(); var RouterLinkAstTransformer = (function(_super) { __extends(RouterLinkAstTransformer, _super); function RouterLinkAstTransformer(parser) { _super.call(this); this.parser = parser; } RouterLinkAstTransformer.prototype.visitQuote = function(ast) { if (ast.prefix == "route") { return parseRouterLinkExpression(this.parser, ast.uninterpretedExpression); } else { return _super.prototype.visitQuote.call(this, ast); } }; return RouterLinkAstTransformer; })(ast_1.AstTransformer); function parseRouterLinkExpression(parser, exp) { var tokens = new RouterLinkLexer(parser, exp.trim()).tokenize(); return new RouterLinkAstGenerator(tokens).generate(); } exports.parseRouterLinkExpression = parseRouterLinkExpression; var RouterLinkTransform = (function() { function RouterLinkTransform(parser) { this.astTransformer = new RouterLinkAstTransformer(parser); } RouterLinkTransform.prototype.visitNgContent = function(ast, context) { return ast; }; RouterLinkTransform.prototype.visitEmbeddedTemplate = function(ast, context) { return ast; }; RouterLinkTransform.prototype.visitElement = function(ast, context) { var _this = this; var updatedChildren = ast.children.map(function(c) { return c.visit(_this, context); }); var updatedInputs = ast.inputs.map(function(c) { return c.visit(_this, context); }); var updatedDirectives = ast.directives.map(function(c) { return c.visit(_this, context); }); return new compiler_1.ElementAst(ast.name, ast.attrs, updatedInputs, ast.outputs, ast.exportAsVars, updatedDirectives, updatedChildren, ast.ngContentIndex, ast.sourceSpan); }; RouterLinkTransform.prototype.visitVariable = function(ast, context) { return ast; }; RouterLinkTransform.prototype.visitEvent = function(ast, context) { return ast; }; RouterLinkTransform.prototype.visitElementProperty = function(ast, context) { return ast; }; RouterLinkTransform.prototype.visitAttr = function(ast, context) { return ast; }; RouterLinkTransform.prototype.visitBoundText = function(ast, context) { return ast; }; RouterLinkTransform.prototype.visitText = function(ast, context) { return ast; }; RouterLinkTransform.prototype.visitDirective = function(ast, context) { var _this = this; var updatedInputs = ast.inputs.map(function(c) { return c.visit(_this, context); }); return new compiler_1.DirectiveAst(ast.directive, updatedInputs, ast.hostProperties, ast.hostEvents, ast.exportAsVars, ast.sourceSpan); }; RouterLinkTransform.prototype.visitDirectiveProperty = function(ast, context) { var transformedValue = ast.value.visit(this.astTransformer); return new compiler_1.BoundDirectivePropertyAst(ast.directiveName, ast.templateName, transformedValue, ast.sourceSpan); }; RouterLinkTransform = __decorate([core_1.Injectable(), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [parser_1.Parser])], RouterLinkTransform); return RouterLinkTransform; })(); exports.RouterLinkTransform = RouterLinkTransform; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/router/router_link_dsl", ["angular2/compiler", "angular2/core", "angular2/src/router/directives/router_link_transform", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/router/directives/router_link_transform"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var compiler_1 = require("angular2/compiler"); var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var router_link_transform_1 = require("angular2/src/router/directives/router_link_transform"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var router_link_transform_2 = require("angular2/src/router/directives/router_link_transform"); exports.RouterLinkTransform = router_link_transform_2.RouterLinkTransform; exports.ROUTER_LINK_DSL_PROVIDER = lang_1.CONST_EXPR(new core_1.Provider(compiler_1.TEMPLATE_TRANSFORMS, { useClass: router_link_transform_1.RouterLinkTransform, multi: true })); global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_impl", ["angular2/src/facade/lang"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function(k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var __make_dart_analyzer_happy = null; var RouteConfig = (function() { function RouteConfig(configs) { this.configs = configs; } RouteConfig = __decorate([lang_1.CONST(), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [Array])], RouteConfig); return RouteConfig; })(); exports.RouteConfig = RouteConfig; var AbstractRoute = (function() { function AbstractRoute(_a) { var name = _a.name, useAsDefault = _a.useAsDefault, path = _a.path, regex = _a.regex, serializer = _a.serializer, data = _a.data; this.name = name; this.useAsDefault = useAsDefault; this.path = path; this.regex = regex; this.serializer = serializer; this.data = data; } AbstractRoute = __decorate([lang_1.CONST(), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [Object])], AbstractRoute); return AbstractRoute; })(); exports.AbstractRoute = AbstractRoute; var Route = (function(_super) { __extends(Route, _super); function Route(_a) { var name = _a.name, useAsDefault = _a.useAsDefault, path = _a.path, regex = _a.regex, serializer = _a.serializer, data = _a.data, component = _a.component; _super.call(this, { name: name, useAsDefault: useAsDefault, path: path, regex: regex, serializer: serializer, data: data }); this.aux = null; this.component = component; } Route = __decorate([lang_1.CONST(), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [Object])], Route); return Route; })(AbstractRoute); exports.Route = Route; var AuxRoute = (function(_super) { __extends(AuxRoute, _super); function AuxRoute(_a) { var name = _a.name, useAsDefault = _a.useAsDefault, path = _a.path, regex = _a.regex, serializer = _a.serializer, data = _a.data, component = _a.component; _super.call(this, { name: name, useAsDefault: useAsDefault, path: path, regex: regex, serializer: serializer, data: data }); this.component = component; } AuxRoute = __decorate([lang_1.CONST(), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [Object])], AuxRoute); return AuxRoute; })(AbstractRoute); exports.AuxRoute = AuxRoute; var AsyncRoute = (function(_super) { __extends(AsyncRoute, _super); function AsyncRoute(_a) { var name = _a.name, useAsDefault = _a.useAsDefault, path = _a.path, regex = _a.regex, serializer = _a.serializer, data = _a.data, loader = _a.loader; _super.call(this, { name: name, useAsDefault: useAsDefault, path: path, regex: regex, serializer: serializer, data: data }); this.aux = null; this.loader = loader; } AsyncRoute = __decorate([lang_1.CONST(), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [Object])], AsyncRoute); return AsyncRoute; })(AbstractRoute); exports.AsyncRoute = AsyncRoute; var Redirect = (function(_super) { __extends(Redirect, _super); function Redirect(_a) { var name = _a.name, useAsDefault = _a.useAsDefault, path = _a.path, regex = _a.regex, serializer = _a.serializer, data = _a.data, redirectTo = _a.redirectTo; _super.call(this, { name: name, useAsDefault: useAsDefault, path: path, regex: regex, serializer: serializer, data: data }); this.redirectTo = redirectTo; } Redirect = __decorate([lang_1.CONST(), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [Object])], Redirect); return Redirect; })(AbstractRoute); exports.Redirect = Redirect; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/url_parser", ["angular2/src/facade/collection", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/facade/exceptions"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var collection_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/collection"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var exceptions_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/exceptions"); function convertUrlParamsToArray(urlParams) { var paramsArray = []; if (lang_1.isBlank(urlParams)) { return []; } collection_1.StringMapWrapper.forEach(urlParams, function(value, key) { paramsArray.push((value === true) ? key : key + '=' + value); }); return paramsArray; } exports.convertUrlParamsToArray = convertUrlParamsToArray; function serializeParams(urlParams, joiner) { if (joiner === void 0) { joiner = '&'; } return convertUrlParamsToArray(urlParams).join(joiner); } exports.serializeParams = serializeParams; var Url = (function() { function Url(path, child, auxiliary, params) { if (child === void 0) { child = null; } if (auxiliary === void 0) { auxiliary = lang_1.CONST_EXPR([]); } if (params === void 0) { params = lang_1.CONST_EXPR({}); } this.path = path; this.child = child; this.auxiliary = auxiliary; this.params = params; } Url.prototype.toString = function() { return this.path + this._matrixParamsToString() + this._auxToString() + this._childString(); }; Url.prototype.segmentToString = function() { return this.path + this._matrixParamsToString(); }; Url.prototype._auxToString = function() { return this.auxiliary.length > 0 ? ('(' + this.auxiliary.map(function(sibling) { return sibling.toString(); }).join('//') + ')') : ''; }; Url.prototype._matrixParamsToString = function() { var paramString = serializeParams(this.params, ';'); if (paramString.length > 0) { return ';' + paramString; } return ''; }; Url.prototype._childString = function() { return lang_1.isPresent(this.child) ? ('/' + this.child.toString()) : ''; }; return Url; })(); exports.Url = Url; var RootUrl = (function(_super) { __extends(RootUrl, _super); function RootUrl(path, child, auxiliary, params) { if (child === void 0) { child = null; } if (auxiliary === void 0) { auxiliary = lang_1.CONST_EXPR([]); } if (params === void 0) { params = null; } _super.call(this, path, child, auxiliary, params); } RootUrl.prototype.toString = function() { return this.path + this._auxToString() + this._childString() + this._queryParamsToString(); }; RootUrl.prototype.segmentToString = function() { return this.path + this._queryParamsToString(); }; RootUrl.prototype._queryParamsToString = function() { if (lang_1.isBlank(this.params)) { return ''; } return '?' + serializeParams(this.params); }; return RootUrl; })(Url); exports.RootUrl = RootUrl; function pathSegmentsToUrl(pathSegments) { var url = new Url(pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1]); for (var i = pathSegments.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 1) { url = new Url(pathSegments[i], url); } return url; } exports.pathSegmentsToUrl = pathSegmentsToUrl; var SEGMENT_RE = lang_1.RegExpWrapper.create('^[^\\/\\(\\)\\?;=&#]+'); function matchUrlSegment(str) { var match = lang_1.RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(SEGMENT_RE, str); return lang_1.isPresent(match) ? match[0] : ''; } var UrlParser = (function() { function UrlParser() {} UrlParser.prototype.peekStartsWith = function(str) { return this._remaining.startsWith(str); }; UrlParser.prototype.capture = function(str) { if (!this._remaining.startsWith(str)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Expected \"" + str + "\"."); } this._remaining = this._remaining.substring(str.length); }; UrlParser.prototype.parse = function(url) { this._remaining = url; if (url == '' || url == '/') { return new Url(''); } return this.parseRoot(); }; UrlParser.prototype.parseRoot = function() { if (this.peekStartsWith('/')) { this.capture('/'); } var path = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining); this.capture(path); var aux = []; if (this.peekStartsWith('(')) { aux = this.parseAuxiliaryRoutes(); } if (this.peekStartsWith(';')) { this.parseMatrixParams(); } var child = null; if (this.peekStartsWith('/') && !this.peekStartsWith('//')) { this.capture('/'); child = this.parseSegment(); } var queryParams = null; if (this.peekStartsWith('?')) { queryParams = this.parseQueryParams(); } return new RootUrl(path, child, aux, queryParams); }; UrlParser.prototype.parseSegment = function() { if (this._remaining.length == 0) { return null; } if (this.peekStartsWith('/')) { this.capture('/'); } var path = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining); this.capture(path); var matrixParams = null; if (this.peekStartsWith(';')) { matrixParams = this.parseMatrixParams(); } var aux = []; if (this.peekStartsWith('(')) { aux = this.parseAuxiliaryRoutes(); } var child = null; if (this.peekStartsWith('/') && !this.peekStartsWith('//')) { this.capture('/'); child = this.parseSegment(); } return new Url(path, child, aux, matrixParams); }; UrlParser.prototype.parseQueryParams = function() { var params = {}; this.capture('?'); this.parseParam(params); while (this._remaining.length > 0 && this.peekStartsWith('&')) { this.capture('&'); this.parseParam(params); } return params; }; UrlParser.prototype.parseMatrixParams = function() { var params = {}; while (this._remaining.length > 0 && this.peekStartsWith(';')) { this.capture(';'); this.parseParam(params); } return params; }; UrlParser.prototype.parseParam = function(params) { var key = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining); if (lang_1.isBlank(key)) { return ; } this.capture(key); var value = true; if (this.peekStartsWith('=')) { this.capture('='); var valueMatch = matchUrlSegment(this._remaining); if (lang_1.isPresent(valueMatch)) { value = valueMatch; this.capture(value); } } params[key] = value; }; UrlParser.prototype.parseAuxiliaryRoutes = function() { var routes = []; this.capture('('); while (!this.peekStartsWith(')') && this._remaining.length > 0) { routes.push(this.parseSegment()); if (this.peekStartsWith('//')) { this.capture('//'); } } this.capture(')'); return routes; }; return UrlParser; })(); exports.UrlParser = UrlParser; exports.parser = new UrlParser(); global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/instruction", ["angular2/src/facade/collection", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/facade/async"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var collection_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/collection"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var async_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/async"); var RouteParams = (function() { function RouteParams(params) { this.params = params; } RouteParams.prototype.get = function(param) { return lang_1.normalizeBlank(collection_1.StringMapWrapper.get(this.params, param)); }; return RouteParams; })(); exports.RouteParams = RouteParams; var RouteData = (function() { function RouteData(data) { if (data === void 0) { data = lang_1.CONST_EXPR({}); } this.data = data; } RouteData.prototype.get = function(key) { return lang_1.normalizeBlank(collection_1.StringMapWrapper.get(this.data, key)); }; return RouteData; })(); exports.RouteData = RouteData; exports.BLANK_ROUTE_DATA = new RouteData(); var Instruction = (function() { function Instruction(component, child, auxInstruction) { this.component = component; this.child = child; this.auxInstruction = auxInstruction; } Object.defineProperty(Instruction.prototype, "urlPath", { get: function() { return lang_1.isPresent(this.component) ? this.component.urlPath : ''; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Instruction.prototype, "urlParams", { get: function() { return lang_1.isPresent(this.component) ? this.component.urlParams : []; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Instruction.prototype, "specificity", { get: function() { var total = ''; if (lang_1.isPresent(this.component)) { total += this.component.specificity; } if (lang_1.isPresent(this.child)) { total += this.child.specificity; } return total; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Instruction.prototype.toRootUrl = function() { return this.toUrlPath() + this.toUrlQuery(); }; Instruction.prototype._toNonRootUrl = function() { return this._stringifyPathMatrixAuxPrefixed() + (lang_1.isPresent(this.child) ? this.child._toNonRootUrl() : ''); }; Instruction.prototype.toUrlQuery = function() { return this.urlParams.length > 0 ? ('?' + this.urlParams.join('&')) : ''; }; Instruction.prototype.replaceChild = function(child) { return new ResolvedInstruction(this.component, child, this.auxInstruction); }; Instruction.prototype.toUrlPath = function() { return this.urlPath + this._stringifyAux() + (lang_1.isPresent(this.child) ? this.child._toNonRootUrl() : ''); }; Instruction.prototype.toLinkUrl = function() { return this.urlPath + this._stringifyAux() + (lang_1.isPresent(this.child) ? this.child._toLinkUrl() : '') + this.toUrlQuery(); }; Instruction.prototype._toLinkUrl = function() { return this._stringifyPathMatrixAuxPrefixed() + (lang_1.isPresent(this.child) ? this.child._toLinkUrl() : ''); }; Instruction.prototype._stringifyPathMatrixAuxPrefixed = function() { var primary = this._stringifyPathMatrixAux(); if (primary.length > 0) { primary = '/' + primary; } return primary; }; Instruction.prototype._stringifyMatrixParams = function() { return this.urlParams.length > 0 ? (';' + this.urlParams.join(';')) : ''; }; Instruction.prototype._stringifyPathMatrixAux = function() { if (lang_1.isBlank(this.component)) { return ''; } return this.urlPath + this._stringifyMatrixParams() + this._stringifyAux(); }; Instruction.prototype._stringifyAux = function() { var routes = []; collection_1.StringMapWrapper.forEach(this.auxInstruction, function(auxInstruction, _) { routes.push(auxInstruction._stringifyPathMatrixAux()); }); if (routes.length > 0) { return '(' + routes.join('//') + ')'; } return ''; }; return Instruction; })(); exports.Instruction = Instruction; var ResolvedInstruction = (function(_super) { __extends(ResolvedInstruction, _super); function ResolvedInstruction(component, child, auxInstruction) { _super.call(this, component, child, auxInstruction); } ResolvedInstruction.prototype.resolveComponent = function() { return async_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(this.component); }; return ResolvedInstruction; })(Instruction); exports.ResolvedInstruction = ResolvedInstruction; var DefaultInstruction = (function(_super) { __extends(DefaultInstruction, _super); function DefaultInstruction(component, child) { _super.call(this, component, child, {}); } DefaultInstruction.prototype.toLinkUrl = function() { return ''; }; DefaultInstruction.prototype._toLinkUrl = function() { return ''; }; return DefaultInstruction; })(ResolvedInstruction); exports.DefaultInstruction = DefaultInstruction; var UnresolvedInstruction = (function(_super) { __extends(UnresolvedInstruction, _super); function UnresolvedInstruction(_resolver, _urlPath, _urlParams) { if (_urlPath === void 0) { _urlPath = ''; } if (_urlParams === void 0) { _urlParams = lang_1.CONST_EXPR([]); } _super.call(this, null, null, {}); this._resolver = _resolver; this._urlPath = _urlPath; this._urlParams = _urlParams; } Object.defineProperty(UnresolvedInstruction.prototype, "urlPath", { get: function() { if (lang_1.isPresent(this.component)) { return this.component.urlPath; } if (lang_1.isPresent(this._urlPath)) { return this._urlPath; } return ''; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(UnresolvedInstruction.prototype, "urlParams", { get: function() { if (lang_1.isPresent(this.component)) { return this.component.urlParams; } if (lang_1.isPresent(this._urlParams)) { return this._urlParams; } return []; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); UnresolvedInstruction.prototype.resolveComponent = function() { var _this = this; if (lang_1.isPresent(this.component)) { return async_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(this.component); } return this._resolver().then(function(instruction) { _this.child = lang_1.isPresent(instruction) ? instruction.child : null; return _this.component = lang_1.isPresent(instruction) ? instruction.component : null; }); }; return UnresolvedInstruction; })(Instruction); exports.UnresolvedInstruction = UnresolvedInstruction; var RedirectInstruction = (function(_super) { __extends(RedirectInstruction, _super); function RedirectInstruction(component, child, auxInstruction, _specificity) { _super.call(this, component, child, auxInstruction); this._specificity = _specificity; } Object.defineProperty(RedirectInstruction.prototype, "specificity", { get: function() { return this._specificity; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); return RedirectInstruction; })(ResolvedInstruction); exports.RedirectInstruction = RedirectInstruction; var ComponentInstruction = (function() { function ComponentInstruction(urlPath, urlParams, data, componentType, terminal, specificity, params) { if (params === void 0) { params = null; } this.urlPath = urlPath; this.urlParams = urlParams; this.componentType = componentType; this.terminal = terminal; this.specificity = specificity; this.params = params; this.reuse = false; this.routeData = lang_1.isPresent(data) ? data : exports.BLANK_ROUTE_DATA; } return ComponentInstruction; })(); exports.ComponentInstruction = ComponentInstruction; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/rules/route_handlers/async_route_handler", ["angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/router/instruction"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var instruction_1 = require("angular2/src/router/instruction"); var AsyncRouteHandler = (function() { function AsyncRouteHandler(_loader, data) { if (data === void 0) { data = null; } this._loader = _loader; this._resolvedComponent = null; this.data = lang_1.isPresent(data) ? new instruction_1.RouteData(data) : instruction_1.BLANK_ROUTE_DATA; } AsyncRouteHandler.prototype.resolveComponentType = function() { var _this = this; if (lang_1.isPresent(this._resolvedComponent)) { return this._resolvedComponent; } return this._resolvedComponent = this._loader().then(function(componentType) { _this.componentType = componentType; return componentType; }); }; return AsyncRouteHandler; })(); exports.AsyncRouteHandler = AsyncRouteHandler; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/rules/route_handlers/sync_route_handler", ["angular2/src/facade/async", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/router/instruction"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var async_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/async"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var instruction_1 = require("angular2/src/router/instruction"); var SyncRouteHandler = (function() { function SyncRouteHandler(componentType, data) { this.componentType = componentType; this._resolvedComponent = null; this._resolvedComponent = async_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(componentType); this.data = lang_1.isPresent(data) ? new instruction_1.RouteData(data) : instruction_1.BLANK_ROUTE_DATA; } SyncRouteHandler.prototype.resolveComponentType = function() { return this._resolvedComponent; }; return SyncRouteHandler; })(); exports.SyncRouteHandler = SyncRouteHandler; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/utils", ["angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/facade/collection"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var collection_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/collection"); var TouchMap = (function() { function TouchMap(map) { var _this = this; this.map = {}; this.keys = {}; if (lang_1.isPresent(map)) { collection_1.StringMapWrapper.forEach(map, function(value, key) { _this.map[key] = lang_1.isPresent(value) ? value.toString() : null; _this.keys[key] = true; }); } } TouchMap.prototype.get = function(key) { collection_1.StringMapWrapper.delete(this.keys, key); return this.map[key]; }; TouchMap.prototype.getUnused = function() { var _this = this; var unused = {}; var keys = collection_1.StringMapWrapper.keys(this.keys); keys.forEach(function(key) { return unused[key] = collection_1.StringMapWrapper.get(_this.map, key); }); return unused; }; return TouchMap; })(); exports.TouchMap = TouchMap; function normalizeString(obj) { if (lang_1.isBlank(obj)) { return null; } else { return obj.toString(); } } exports.normalizeString = normalizeString; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/rules/route_paths/route_path", [], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var MatchedUrl = (function() { function MatchedUrl(urlPath, urlParams, allParams, auxiliary, rest) { this.urlPath = urlPath; this.urlParams = urlParams; this.allParams = allParams; this.auxiliary = auxiliary; this.rest = rest; } return MatchedUrl; })(); exports.MatchedUrl = MatchedUrl; var GeneratedUrl = (function() { function GeneratedUrl(urlPath, urlParams) { this.urlPath = urlPath; this.urlParams = urlParams; } return GeneratedUrl; })(); exports.GeneratedUrl = GeneratedUrl; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/rules/route_paths/regex_route_path", ["angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/router/rules/route_paths/route_path"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var route_path_1 = require("angular2/src/router/rules/route_paths/route_path"); var RegexRoutePath = (function() { function RegexRoutePath(_reString, _serializer) { this._reString = _reString; this._serializer = _serializer; this.terminal = true; this.specificity = '2'; this.hash = this._reString; this._regex = lang_1.RegExpWrapper.create(this._reString); } RegexRoutePath.prototype.matchUrl = function(url) { var urlPath = url.toString(); var params = {}; var matcher = lang_1.RegExpWrapper.matcher(this._regex, urlPath); var match = lang_1.RegExpMatcherWrapper.next(matcher); if (lang_1.isBlank(match)) { return null; } for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i += 1) { params[i.toString()] = match[i]; } return new route_path_1.MatchedUrl(urlPath, [], params, [], null); }; RegexRoutePath.prototype.generateUrl = function(params) { return this._serializer(params); }; RegexRoutePath.prototype.toString = function() { return this._reString; }; return RegexRoutePath; })(); exports.RegexRoutePath = RegexRoutePath; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_decorator", ["angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_impl", "angular2/src/core/util/decorators", "angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_impl"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var route_config_impl_1 = require("angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_impl"); var decorators_1 = require("angular2/src/core/util/decorators"); var route_config_impl_2 = require("angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_impl"); exports.Route = route_config_impl_2.Route; exports.Redirect = route_config_impl_2.Redirect; exports.AuxRoute = route_config_impl_2.AuxRoute; exports.AsyncRoute = route_config_impl_2.AsyncRoute; exports.RouteConfig = decorators_1.makeDecorator(route_config_impl_1.RouteConfig); global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/location/location_strategy", ["angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/core"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var LocationStrategy = (function() { function LocationStrategy() {} return LocationStrategy; })(); exports.LocationStrategy = LocationStrategy; exports.APP_BASE_HREF = lang_1.CONST_EXPR(new core_1.OpaqueToken('appBaseHref')); function normalizeQueryParams(params) { return (params.length > 0 && params.substring(0, 1) != '?') ? ('?' + params) : params; } exports.normalizeQueryParams = normalizeQueryParams; function joinWithSlash(start, end) { if (start.length == 0) { return end; } if (end.length == 0) { return start; } var slashes = 0; if (start.endsWith('/')) { slashes++; } if (end.startsWith('/')) { slashes++; } if (slashes == 2) { return start + end.substring(1); } if (slashes == 1) { return start + end; } return start + '/' + end; } exports.joinWithSlash = joinWithSlash; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations_impl", ["angular2/src/facade/lang"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function(k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var RouteLifecycleHook = (function() { function RouteLifecycleHook(name) { this.name = name; } RouteLifecycleHook = __decorate([lang_1.CONST(), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [String])], RouteLifecycleHook); return RouteLifecycleHook; })(); exports.RouteLifecycleHook = RouteLifecycleHook; var CanActivate = (function() { function CanActivate(fn) { this.fn = fn; } CanActivate = __decorate([lang_1.CONST(), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [Function])], CanActivate); return CanActivate; })(); exports.CanActivate = CanActivate; exports.routerCanReuse = lang_1.CONST_EXPR(new RouteLifecycleHook("routerCanReuse")); exports.routerCanDeactivate = lang_1.CONST_EXPR(new RouteLifecycleHook("routerCanDeactivate")); exports.routerOnActivate = lang_1.CONST_EXPR(new RouteLifecycleHook("routerOnActivate")); exports.routerOnReuse = lang_1.CONST_EXPR(new RouteLifecycleHook("routerOnReuse")); exports.routerOnDeactivate = lang_1.CONST_EXPR(new RouteLifecycleHook("routerOnDeactivate")); global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations", ["angular2/src/core/util/decorators", "angular2/src/router/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations_impl", "angular2/src/router/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations_impl"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var decorators_1 = require("angular2/src/core/util/decorators"); var lifecycle_annotations_impl_1 = require("angular2/src/router/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations_impl"); var lifecycle_annotations_impl_2 = require("angular2/src/router/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations_impl"); exports.routerCanReuse = lifecycle_annotations_impl_2.routerCanReuse; exports.routerCanDeactivate = lifecycle_annotations_impl_2.routerCanDeactivate; exports.routerOnActivate = lifecycle_annotations_impl_2.routerOnActivate; exports.routerOnReuse = lifecycle_annotations_impl_2.routerOnReuse; exports.routerOnDeactivate = lifecycle_annotations_impl_2.routerOnDeactivate; exports.CanActivate = decorators_1.makeDecorator(lifecycle_annotations_impl_1.CanActivate); global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/directives/router_link", ["angular2/core", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/router/router", "angular2/src/router/location/location"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function(k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var router_1 = require("angular2/src/router/router"); var location_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/location"); var RouterLink = (function() { function RouterLink(_router, _location) { var _this = this; this._router = _router; this._location = _location; this._router.subscribe(function(_) { return _this._updateLink(); }); } RouterLink.prototype._updateLink = function() { this._navigationInstruction = this._router.generate(this._routeParams); var navigationHref = this._navigationInstruction.toLinkUrl(); this.visibleHref = this._location.prepareExternalUrl(navigationHref); }; Object.defineProperty(RouterLink.prototype, "isRouteActive", { get: function() { return this._router.isRouteActive(this._navigationInstruction); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(RouterLink.prototype, "routeParams", { set: function(changes) { this._routeParams = changes; this._updateLink(); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); RouterLink.prototype.onClick = function() { if (!lang_1.isString(this.target) || this.target == '_self') { this._router.navigateByInstruction(this._navigationInstruction); return false; } return true; }; RouterLink = __decorate([core_1.Directive({ selector: '[routerLink]', inputs: ['routeParams: routerLink', 'target: target'], host: { '(click)': 'onClick()', '[attr.href]': 'visibleHref', '[class.router-link-active]': 'isRouteActive' } }), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [router_1.Router, location_1.Location])], RouterLink); return RouterLink; })(); exports.RouterLink = RouterLink; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/location/platform_location", [], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var PlatformLocation = (function() { function PlatformLocation() {} Object.defineProperty(PlatformLocation.prototype, "pathname", { get: function() { return null; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(PlatformLocation.prototype, "search", { get: function() { return null; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(PlatformLocation.prototype, "hash", { get: function() { return null; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); return PlatformLocation; })(); exports.PlatformLocation = PlatformLocation; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/location/hash_location_strategy", ["angular2/core", "angular2/src/router/location/location_strategy", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/router/location/platform_location"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function(k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; var __param = (this && this.__param) || function(paramIndex, decorator) { return function(target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }; }; var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var location_strategy_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/location_strategy"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var platform_location_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/platform_location"); var HashLocationStrategy = (function(_super) { __extends(HashLocationStrategy, _super); function HashLocationStrategy(_platformLocation, _baseHref) { _super.call(this); this._platformLocation = _platformLocation; this._baseHref = ''; if (lang_1.isPresent(_baseHref)) { this._baseHref = _baseHref; } } HashLocationStrategy.prototype.onPopState = function(fn) { this._platformLocation.onPopState(fn); this._platformLocation.onHashChange(fn); }; HashLocationStrategy.prototype.getBaseHref = function() { return this._baseHref; }; HashLocationStrategy.prototype.path = function() { var path = this._platformLocation.hash; if (!lang_1.isPresent(path)) path = '#'; return (path.length > 0 ? path.substring(1) : path); }; HashLocationStrategy.prototype.prepareExternalUrl = function(internal) { var url = location_strategy_1.joinWithSlash(this._baseHref, internal); return url.length > 0 ? ('#' + url) : url; }; HashLocationStrategy.prototype.pushState = function(state, title, path, queryParams) { var url = this.prepareExternalUrl(path + location_strategy_1.normalizeQueryParams(queryParams)); if (url.length == 0) { url = this._platformLocation.pathname; } this._platformLocation.pushState(state, title, url); }; HashLocationStrategy.prototype.replaceState = function(state, title, path, queryParams) { var url = this.prepareExternalUrl(path + location_strategy_1.normalizeQueryParams(queryParams)); if (url.length == 0) { url = this._platformLocation.pathname; } this._platformLocation.replaceState(state, title, url); }; HashLocationStrategy.prototype.forward = function() { this._platformLocation.forward(); }; HashLocationStrategy.prototype.back = function() { this._platformLocation.back(); }; HashLocationStrategy = __decorate([core_1.Injectable(), __param(1, core_1.Optional()), __param(1, core_1.Inject(location_strategy_1.APP_BASE_HREF)), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [platform_location_1.PlatformLocation, String])], HashLocationStrategy); return HashLocationStrategy; })(location_strategy_1.LocationStrategy); exports.HashLocationStrategy = HashLocationStrategy; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/location/path_location_strategy", ["angular2/core", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/facade/exceptions", "angular2/src/router/location/location_strategy", "angular2/src/router/location/platform_location"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function(k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; var __param = (this && this.__param) || function(paramIndex, decorator) { return function(target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }; }; var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var exceptions_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/exceptions"); var location_strategy_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/location_strategy"); var platform_location_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/platform_location"); var PathLocationStrategy = (function(_super) { __extends(PathLocationStrategy, _super); function PathLocationStrategy(_platformLocation, href) { _super.call(this); this._platformLocation = _platformLocation; if (lang_1.isBlank(href)) { href = this._platformLocation.getBaseHrefFromDOM(); } if (lang_1.isBlank(href)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("No base href set. Please provide a value for the APP_BASE_HREF token or add a base element to the document."); } this._baseHref = href; } PathLocationStrategy.prototype.onPopState = function(fn) { this._platformLocation.onPopState(fn); this._platformLocation.onHashChange(fn); }; PathLocationStrategy.prototype.getBaseHref = function() { return this._baseHref; }; PathLocationStrategy.prototype.prepareExternalUrl = function(internal) { return location_strategy_1.joinWithSlash(this._baseHref, internal); }; PathLocationStrategy.prototype.path = function() { return this._platformLocation.pathname + location_strategy_1.normalizeQueryParams(this._platformLocation.search); }; PathLocationStrategy.prototype.pushState = function(state, title, url, queryParams) { var externalUrl = this.prepareExternalUrl(url + location_strategy_1.normalizeQueryParams(queryParams)); this._platformLocation.pushState(state, title, externalUrl); }; PathLocationStrategy.prototype.replaceState = function(state, title, url, queryParams) { var externalUrl = this.prepareExternalUrl(url + location_strategy_1.normalizeQueryParams(queryParams)); this._platformLocation.replaceState(state, title, externalUrl); }; PathLocationStrategy.prototype.forward = function() { this._platformLocation.forward(); }; PathLocationStrategy.prototype.back = function() { this._platformLocation.back(); }; PathLocationStrategy = __decorate([core_1.Injectable(), __param(1, core_1.Optional()), __param(1, core_1.Inject(location_strategy_1.APP_BASE_HREF)), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [platform_location_1.PlatformLocation, String])], PathLocationStrategy); return PathLocationStrategy; })(location_strategy_1.LocationStrategy); exports.PathLocationStrategy = PathLocationStrategy; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/route_definition", [], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/router_providers_common", ["angular2/src/router/location/location_strategy", "angular2/src/router/location/path_location_strategy", "angular2/src/router/router", "angular2/src/router/route_registry", "angular2/src/router/location/location", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/core", "angular2/src/facade/exceptions"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var location_strategy_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/location_strategy"); var path_location_strategy_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/path_location_strategy"); var router_1 = require("angular2/src/router/router"); var route_registry_1 = require("angular2/src/router/route_registry"); var location_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/location"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var exceptions_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/exceptions"); exports.ROUTER_PROVIDERS_COMMON = lang_1.CONST_EXPR([route_registry_1.RouteRegistry, lang_1.CONST_EXPR(new core_1.Provider(location_strategy_1.LocationStrategy, {useClass: path_location_strategy_1.PathLocationStrategy})), location_1.Location, lang_1.CONST_EXPR(new core_1.Provider(router_1.Router, { useFactory: routerFactory, deps: lang_1.CONST_EXPR([route_registry_1.RouteRegistry, location_1.Location, route_registry_1.ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT, core_1.ApplicationRef]) })), lang_1.CONST_EXPR(new core_1.Provider(route_registry_1.ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT, { useFactory: routerPrimaryComponentFactory, deps: lang_1.CONST_EXPR([core_1.ApplicationRef]) }))]); function routerFactory(registry, location, primaryComponent, appRef) { var rootRouter = new router_1.RootRouter(registry, location, primaryComponent); appRef.registerDisposeListener(function() { return rootRouter.dispose(); }); return rootRouter; } function routerPrimaryComponentFactory(app) { if (app.componentTypes.length == 0) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Bootstrap at least one component before injecting Router."); } return app.componentTypes[0]; } global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/rules/rules", ["angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/facade/exceptions", "angular2/src/facade/promise", "angular2/src/facade/collection", "angular2/src/router/url_parser", "angular2/src/router/instruction"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var exceptions_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/exceptions"); var promise_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/promise"); var collection_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/collection"); var url_parser_1 = require("angular2/src/router/url_parser"); var instruction_1 = require("angular2/src/router/instruction"); var RouteMatch = (function() { function RouteMatch() {} return RouteMatch; })(); exports.RouteMatch = RouteMatch; var PathMatch = (function(_super) { __extends(PathMatch, _super); function PathMatch(instruction, remaining, remainingAux) { _super.call(this); this.instruction = instruction; this.remaining = remaining; this.remainingAux = remainingAux; } return PathMatch; })(RouteMatch); exports.PathMatch = PathMatch; var RedirectMatch = (function(_super) { __extends(RedirectMatch, _super); function RedirectMatch(redirectTo, specificity) { _super.call(this); this.redirectTo = redirectTo; this.specificity = specificity; } return RedirectMatch; })(RouteMatch); exports.RedirectMatch = RedirectMatch; var RedirectRule = (function() { function RedirectRule(_pathRecognizer, redirectTo) { this._pathRecognizer = _pathRecognizer; this.redirectTo = redirectTo; this.hash = this._pathRecognizer.hash; } Object.defineProperty(RedirectRule.prototype, "path", { get: function() { return this._pathRecognizer.toString(); }, set: function(val) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException('you cannot set the path of a RedirectRule directly'); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); RedirectRule.prototype.recognize = function(beginningSegment) { var match = null; if (lang_1.isPresent(this._pathRecognizer.matchUrl(beginningSegment))) { match = new RedirectMatch(this.redirectTo, this._pathRecognizer.specificity); } return promise_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(match); }; RedirectRule.prototype.generate = function(params) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Tried to generate a redirect."); }; return RedirectRule; })(); exports.RedirectRule = RedirectRule; var RouteRule = (function() { function RouteRule(_routePath, handler) { this._routePath = _routePath; this.handler = handler; this._cache = new collection_1.Map(); this.specificity = this._routePath.specificity; this.hash = this._routePath.hash; this.terminal = this._routePath.terminal; } Object.defineProperty(RouteRule.prototype, "path", { get: function() { return this._routePath.toString(); }, set: function(val) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException('you cannot set the path of a RouteRule directly'); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); RouteRule.prototype.recognize = function(beginningSegment) { var _this = this; var res = this._routePath.matchUrl(beginningSegment); if (lang_1.isBlank(res)) { return null; } return this.handler.resolveComponentType().then(function(_) { var componentInstruction = _this._getInstruction(res.urlPath, res.urlParams, res.allParams); return new PathMatch(componentInstruction, res.rest, res.auxiliary); }); }; RouteRule.prototype.generate = function(params) { var generated = this._routePath.generateUrl(params); var urlPath = generated.urlPath; var urlParams = generated.urlParams; return this._getInstruction(urlPath, url_parser_1.convertUrlParamsToArray(urlParams), params); }; RouteRule.prototype.generateComponentPathValues = function(params) { return this._routePath.generateUrl(params); }; RouteRule.prototype._getInstruction = function(urlPath, urlParams, params) { if (lang_1.isBlank(this.handler.componentType)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Tried to get instruction before the type was loaded."); } var hashKey = urlPath + '?' + urlParams.join('&'); if (this._cache.has(hashKey)) { return this._cache.get(hashKey); } var instruction = new instruction_1.ComponentInstruction(urlPath, urlParams, this.handler.data, this.handler.componentType, this.terminal, this.specificity, params); this._cache.set(hashKey, instruction); return instruction; }; return RouteRule; })(); exports.RouteRule = RouteRule; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/rules/route_paths/param_route_path", ["angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/facade/exceptions", "angular2/src/facade/collection", "angular2/src/router/utils", "angular2/src/router/url_parser", "angular2/src/router/rules/route_paths/route_path"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var exceptions_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/exceptions"); var collection_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/collection"); var utils_1 = require("angular2/src/router/utils"); var url_parser_1 = require("angular2/src/router/url_parser"); var route_path_1 = require("angular2/src/router/rules/route_paths/route_path"); var ContinuationPathSegment = (function() { function ContinuationPathSegment() { this.name = ''; this.specificity = ''; this.hash = '...'; } ContinuationPathSegment.prototype.generate = function(params) { return ''; }; ContinuationPathSegment.prototype.match = function(path) { return true; }; return ContinuationPathSegment; })(); var StaticPathSegment = (function() { function StaticPathSegment(path) { this.path = path; this.name = ''; this.specificity = '2'; this.hash = path; } StaticPathSegment.prototype.match = function(path) { return path == this.path; }; StaticPathSegment.prototype.generate = function(params) { return this.path; }; return StaticPathSegment; })(); var DynamicPathSegment = (function() { function DynamicPathSegment(name) { this.name = name; this.specificity = '1'; this.hash = ':'; } DynamicPathSegment.prototype.match = function(path) { return path.length > 0; }; DynamicPathSegment.prototype.generate = function(params) { if (!collection_1.StringMapWrapper.contains(params.map, this.name)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Route generator for '" + this.name + "' was not included in parameters passed."); } return encodeDynamicSegment(utils_1.normalizeString(params.get(this.name))); }; DynamicPathSegment.paramMatcher = /^:([^\/]+)$/g; return DynamicPathSegment; })(); var StarPathSegment = (function() { function StarPathSegment(name) { this.name = name; this.specificity = '0'; this.hash = '*'; } StarPathSegment.prototype.match = function(path) { return true; }; StarPathSegment.prototype.generate = function(params) { return utils_1.normalizeString(params.get(this.name)); }; StarPathSegment.wildcardMatcher = /^\*([^\/]+)$/g; return StarPathSegment; })(); var ParamRoutePath = (function() { function ParamRoutePath(routePath) { this.routePath = routePath; this.terminal = true; this._assertValidPath(routePath); this._parsePathString(routePath); this.specificity = this._calculateSpecificity(); this.hash = this._calculateHash(); var lastSegment = this._segments[this._segments.length - 1]; this.terminal = !(lastSegment instanceof ContinuationPathSegment); } ParamRoutePath.prototype.matchUrl = function(url) { var nextUrlSegment = url; var currentUrlSegment; var positionalParams = {}; var captured = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._segments.length; i += 1) { var pathSegment = this._segments[i]; currentUrlSegment = nextUrlSegment; if (pathSegment instanceof ContinuationPathSegment) { break; } if (lang_1.isPresent(currentUrlSegment)) { if (pathSegment instanceof StarPathSegment) { positionalParams[pathSegment.name] = currentUrlSegment.toString(); captured.push(currentUrlSegment.toString()); nextUrlSegment = null; break; } captured.push(currentUrlSegment.path); if (pathSegment instanceof DynamicPathSegment) { positionalParams[pathSegment.name] = decodeDynamicSegment(currentUrlSegment.path); } else if (!pathSegment.match(currentUrlSegment.path)) { return null; } nextUrlSegment = currentUrlSegment.child; } else if (!pathSegment.match('')) { return null; } } if (this.terminal && lang_1.isPresent(nextUrlSegment)) { return null; } var urlPath = captured.join('/'); var auxiliary = []; var urlParams = []; var allParams = positionalParams; if (lang_1.isPresent(currentUrlSegment)) { var paramsSegment = url instanceof url_parser_1.RootUrl ? url : currentUrlSegment; if (lang_1.isPresent(paramsSegment.params)) { allParams = collection_1.StringMapWrapper.merge(paramsSegment.params, positionalParams); urlParams = url_parser_1.convertUrlParamsToArray(paramsSegment.params); } else { allParams = positionalParams; } auxiliary = currentUrlSegment.auxiliary; } return new route_path_1.MatchedUrl(urlPath, urlParams, allParams, auxiliary, nextUrlSegment); }; ParamRoutePath.prototype.generateUrl = function(params) { var paramTokens = new utils_1.TouchMap(params); var path = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._segments.length; i++) { var segment = this._segments[i]; if (!(segment instanceof ContinuationPathSegment)) { path.push(segment.generate(paramTokens)); } } var urlPath = path.join('/'); var nonPositionalParams = paramTokens.getUnused(); var urlParams = nonPositionalParams; return new route_path_1.GeneratedUrl(urlPath, urlParams); }; ParamRoutePath.prototype.toString = function() { return this.routePath; }; ParamRoutePath.prototype._parsePathString = function(routePath) { if (routePath.startsWith("/")) { routePath = routePath.substring(1); } var segmentStrings = routePath.split('/'); this._segments = []; var limit = segmentStrings.length - 1; for (var i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { var segment = segmentStrings[i], match; if (lang_1.isPresent(match = lang_1.RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(DynamicPathSegment.paramMatcher, segment))) { this._segments.push(new DynamicPathSegment(match[1])); } else if (lang_1.isPresent(match = lang_1.RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(StarPathSegment.wildcardMatcher, segment))) { this._segments.push(new StarPathSegment(match[1])); } else if (segment == '...') { if (i < limit) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Unexpected \"...\" before the end of the path for \"" + routePath + "\"."); } this._segments.push(new ContinuationPathSegment()); } else { this._segments.push(new StaticPathSegment(segment)); } } }; ParamRoutePath.prototype._calculateSpecificity = function() { var i, length = this._segments.length, specificity; if (length == 0) { specificity += '2'; } else { specificity = ''; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { specificity += this._segments[i].specificity; } } return specificity; }; ParamRoutePath.prototype._calculateHash = function() { var i, length = this._segments.length; var hashParts = []; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { hashParts.push(this._segments[i].hash); } return hashParts.join('/'); }; ParamRoutePath.prototype._assertValidPath = function(path) { if (lang_1.StringWrapper.contains(path, '#')) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Path \"" + path + "\" should not include \"#\". Use \"HashLocationStrategy\" instead."); } var illegalCharacter = lang_1.RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(ParamRoutePath.RESERVED_CHARS, path); if (lang_1.isPresent(illegalCharacter)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Path \"" + path + "\" contains \"" + illegalCharacter[0] + "\" which is not allowed in a route config."); } }; ParamRoutePath.RESERVED_CHARS = lang_1.RegExpWrapper.create('//|\\(|\\)|;|\\?|='); return ParamRoutePath; })(); exports.ParamRoutePath = ParamRoutePath; var REGEXP_PERCENT = /%/g; var REGEXP_SLASH = /\//g; var REGEXP_OPEN_PARENT = /\(/g; var REGEXP_CLOSE_PARENT = /\)/g; var REGEXP_SEMICOLON = /;/g; function encodeDynamicSegment(value) { if (lang_1.isBlank(value)) { return null; } value = lang_1.StringWrapper.replaceAll(value, REGEXP_PERCENT, '%25'); value = lang_1.StringWrapper.replaceAll(value, REGEXP_SLASH, '%2F'); value = lang_1.StringWrapper.replaceAll(value, REGEXP_OPEN_PARENT, '%28'); value = lang_1.StringWrapper.replaceAll(value, REGEXP_CLOSE_PARENT, '%29'); value = lang_1.StringWrapper.replaceAll(value, REGEXP_SEMICOLON, '%3B'); return value; } var REGEXP_ENC_SEMICOLON = /%3B/ig; var REGEXP_ENC_CLOSE_PARENT = /%29/ig; var REGEXP_ENC_OPEN_PARENT = /%28/ig; var REGEXP_ENC_SLASH = /%2F/ig; var REGEXP_ENC_PERCENT = /%25/ig; function decodeDynamicSegment(value) { if (lang_1.isBlank(value)) { return null; } value = lang_1.StringWrapper.replaceAll(value, REGEXP_ENC_SEMICOLON, ';'); value = lang_1.StringWrapper.replaceAll(value, REGEXP_ENC_CLOSE_PARENT, ')'); value = lang_1.StringWrapper.replaceAll(value, REGEXP_ENC_OPEN_PARENT, '('); value = lang_1.StringWrapper.replaceAll(value, REGEXP_ENC_SLASH, '/'); value = lang_1.StringWrapper.replaceAll(value, REGEXP_ENC_PERCENT, '%'); return value; } global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_normalizer", ["angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_decorator", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/facade/exceptions"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var route_config_decorator_1 = require("angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_decorator"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var exceptions_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/exceptions"); function normalizeRouteConfig(config, registry) { if (config instanceof route_config_decorator_1.AsyncRoute) { var wrappedLoader = wrapLoaderToReconfigureRegistry(config.loader, registry); return new route_config_decorator_1.AsyncRoute({ path: config.path, loader: wrappedLoader, name: config.name, data: config.data, useAsDefault: config.useAsDefault }); } if (config instanceof route_config_decorator_1.Route || config instanceof route_config_decorator_1.Redirect || config instanceof route_config_decorator_1.AuxRoute) { return config; } if ((+!!config.component) + (+!!config.redirectTo) + (+!!config.loader) != 1) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Route config should contain exactly one \"component\", \"loader\", or \"redirectTo\" property."); } if (config.as && config.name) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Route config should contain exactly one \"as\" or \"name\" property."); } if (config.as) { config.name = config.as; } if (config.loader) { var wrappedLoader = wrapLoaderToReconfigureRegistry(config.loader, registry); return new route_config_decorator_1.AsyncRoute({ path: config.path, loader: wrappedLoader, name: config.name, data: config.data, useAsDefault: config.useAsDefault }); } if (config.aux) { return new route_config_decorator_1.AuxRoute({ path: config.aux, component: config.component, name: config.name }); } if (config.component) { if (typeof config.component == 'object') { var componentDefinitionObject = config.component; if (componentDefinitionObject.type == 'constructor') { return new route_config_decorator_1.Route({ path: config.path, component: componentDefinitionObject.constructor, name: config.name, data: config.data, useAsDefault: config.useAsDefault }); } else if (componentDefinitionObject.type == 'loader') { return new route_config_decorator_1.AsyncRoute({ path: config.path, loader: componentDefinitionObject.loader, name: config.name, data: config.data, useAsDefault: config.useAsDefault }); } else { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Invalid component type \"" + componentDefinitionObject.type + "\". Valid types are \"constructor\" and \"loader\"."); } } return new route_config_decorator_1.Route(config); } if (config.redirectTo) { return new route_config_decorator_1.Redirect({ path: config.path, redirectTo: config.redirectTo }); } return config; } exports.normalizeRouteConfig = normalizeRouteConfig; function wrapLoaderToReconfigureRegistry(loader, registry) { return function() { return loader().then(function(componentType) { registry.configFromComponent(componentType); return componentType; }); }; } function assertComponentExists(component, path) { if (!lang_1.isType(component)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Component for route \"" + path + "\" is not defined, or is not a class."); } } exports.assertComponentExists = assertComponentExists; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/location/location", ["angular2/src/router/location/location_strategy", "angular2/src/facade/async", "angular2/core"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function(k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; var location_strategy_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/location_strategy"); var async_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/async"); var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var Location = (function() { function Location(platformStrategy) { var _this = this; this.platformStrategy = platformStrategy; this._subject = new async_1.EventEmitter(); var browserBaseHref = this.platformStrategy.getBaseHref(); this._baseHref = stripTrailingSlash(stripIndexHtml(browserBaseHref)); this.platformStrategy.onPopState(function(ev) { async_1.ObservableWrapper.callEmit(_this._subject, { 'url': _this.path(), 'pop': true, 'type': ev.type }); }); } Location.prototype.path = function() { return this.normalize(this.platformStrategy.path()); }; Location.prototype.normalize = function(url) { return stripTrailingSlash(_stripBaseHref(this._baseHref, stripIndexHtml(url))); }; Location.prototype.prepareExternalUrl = function(url) { if (url.length > 0 && !url.startsWith('/')) { url = '/' + url; } return this.platformStrategy.prepareExternalUrl(url); }; Location.prototype.go = function(path, query) { if (query === void 0) { query = ''; } this.platformStrategy.pushState(null, '', path, query); }; Location.prototype.replaceState = function(path, query) { if (query === void 0) { query = ''; } this.platformStrategy.replaceState(null, '', path, query); }; Location.prototype.forward = function() { this.platformStrategy.forward(); }; Location.prototype.back = function() { this.platformStrategy.back(); }; Location.prototype.subscribe = function(onNext, onThrow, onReturn) { if (onThrow === void 0) { onThrow = null; } if (onReturn === void 0) { onReturn = null; } return async_1.ObservableWrapper.subscribe(this._subject, onNext, onThrow, onReturn); }; Location = __decorate([core_1.Injectable(), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [location_strategy_1.LocationStrategy])], Location); return Location; })(); exports.Location = Location; function _stripBaseHref(baseHref, url) { if (baseHref.length > 0 && url.startsWith(baseHref)) { return url.substring(baseHref.length); } return url; } function stripIndexHtml(url) { if (/\/index.html$/g.test(url)) { return url.substring(0, url.length - 11); } return url; } function stripTrailingSlash(url) { if (/\/$/g.test(url)) { url = url.substring(0, url.length - 1); } return url; } global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/lifecycle/route_lifecycle_reflector", ["angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/router/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations_impl", "angular2/src/core/reflection/reflection"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var lifecycle_annotations_impl_1 = require("angular2/src/router/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations_impl"); var reflection_1 = require("angular2/src/core/reflection/reflection"); function hasLifecycleHook(e, type) { if (!(type instanceof lang_1.Type)) return false; return e.name in type.prototype; } exports.hasLifecycleHook = hasLifecycleHook; function getCanActivateHook(type) { var annotations = reflection_1.reflector.annotations(type); for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i += 1) { var annotation = annotations[i]; if (annotation instanceof lifecycle_annotations_impl_1.CanActivate) { return annotation.fn; } } return null; } exports.getCanActivateHook = getCanActivateHook; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/directives/router_outlet", ["angular2/src/facade/async", "angular2/src/facade/collection", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/core", "angular2/src/router/router", "angular2/src/router/instruction", "angular2/src/router/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations", "angular2/src/router/lifecycle/route_lifecycle_reflector"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function(k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; var __param = (this && this.__param) || function(paramIndex, decorator) { return function(target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }; }; var async_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/async"); var collection_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/collection"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var routerMod = require("angular2/src/router/router"); var instruction_1 = require("angular2/src/router/instruction"); var hookMod = require("angular2/src/router/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations"); var route_lifecycle_reflector_1 = require("angular2/src/router/lifecycle/route_lifecycle_reflector"); var _resolveToTrue = async_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(true); var RouterOutlet = (function() { function RouterOutlet(_elementRef, _loader, _parentRouter, nameAttr) { this._elementRef = _elementRef; this._loader = _loader; this._parentRouter = _parentRouter; this.name = null; this._componentRef = null; this._currentInstruction = null; if (lang_1.isPresent(nameAttr)) { this.name = nameAttr; this._parentRouter.registerAuxOutlet(this); } else { this._parentRouter.registerPrimaryOutlet(this); } } RouterOutlet.prototype.activate = function(nextInstruction) { var _this = this; var previousInstruction = this._currentInstruction; this._currentInstruction = nextInstruction; var componentType = nextInstruction.componentType; var childRouter = this._parentRouter.childRouter(componentType); var providers = core_1.Injector.resolve([core_1.provide(instruction_1.RouteData, {useValue: nextInstruction.routeData}), core_1.provide(instruction_1.RouteParams, {useValue: new instruction_1.RouteParams(nextInstruction.params)}), core_1.provide(routerMod.Router, {useValue: childRouter})]); this._componentRef = this._loader.loadNextToLocation(componentType, this._elementRef, providers); return this._componentRef.then(function(componentRef) { if (route_lifecycle_reflector_1.hasLifecycleHook(hookMod.routerOnActivate, componentType)) { return _this._componentRef.then(function(ref) { return ref.instance.routerOnActivate(nextInstruction, previousInstruction); }); } else { return componentRef; } }); }; RouterOutlet.prototype.reuse = function(nextInstruction) { var previousInstruction = this._currentInstruction; this._currentInstruction = nextInstruction; if (lang_1.isBlank(this._componentRef)) { return this.activate(nextInstruction); } else { return async_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(route_lifecycle_reflector_1.hasLifecycleHook(hookMod.routerOnReuse, this._currentInstruction.componentType) ? this._componentRef.then(function(ref) { return ref.instance.routerOnReuse(nextInstruction, previousInstruction); }) : true); } }; RouterOutlet.prototype.deactivate = function(nextInstruction) { var _this = this; var next = _resolveToTrue; if (lang_1.isPresent(this._componentRef) && lang_1.isPresent(this._currentInstruction) && route_lifecycle_reflector_1.hasLifecycleHook(hookMod.routerOnDeactivate, this._currentInstruction.componentType)) { next = this._componentRef.then(function(ref) { return ref.instance.routerOnDeactivate(nextInstruction, _this._currentInstruction); }); } return next.then(function(_) { if (lang_1.isPresent(_this._componentRef)) { var onDispose = _this._componentRef.then(function(ref) { return ref.dispose(); }); _this._componentRef = null; return onDispose; } }); }; RouterOutlet.prototype.routerCanDeactivate = function(nextInstruction) { var _this = this; if (lang_1.isBlank(this._currentInstruction)) { return _resolveToTrue; } if (route_lifecycle_reflector_1.hasLifecycleHook(hookMod.routerCanDeactivate, this._currentInstruction.componentType)) { return this._componentRef.then(function(ref) { return ref.instance.routerCanDeactivate(nextInstruction, _this._currentInstruction); }); } else { return _resolveToTrue; } }; RouterOutlet.prototype.routerCanReuse = function(nextInstruction) { var _this = this; var result; if (lang_1.isBlank(this._currentInstruction) || this._currentInstruction.componentType != nextInstruction.componentType) { result = false; } else if (route_lifecycle_reflector_1.hasLifecycleHook(hookMod.routerCanReuse, this._currentInstruction.componentType)) { result = this._componentRef.then(function(ref) { return ref.instance.routerCanReuse(nextInstruction, _this._currentInstruction); }); } else { result = nextInstruction == this._currentInstruction || (lang_1.isPresent(nextInstruction.params) && lang_1.isPresent(this._currentInstruction.params) && collection_1.StringMapWrapper.equals(nextInstruction.params, this._currentInstruction.params)); } return async_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(result); }; RouterOutlet.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function() { this._parentRouter.unregisterPrimaryOutlet(this); }; RouterOutlet = __decorate([core_1.Directive({selector: 'router-outlet'}), __param(3, core_1.Attribute('name')), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [core_1.ElementRef, core_1.DynamicComponentLoader, routerMod.Router, String])], RouterOutlet); return RouterOutlet; })(); exports.RouterOutlet = RouterOutlet; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/location/browser_platform_location", ["angular2/core", "angular2/src/router/location/platform_location", "angular2/src/platform/dom/dom_adapter"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function(k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var platform_location_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/platform_location"); var dom_adapter_1 = require("angular2/src/platform/dom/dom_adapter"); var BrowserPlatformLocation = (function(_super) { __extends(BrowserPlatformLocation, _super); function BrowserPlatformLocation() { _super.call(this); this._init(); } BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype._init = function() { this._location = dom_adapter_1.DOM.getLocation(); this._history = dom_adapter_1.DOM.getHistory(); }; Object.defineProperty(BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype, "location", { get: function() { return this._location; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype.getBaseHrefFromDOM = function() { return dom_adapter_1.DOM.getBaseHref(); }; BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype.onPopState = function(fn) { dom_adapter_1.DOM.getGlobalEventTarget('window').addEventListener('popstate', fn, false); }; BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype.onHashChange = function(fn) { dom_adapter_1.DOM.getGlobalEventTarget('window').addEventListener('hashchange', fn, false); }; Object.defineProperty(BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype, "pathname", { get: function() { return this._location.pathname; }, set: function(newPath) { this._location.pathname = newPath; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype, "search", { get: function() { return this._location.search; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype, "hash", { get: function() { return this._location.hash; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype.pushState = function(state, title, url) { this._history.pushState(state, title, url); }; BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype.replaceState = function(state, title, url) { this._history.replaceState(state, title, url); }; BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype.forward = function() { this._history.forward(); }; BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype.back = function() { this._history.back(); }; BrowserPlatformLocation = __decorate([core_1.Injectable(), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [])], BrowserPlatformLocation); return BrowserPlatformLocation; })(platform_location_1.PlatformLocation); exports.BrowserPlatformLocation = BrowserPlatformLocation; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/rules/rule_set", ["angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/facade/exceptions", "angular2/src/facade/collection", "angular2/src/facade/async", "angular2/src/router/rules/rules", "angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_impl", "angular2/src/router/rules/route_handlers/async_route_handler", "angular2/src/router/rules/route_handlers/sync_route_handler", "angular2/src/router/rules/route_paths/param_route_path", "angular2/src/router/rules/route_paths/regex_route_path"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var exceptions_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/exceptions"); var collection_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/collection"); var async_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/async"); var rules_1 = require("angular2/src/router/rules/rules"); var route_config_impl_1 = require("angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_impl"); var async_route_handler_1 = require("angular2/src/router/rules/route_handlers/async_route_handler"); var sync_route_handler_1 = require("angular2/src/router/rules/route_handlers/sync_route_handler"); var param_route_path_1 = require("angular2/src/router/rules/route_paths/param_route_path"); var regex_route_path_1 = require("angular2/src/router/rules/route_paths/regex_route_path"); var RuleSet = (function() { function RuleSet() { this.rulesByName = new collection_1.Map(); this.auxRulesByName = new collection_1.Map(); this.auxRulesByPath = new collection_1.Map(); this.rules = []; this.defaultRule = null; } RuleSet.prototype.config = function(config) { var handler; if (lang_1.isPresent(config.name) && config.name[0].toUpperCase() != config.name[0]) { var suggestedName = config.name[0].toUpperCase() + config.name.substring(1); throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Route \"" + config.path + "\" with name \"" + config.name + "\" does not begin with an uppercase letter. Route names should be CamelCase like \"" + suggestedName + "\"."); } if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.AuxRoute) { handler = new sync_route_handler_1.SyncRouteHandler(config.component, config.data); var routePath_1 = this._getRoutePath(config); var auxRule = new rules_1.RouteRule(routePath_1, handler); this.auxRulesByPath.set(routePath_1.toString(), auxRule); if (lang_1.isPresent(config.name)) { this.auxRulesByName.set(config.name, auxRule); } return auxRule.terminal; } var useAsDefault = false; if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.Redirect) { var routePath_2 = this._getRoutePath(config); var redirector = new rules_1.RedirectRule(routePath_2, config.redirectTo); this._assertNoHashCollision(redirector.hash, config.path); this.rules.push(redirector); return true; } if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.Route) { handler = new sync_route_handler_1.SyncRouteHandler(config.component, config.data); useAsDefault = lang_1.isPresent(config.useAsDefault) && config.useAsDefault; } else if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.AsyncRoute) { handler = new async_route_handler_1.AsyncRouteHandler(config.loader, config.data); useAsDefault = lang_1.isPresent(config.useAsDefault) && config.useAsDefault; } var routePath = this._getRoutePath(config); var newRule = new rules_1.RouteRule(routePath, handler); this._assertNoHashCollision(newRule.hash, config.path); if (useAsDefault) { if (lang_1.isPresent(this.defaultRule)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Only one route can be default"); } this.defaultRule = newRule; } this.rules.push(newRule); if (lang_1.isPresent(config.name)) { this.rulesByName.set(config.name, newRule); } return newRule.terminal; }; RuleSet.prototype.recognize = function(urlParse) { var solutions = []; this.rules.forEach(function(routeRecognizer) { var pathMatch = routeRecognizer.recognize(urlParse); if (lang_1.isPresent(pathMatch)) { solutions.push(pathMatch); } }); if (solutions.length == 0 && lang_1.isPresent(urlParse) && urlParse.auxiliary.length > 0) { return [async_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(new rules_1.PathMatch(null, null, urlParse.auxiliary))]; } return solutions; }; RuleSet.prototype.recognizeAuxiliary = function(urlParse) { var routeRecognizer = this.auxRulesByPath.get(urlParse.path); if (lang_1.isPresent(routeRecognizer)) { return [routeRecognizer.recognize(urlParse)]; } return [async_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(null)]; }; RuleSet.prototype.hasRoute = function(name) { return this.rulesByName.has(name); }; RuleSet.prototype.componentLoaded = function(name) { return this.hasRoute(name) && lang_1.isPresent(this.rulesByName.get(name).handler.componentType); }; RuleSet.prototype.loadComponent = function(name) { return this.rulesByName.get(name).handler.resolveComponentType(); }; RuleSet.prototype.generate = function(name, params) { var rule = this.rulesByName.get(name); if (lang_1.isBlank(rule)) { return null; } return rule.generate(params); }; RuleSet.prototype.generateAuxiliary = function(name, params) { var rule = this.auxRulesByName.get(name); if (lang_1.isBlank(rule)) { return null; } return rule.generate(params); }; RuleSet.prototype._assertNoHashCollision = function(hash, path) { this.rules.forEach(function(rule) { if (hash == rule.hash) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Configuration '" + path + "' conflicts with existing route '" + rule.path + "'"); } }); }; RuleSet.prototype._getRoutePath = function(config) { if (lang_1.isPresent(config.regex)) { if (lang_1.isFunction(config.serializer)) { return new regex_route_path_1.RegexRoutePath(config.regex, config.serializer); } else { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Route provides a regex property, '" + config.regex + "', but no serializer property"); } } if (lang_1.isPresent(config.path)) { var path = (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.AuxRoute && config.path.startsWith('/')) ? config.path.substring(1) : config.path; return new param_route_path_1.ParamRoutePath(path); } throw new exceptions_1.BaseException('Route must provide either a path or regex property'); }; return RuleSet; })(); exports.RuleSet = RuleSet; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/router_providers", ["angular2/src/router/router_providers_common", "angular2/core", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/router/location/browser_platform_location", "angular2/src/router/location/platform_location"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var router_providers_common_1 = require("angular2/src/router/router_providers_common"); var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var browser_platform_location_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/browser_platform_location"); var platform_location_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/platform_location"); exports.ROUTER_PROVIDERS = lang_1.CONST_EXPR([router_providers_common_1.ROUTER_PROVIDERS_COMMON, lang_1.CONST_EXPR(new core_1.Provider(platform_location_1.PlatformLocation, {useClass: browser_platform_location_1.BrowserPlatformLocation}))]); exports.ROUTER_BINDINGS = exports.ROUTER_PROVIDERS; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/route_registry", ["angular2/src/facade/collection", "angular2/src/facade/async", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/facade/exceptions", "angular2/src/core/reflection/reflection", "angular2/core", "angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_impl", "angular2/src/router/rules/rules", "angular2/src/router/rules/rule_set", "angular2/src/router/instruction", "angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_normalizer", "angular2/src/router/url_parser"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function(k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; var __param = (this && this.__param) || function(paramIndex, decorator) { return function(target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }; }; var collection_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/collection"); var async_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/async"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var exceptions_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/exceptions"); var reflection_1 = require("angular2/src/core/reflection/reflection"); var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var route_config_impl_1 = require("angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_impl"); var rules_1 = require("angular2/src/router/rules/rules"); var rule_set_1 = require("angular2/src/router/rules/rule_set"); var instruction_1 = require("angular2/src/router/instruction"); var route_config_normalizer_1 = require("angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_normalizer"); var url_parser_1 = require("angular2/src/router/url_parser"); var _resolveToNull = async_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(null); exports.ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT = lang_1.CONST_EXPR(new core_1.OpaqueToken('RouterPrimaryComponent')); var RouteRegistry = (function() { function RouteRegistry(_rootComponent) { this._rootComponent = _rootComponent; this._rules = new collection_1.Map(); } RouteRegistry.prototype.config = function(parentComponent, config) { config = route_config_normalizer_1.normalizeRouteConfig(config, this); if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.Route) { route_config_normalizer_1.assertComponentExists(config.component, config.path); } else if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.AuxRoute) { route_config_normalizer_1.assertComponentExists(config.component, config.path); } var rules = this._rules.get(parentComponent); if (lang_1.isBlank(rules)) { rules = new rule_set_1.RuleSet(); this._rules.set(parentComponent, rules); } var terminal = rules.config(config); if (config instanceof route_config_impl_1.Route) { if (terminal) { assertTerminalComponent(config.component, config.path); } else { this.configFromComponent(config.component); } } }; RouteRegistry.prototype.configFromComponent = function(component) { var _this = this; if (!lang_1.isType(component)) { return ; } if (this._rules.has(component)) { return ; } var annotations = reflection_1.reflector.annotations(component); if (lang_1.isPresent(annotations)) { for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { var annotation = annotations[i]; if (annotation instanceof route_config_impl_1.RouteConfig) { var routeCfgs = annotation.configs; routeCfgs.forEach(function(config) { return _this.config(component, config); }); } } } }; RouteRegistry.prototype.recognize = function(url, ancestorInstructions) { var parsedUrl = url_parser_1.parser.parse(url); return this._recognize(parsedUrl, []); }; RouteRegistry.prototype._recognize = function(parsedUrl, ancestorInstructions, _aux) { var _this = this; if (_aux === void 0) { _aux = false; } var parentInstruction = collection_1.ListWrapper.last(ancestorInstructions); var parentComponent = lang_1.isPresent(parentInstruction) ? parentInstruction.component.componentType : this._rootComponent; var rules = this._rules.get(parentComponent); if (lang_1.isBlank(rules)) { return _resolveToNull; } var possibleMatches = _aux ? rules.recognizeAuxiliary(parsedUrl) : rules.recognize(parsedUrl); var matchPromises = possibleMatches.map(function(candidate) { return candidate.then(function(candidate) { if (candidate instanceof rules_1.PathMatch) { var auxParentInstructions = ancestorInstructions.length > 0 ? [collection_1.ListWrapper.last(ancestorInstructions)] : []; var auxInstructions = _this._auxRoutesToUnresolved(candidate.remainingAux, auxParentInstructions); var instruction = new instruction_1.ResolvedInstruction(candidate.instruction, null, auxInstructions); if (lang_1.isBlank(candidate.instruction) || candidate.instruction.terminal) { return instruction; } var newAncestorInstructions = ancestorInstructions.concat([instruction]); return _this._recognize(candidate.remaining, newAncestorInstructions).then(function(childInstruction) { if (lang_1.isBlank(childInstruction)) { return null; } if (childInstruction instanceof instruction_1.RedirectInstruction) { return childInstruction; } instruction.child = childInstruction; return instruction; }); } if (candidate instanceof rules_1.RedirectMatch) { var instruction = _this.generate(candidate.redirectTo, ancestorInstructions.concat([null])); return new instruction_1.RedirectInstruction(instruction.component, instruction.child, instruction.auxInstruction, candidate.specificity); } }); }); if ((lang_1.isBlank(parsedUrl) || parsedUrl.path == '') && possibleMatches.length == 0) { return async_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(this.generateDefault(parentComponent)); } return async_1.PromiseWrapper.all(matchPromises).then(mostSpecific); }; RouteRegistry.prototype._auxRoutesToUnresolved = function(auxRoutes, parentInstructions) { var _this = this; var unresolvedAuxInstructions = {}; auxRoutes.forEach(function(auxUrl) { unresolvedAuxInstructions[auxUrl.path] = new instruction_1.UnresolvedInstruction(function() { return _this._recognize(auxUrl, parentInstructions, true); }); }); return unresolvedAuxInstructions; }; RouteRegistry.prototype.generate = function(linkParams, ancestorInstructions, _aux) { if (_aux === void 0) { _aux = false; } var params = splitAndFlattenLinkParams(linkParams); var prevInstruction; if (collection_1.ListWrapper.first(params) == '') { params.shift(); prevInstruction = collection_1.ListWrapper.first(ancestorInstructions); ancestorInstructions = []; } else { prevInstruction = ancestorInstructions.length > 0 ? ancestorInstructions.pop() : null; if (collection_1.ListWrapper.first(params) == '.') { params.shift(); } else if (collection_1.ListWrapper.first(params) == '..') { while (collection_1.ListWrapper.first(params) == '..') { if (ancestorInstructions.length <= 0) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Link \"" + collection_1.ListWrapper.toJSON(linkParams) + "\" has too many \"../\" segments."); } prevInstruction = ancestorInstructions.pop(); params = collection_1.ListWrapper.slice(params, 1); } } else { var routeName = collection_1.ListWrapper.first(params); var parentComponentType = this._rootComponent; var grandparentComponentType = null; if (ancestorInstructions.length > 1) { var parentComponentInstruction = ancestorInstructions[ancestorInstructions.length - 1]; var grandComponentInstruction = ancestorInstructions[ancestorInstructions.length - 2]; parentComponentType = parentComponentInstruction.component.componentType; grandparentComponentType = grandComponentInstruction.component.componentType; } else if (ancestorInstructions.length == 1) { parentComponentType = ancestorInstructions[0].component.componentType; grandparentComponentType = this._rootComponent; } var childRouteExists = this.hasRoute(routeName, parentComponentType); var parentRouteExists = lang_1.isPresent(grandparentComponentType) && this.hasRoute(routeName, grandparentComponentType); if (parentRouteExists && childRouteExists) { var msg = "Link \"" + collection_1.ListWrapper.toJSON(linkParams) + "\" is ambiguous, use \"./\" or \"../\" to disambiguate."; throw new exceptions_1.BaseException(msg); } if (parentRouteExists) { prevInstruction = ancestorInstructions.pop(); } } } if (params[params.length - 1] == '') { params.pop(); } if (params.length > 0 && params[0] == '') { params.shift(); } if (params.length < 1) { var msg = "Link \"" + collection_1.ListWrapper.toJSON(linkParams) + "\" must include a route name."; throw new exceptions_1.BaseException(msg); } var generatedInstruction = this._generate(params, ancestorInstructions, prevInstruction, _aux, linkParams); for (var i = ancestorInstructions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var ancestorInstruction = ancestorInstructions[i]; if (lang_1.isBlank(ancestorInstruction)) { break; } generatedInstruction = ancestorInstruction.replaceChild(generatedInstruction); } return generatedInstruction; }; RouteRegistry.prototype._generate = function(linkParams, ancestorInstructions, prevInstruction, _aux, _originalLink) { var _this = this; if (_aux === void 0) { _aux = false; } var parentComponentType = this._rootComponent; var componentInstruction = null; var auxInstructions = {}; var parentInstruction = collection_1.ListWrapper.last(ancestorInstructions); if (lang_1.isPresent(parentInstruction) && lang_1.isPresent(parentInstruction.component)) { parentComponentType = parentInstruction.component.componentType; } if (linkParams.length == 0) { var defaultInstruction = this.generateDefault(parentComponentType); if (lang_1.isBlank(defaultInstruction)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Link \"" + collection_1.ListWrapper.toJSON(_originalLink) + "\" does not resolve to a terminal instruction."); } return defaultInstruction; } if (lang_1.isPresent(prevInstruction) && !_aux) { auxInstructions = collection_1.StringMapWrapper.merge(prevInstruction.auxInstruction, auxInstructions); componentInstruction = prevInstruction.component; } var rules = this._rules.get(parentComponentType); if (lang_1.isBlank(rules)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Component \"" + lang_1.getTypeNameForDebugging(parentComponentType) + "\" has no route config."); } var linkParamIndex = 0; var routeParams = {}; if (linkParamIndex < linkParams.length && lang_1.isString(linkParams[linkParamIndex])) { var routeName = linkParams[linkParamIndex]; if (routeName == '' || routeName == '.' || routeName == '..') { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("\"" + routeName + "/\" is only allowed at the beginning of a link DSL."); } linkParamIndex += 1; if (linkParamIndex < linkParams.length) { var linkParam = linkParams[linkParamIndex]; if (lang_1.isStringMap(linkParam) && !lang_1.isArray(linkParam)) { routeParams = linkParam; linkParamIndex += 1; } } var routeRecognizer = (_aux ? rules.auxRulesByName : rules.rulesByName).get(routeName); if (lang_1.isBlank(routeRecognizer)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Component \"" + lang_1.getTypeNameForDebugging(parentComponentType) + "\" has no route named \"" + routeName + "\"."); } if (lang_1.isBlank(routeRecognizer.handler.componentType)) { var generatedUrl = routeRecognizer.generateComponentPathValues(routeParams); return new instruction_1.UnresolvedInstruction(function() { return routeRecognizer.handler.resolveComponentType().then(function(_) { return _this._generate(linkParams, ancestorInstructions, prevInstruction, _aux, _originalLink); }); }, generatedUrl.urlPath, url_parser_1.convertUrlParamsToArray(generatedUrl.urlParams)); } componentInstruction = _aux ? rules.generateAuxiliary(routeName, routeParams) : rules.generate(routeName, routeParams); } while (linkParamIndex < linkParams.length && lang_1.isArray(linkParams[linkParamIndex])) { var auxParentInstruction = [parentInstruction]; var auxInstruction = this._generate(linkParams[linkParamIndex], auxParentInstruction, null, true, _originalLink); auxInstructions[auxInstruction.component.urlPath] = auxInstruction; linkParamIndex += 1; } var instruction = new instruction_1.ResolvedInstruction(componentInstruction, null, auxInstructions); if (lang_1.isPresent(componentInstruction) && lang_1.isPresent(componentInstruction.componentType)) { var childInstruction = null; if (componentInstruction.terminal) { if (linkParamIndex >= linkParams.length) {} } else { var childAncestorComponents = ancestorInstructions.concat([instruction]); var remainingLinkParams = linkParams.slice(linkParamIndex); childInstruction = this._generate(remainingLinkParams, childAncestorComponents, null, false, _originalLink); } instruction.child = childInstruction; } return instruction; }; RouteRegistry.prototype.hasRoute = function(name, parentComponent) { var rules = this._rules.get(parentComponent); if (lang_1.isBlank(rules)) { return false; } return rules.hasRoute(name); }; RouteRegistry.prototype.generateDefault = function(componentCursor) { var _this = this; if (lang_1.isBlank(componentCursor)) { return null; } var rules = this._rules.get(componentCursor); if (lang_1.isBlank(rules) || lang_1.isBlank(rules.defaultRule)) { return null; } var defaultChild = null; if (lang_1.isPresent(rules.defaultRule.handler.componentType)) { var componentInstruction = rules.defaultRule.generate({}); if (!rules.defaultRule.terminal) { defaultChild = this.generateDefault(rules.defaultRule.handler.componentType); } return new instruction_1.DefaultInstruction(componentInstruction, defaultChild); } return new instruction_1.UnresolvedInstruction(function() { return rules.defaultRule.handler.resolveComponentType().then(function(_) { return _this.generateDefault(componentCursor); }); }); }; RouteRegistry = __decorate([core_1.Injectable(), __param(0, core_1.Inject(exports.ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT)), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [lang_1.Type])], RouteRegistry); return RouteRegistry; })(); exports.RouteRegistry = RouteRegistry; function splitAndFlattenLinkParams(linkParams) { var accumulation = []; linkParams.forEach(function(item) { if (lang_1.isString(item)) { var strItem = item; accumulation = accumulation.concat(strItem.split('/')); } else { accumulation.push(item); } }); return accumulation; } function mostSpecific(instructions) { instructions = instructions.filter(function(instruction) { return lang_1.isPresent(instruction); }); if (instructions.length == 0) { return null; } if (instructions.length == 1) { return instructions[0]; } var first = instructions[0]; var rest = instructions.slice(1); return rest.reduce(function(instruction, contender) { if (compareSpecificityStrings(contender.specificity, instruction.specificity) == -1) { return contender; } return instruction; }, first); } function compareSpecificityStrings(a, b) { var l = lang_1.Math.min(a.length, b.length); for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { var ai = lang_1.StringWrapper.charCodeAt(a, i); var bi = lang_1.StringWrapper.charCodeAt(b, i); var difference = bi - ai; if (difference != 0) { return difference; } } return a.length - b.length; } function assertTerminalComponent(component, path) { if (!lang_1.isType(component)) { return ; } var annotations = reflection_1.reflector.annotations(component); if (lang_1.isPresent(annotations)) { for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { var annotation = annotations[i]; if (annotation instanceof route_config_impl_1.RouteConfig) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Child routes are not allowed for \"" + path + "\". Use \"...\" on the parent's route path."); } } } } global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/src/router/router", ["angular2/src/facade/async", "angular2/src/facade/collection", "angular2/src/facade/lang", "angular2/src/facade/exceptions", "angular2/core", "angular2/src/router/route_registry", "angular2/src/router/location/location", "angular2/src/router/lifecycle/route_lifecycle_reflector"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function(decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function(k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; var __param = (this && this.__param) || function(paramIndex, decorator) { return function(target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }; }; var async_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/async"); var collection_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/collection"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); var exceptions_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/exceptions"); var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); var route_registry_1 = require("angular2/src/router/route_registry"); var location_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/location"); var route_lifecycle_reflector_1 = require("angular2/src/router/lifecycle/route_lifecycle_reflector"); var _resolveToTrue = async_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(true); var _resolveToFalse = async_1.PromiseWrapper.resolve(false); var Router = (function() { function Router(registry, parent, hostComponent, root) { this.registry = registry; this.parent = parent; this.hostComponent = hostComponent; this.root = root; this.navigating = false; this.currentInstruction = null; this._currentNavigation = _resolveToTrue; this._outlet = null; this._auxRouters = new collection_1.Map(); this._subject = new async_1.EventEmitter(); } Router.prototype.childRouter = function(hostComponent) { return this._childRouter = new ChildRouter(this, hostComponent); }; Router.prototype.auxRouter = function(hostComponent) { return new ChildRouter(this, hostComponent); }; Router.prototype.registerPrimaryOutlet = function(outlet) { if (lang_1.isPresent(outlet.name)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("registerPrimaryOutlet expects to be called with an unnamed outlet."); } if (lang_1.isPresent(this._outlet)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("Primary outlet is already registered."); } this._outlet = outlet; if (lang_1.isPresent(this.currentInstruction)) { return this.commit(this.currentInstruction, false); } return _resolveToTrue; }; Router.prototype.unregisterPrimaryOutlet = function(outlet) { if (lang_1.isPresent(outlet.name)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("registerPrimaryOutlet expects to be called with an unnamed outlet."); } this._outlet = null; }; Router.prototype.registerAuxOutlet = function(outlet) { var outletName = outlet.name; if (lang_1.isBlank(outletName)) { throw new exceptions_1.BaseException("registerAuxOutlet expects to be called with an outlet with a name."); } var router = this.auxRouter(this.hostComponent); this._auxRouters.set(outletName, router); router._outlet = outlet; var auxInstruction; if (lang_1.isPresent(this.currentInstruction) && lang_1.isPresent(auxInstruction = this.currentInstruction.auxInstruction[outletName])) { return router.commit(auxInstruction); } return _resolveToTrue; }; Router.prototype.isRouteActive = function(instruction) { var router = this; while (lang_1.isPresent(router.parent) && lang_1.isPresent(instruction.child)) { router = router.parent; instruction = instruction.child; } return lang_1.isPresent(this.currentInstruction) && this.currentInstruction.component == instruction.component; }; Router.prototype.config = function(definitions) { var _this = this; definitions.forEach(function(routeDefinition) { _this.registry.config(_this.hostComponent, routeDefinition); }); return this.renavigate(); }; Router.prototype.navigate = function(linkParams) { var instruction = this.generate(linkParams); return this.navigateByInstruction(instruction, false); }; Router.prototype.navigateByUrl = function(url, _skipLocationChange) { var _this = this; if (_skipLocationChange === void 0) { _skipLocationChange = false; } return this._currentNavigation = this._currentNavigation.then(function(_) { _this.lastNavigationAttempt = url; _this._startNavigating(); return _this._afterPromiseFinishNavigating(_this.recognize(url).then(function(instruction) { if (lang_1.isBlank(instruction)) { return false; } return _this._navigate(instruction, _skipLocationChange); })); }); }; Router.prototype.navigateByInstruction = function(instruction, _skipLocationChange) { var _this = this; if (_skipLocationChange === void 0) { _skipLocationChange = false; } if (lang_1.isBlank(instruction)) { return _resolveToFalse; } return this._currentNavigation = this._currentNavigation.then(function(_) { _this._startNavigating(); return _this._afterPromiseFinishNavigating(_this._navigate(instruction, _skipLocationChange)); }); }; Router.prototype._settleInstruction = function(instruction) { var _this = this; return instruction.resolveComponent().then(function(_) { var unsettledInstructions = []; if (lang_1.isPresent(instruction.component)) { instruction.component.reuse = false; } if (lang_1.isPresent(instruction.child)) { unsettledInstructions.push(_this._settleInstruction(instruction.child)); } collection_1.StringMapWrapper.forEach(instruction.auxInstruction, function(instruction, _) { unsettledInstructions.push(_this._settleInstruction(instruction)); }); return async_1.PromiseWrapper.all(unsettledInstructions); }); }; Router.prototype._navigate = function(instruction, _skipLocationChange) { var _this = this; return this._settleInstruction(instruction).then(function(_) { return _this._routerCanReuse(instruction); }).then(function(_) { return _this._canActivate(instruction); }).then(function(result) { if (!result) { return false; } return _this._routerCanDeactivate(instruction).then(function(result) { if (result) { return _this.commit(instruction, _skipLocationChange).then(function(_) { _this._emitNavigationFinish(instruction.toRootUrl()); return true; }); } }); }); }; Router.prototype._emitNavigationFinish = function(url) { async_1.ObservableWrapper.callEmit(this._subject, url); }; Router.prototype._emitNavigationFail = function(url) { async_1.ObservableWrapper.callError(this._subject, url); }; Router.prototype._afterPromiseFinishNavigating = function(promise) { var _this = this; return async_1.PromiseWrapper.catchError(promise.then(function(_) { return _this._finishNavigating(); }), function(err) { _this._finishNavigating(); throw err; }); }; Router.prototype._routerCanReuse = function(instruction) { var _this = this; if (lang_1.isBlank(this._outlet)) { return _resolveToFalse; } if (lang_1.isBlank(instruction.component)) { return _resolveToTrue; } return this._outlet.routerCanReuse(instruction.component).then(function(result) { instruction.component.reuse = result; if (result && lang_1.isPresent(_this._childRouter) && lang_1.isPresent(instruction.child)) { return _this._childRouter._routerCanReuse(instruction.child); } }); }; Router.prototype._canActivate = function(nextInstruction) { return canActivateOne(nextInstruction, this.currentInstruction); }; Router.prototype._routerCanDeactivate = function(instruction) { var _this = this; if (lang_1.isBlank(this._outlet)) { return _resolveToTrue; } var next; var childInstruction = null; var reuse = false; var componentInstruction = null; if (lang_1.isPresent(instruction)) { childInstruction = instruction.child; componentInstruction = instruction.component; reuse = lang_1.isBlank(instruction.component) || instruction.component.reuse; } if (reuse) { next = _resolveToTrue; } else { next = this._outlet.routerCanDeactivate(componentInstruction); } return next.then(function(result) { if (result == false) { return false; } if (lang_1.isPresent(_this._childRouter)) { return _this._childRouter._routerCanDeactivate(childInstruction); } return true; }); }; Router.prototype.commit = function(instruction, _skipLocationChange) { var _this = this; if (_skipLocationChange === void 0) { _skipLocationChange = false; } this.currentInstruction = instruction; var next = _resolveToTrue; if (lang_1.isPresent(this._outlet) && lang_1.isPresent(instruction.component)) { var componentInstruction = instruction.component; if (componentInstruction.reuse) { next = this._outlet.reuse(componentInstruction); } else { next = this.deactivate(instruction).then(function(_) { return _this._outlet.activate(componentInstruction); }); } if (lang_1.isPresent(instruction.child)) { next = next.then(function(_) { if (lang_1.isPresent(_this._childRouter)) { return _this._childRouter.commit(instruction.child); } }); } } var promises = []; this._auxRouters.forEach(function(router, name) { if (lang_1.isPresent(instruction.auxInstruction[name])) { promises.push(router.commit(instruction.auxInstruction[name])); } }); return next.then(function(_) { return async_1.PromiseWrapper.all(promises); }); }; Router.prototype._startNavigating = function() { this.navigating = true; }; Router.prototype._finishNavigating = function() { this.navigating = false; }; Router.prototype.subscribe = function(onNext, onError) { return async_1.ObservableWrapper.subscribe(this._subject, onNext, onError); }; Router.prototype.deactivate = function(instruction) { var _this = this; var childInstruction = null; var componentInstruction = null; if (lang_1.isPresent(instruction)) { childInstruction = instruction.child; componentInstruction = instruction.component; } var next = _resolveToTrue; if (lang_1.isPresent(this._childRouter)) { next = this._childRouter.deactivate(childInstruction); } if (lang_1.isPresent(this._outlet)) { next = next.then(function(_) { return _this._outlet.deactivate(componentInstruction); }); } return next; }; Router.prototype.recognize = function(url) { var ancestorComponents = this._getAncestorInstructions(); return this.registry.recognize(url, ancestorComponents); }; Router.prototype._getAncestorInstructions = function() { var ancestorInstructions = [this.currentInstruction]; var ancestorRouter = this; while (lang_1.isPresent(ancestorRouter = ancestorRouter.parent)) { ancestorInstructions.unshift(ancestorRouter.currentInstruction); } return ancestorInstructions; }; Router.prototype.renavigate = function() { if (lang_1.isBlank(this.lastNavigationAttempt)) { return this._currentNavigation; } return this.navigateByUrl(this.lastNavigationAttempt); }; Router.prototype.generate = function(linkParams) { var ancestorInstructions = this._getAncestorInstructions(); return this.registry.generate(linkParams, ancestorInstructions); }; Router = __decorate([core_1.Injectable(), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [route_registry_1.RouteRegistry, Router, Object, Router])], Router); return Router; })(); exports.Router = Router; var RootRouter = (function(_super) { __extends(RootRouter, _super); function RootRouter(registry, location, primaryComponent) { var _this = this; _super.call(this, registry, null, primaryComponent); this.root = this; this._location = location; this._locationSub = this._location.subscribe(function(change) { _this.recognize(change['url']).then(function(instruction) { if (lang_1.isPresent(instruction)) { _this.navigateByInstruction(instruction, lang_1.isPresent(change['pop'])).then(function(_) { if (lang_1.isPresent(change['pop']) && change['type'] != 'hashchange') { return ; } var emitPath = instruction.toUrlPath(); var emitQuery = instruction.toUrlQuery(); if (emitPath.length > 0 && emitPath[0] != '/') { emitPath = '/' + emitPath; } if (change['type'] == 'hashchange') { if (instruction.toRootUrl() != _this._location.path()) { _this._location.replaceState(emitPath, emitQuery); } } else { _this._location.go(emitPath, emitQuery); } }); } else { _this._emitNavigationFail(change['url']); } }); }); this.registry.configFromComponent(primaryComponent); this.navigateByUrl(location.path()); } RootRouter.prototype.commit = function(instruction, _skipLocationChange) { var _this = this; if (_skipLocationChange === void 0) { _skipLocationChange = false; } var emitPath = instruction.toUrlPath(); var emitQuery = instruction.toUrlQuery(); if (emitPath.length > 0 && emitPath[0] != '/') { emitPath = '/' + emitPath; } var promise = _super.prototype.commit.call(this, instruction); if (!_skipLocationChange) { promise = promise.then(function(_) { _this._location.go(emitPath, emitQuery); }); } return promise; }; RootRouter.prototype.dispose = function() { if (lang_1.isPresent(this._locationSub)) { async_1.ObservableWrapper.dispose(this._locationSub); this._locationSub = null; } }; RootRouter = __decorate([core_1.Injectable(), __param(2, core_1.Inject(route_registry_1.ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT)), __metadata('design:paramtypes', [route_registry_1.RouteRegistry, location_1.Location, lang_1.Type])], RootRouter); return RootRouter; })(Router); exports.RootRouter = RootRouter; var ChildRouter = (function(_super) { __extends(ChildRouter, _super); function ChildRouter(parent, hostComponent) { _super.call(this, parent.registry, parent, hostComponent, parent.root); this.parent = parent; } ChildRouter.prototype.navigateByUrl = function(url, _skipLocationChange) { if (_skipLocationChange === void 0) { _skipLocationChange = false; } return this.parent.navigateByUrl(url, _skipLocationChange); }; ChildRouter.prototype.navigateByInstruction = function(instruction, _skipLocationChange) { if (_skipLocationChange === void 0) { _skipLocationChange = false; } return this.parent.navigateByInstruction(instruction, _skipLocationChange); }; return ChildRouter; })(Router); function canActivateOne(nextInstruction, prevInstruction) { var next = _resolveToTrue; if (lang_1.isBlank(nextInstruction.component)) { return next; } if (lang_1.isPresent(nextInstruction.child)) { next = canActivateOne(nextInstruction.child, lang_1.isPresent(prevInstruction) ? prevInstruction.child : null); } return next.then(function(result) { if (result == false) { return false; } if (nextInstruction.component.reuse) { return true; } var hook = route_lifecycle_reflector_1.getCanActivateHook(nextInstruction.component.componentType); if (lang_1.isPresent(hook)) { return hook(nextInstruction.component, lang_1.isPresent(prevInstruction) ? prevInstruction.component : null); } return true; }); } global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); System.register("angular2/router", ["angular2/src/router/router", "angular2/src/router/directives/router_outlet", "angular2/src/router/directives/router_link", "angular2/src/router/instruction", "angular2/src/router/location/platform_location", "angular2/src/router/route_registry", "angular2/src/router/location/location_strategy", "angular2/src/router/location/hash_location_strategy", "angular2/src/router/location/path_location_strategy", "angular2/src/router/location/location", "angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_decorator", "angular2/src/router/route_definition", "angular2/src/router/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations", "angular2/src/router/instruction", "angular2/core", "angular2/src/router/router_providers_common", "angular2/src/router/router_providers", "angular2/src/router/directives/router_outlet", "angular2/src/router/directives/router_link", "angular2/src/facade/lang"], true, function(require, exports, module) { var global = System.global, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; function __export(m) { for (var p in m) if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) exports[p] = m[p]; } var router_1 = require("angular2/src/router/router"); exports.Router = router_1.Router; var router_outlet_1 = require("angular2/src/router/directives/router_outlet"); exports.RouterOutlet = router_outlet_1.RouterOutlet; var router_link_1 = require("angular2/src/router/directives/router_link"); exports.RouterLink = router_link_1.RouterLink; var instruction_1 = require("angular2/src/router/instruction"); exports.RouteParams = instruction_1.RouteParams; exports.RouteData = instruction_1.RouteData; var platform_location_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/platform_location"); exports.PlatformLocation = platform_location_1.PlatformLocation; var route_registry_1 = require("angular2/src/router/route_registry"); exports.RouteRegistry = route_registry_1.RouteRegistry; exports.ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT = route_registry_1.ROUTER_PRIMARY_COMPONENT; var location_strategy_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/location_strategy"); exports.LocationStrategy = location_strategy_1.LocationStrategy; exports.APP_BASE_HREF = location_strategy_1.APP_BASE_HREF; var hash_location_strategy_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/hash_location_strategy"); exports.HashLocationStrategy = hash_location_strategy_1.HashLocationStrategy; var path_location_strategy_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/path_location_strategy"); exports.PathLocationStrategy = path_location_strategy_1.PathLocationStrategy; var location_1 = require("angular2/src/router/location/location"); exports.Location = location_1.Location; __export(require("angular2/src/router/route_config/route_config_decorator")); __export(require("angular2/src/router/route_definition")); var lifecycle_annotations_1 = require("angular2/src/router/lifecycle/lifecycle_annotations"); exports.CanActivate = lifecycle_annotations_1.CanActivate; var instruction_2 = require("angular2/src/router/instruction"); exports.Instruction = instruction_2.Instruction; exports.ComponentInstruction = instruction_2.ComponentInstruction; var core_1 = require("angular2/core"); exports.OpaqueToken = core_1.OpaqueToken; var router_providers_common_1 = require("angular2/src/router/router_providers_common"); exports.ROUTER_PROVIDERS_COMMON = router_providers_common_1.ROUTER_PROVIDERS_COMMON; var router_providers_1 = require("angular2/src/router/router_providers"); exports.ROUTER_PROVIDERS = router_providers_1.ROUTER_PROVIDERS; exports.ROUTER_BINDINGS = router_providers_1.ROUTER_BINDINGS; var router_outlet_2 = require("angular2/src/router/directives/router_outlet"); var router_link_2 = require("angular2/src/router/directives/router_link"); var lang_1 = require("angular2/src/facade/lang"); exports.ROUTER_DIRECTIVES = lang_1.CONST_EXPR([router_outlet_2.RouterOutlet, router_link_2.RouterLink]); global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); //# sourceMappingURLDisabled=router.dev.js.map