"use strict"; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var Subscriber_1 = require('../Subscriber'); var Subscription_1 = require('../Subscription'); var tryCatch_1 = require('../util/tryCatch'); var errorObject_1 = require('../util/errorObject'); /** * Buffers values from the source by opening the buffer via signals from an * Observable provided to `openings`, and closing and sending the buffers when * an Observable returned by the `closingSelector` emits. * * * * @param {Observable} openings An observable of notifications to start new * buffers. * @param {Function} closingSelector a function that takes the value emitted by * the `openings` observable and returns an Observable, which, when it emits, * signals that the associated buffer should be emitted and cleared. * @returns {Observable} an observable of arrays of buffered values. */ function bufferToggle(openings, closingSelector) { return this.lift(new BufferToggleOperator(openings, closingSelector)); } exports.bufferToggle = bufferToggle; var BufferToggleOperator = (function () { function BufferToggleOperator(openings, closingSelector) { this.openings = openings; this.closingSelector = closingSelector; } BufferToggleOperator.prototype.call = function (subscriber) { return new BufferToggleSubscriber(subscriber, this.openings, this.closingSelector); }; return BufferToggleOperator; }()); var BufferToggleSubscriber = (function (_super) { __extends(BufferToggleSubscriber, _super); function BufferToggleSubscriber(destination, openings, closingSelector) { _super.call(this, destination); this.openings = openings; this.closingSelector = closingSelector; this.contexts = []; this.add(this.openings.subscribe(new BufferToggleOpeningsSubscriber(this))); } BufferToggleSubscriber.prototype._next = function (value) { var contexts = this.contexts; var len = contexts.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { contexts[i].buffer.push(value); } }; BufferToggleSubscriber.prototype._error = function (err) { var contexts = this.contexts; while (contexts.length > 0) { var context = contexts.shift(); context.subscription.unsubscribe(); context.buffer = null; context.subscription = null; } this.contexts = null; _super.prototype._error.call(this, err); }; BufferToggleSubscriber.prototype._complete = function () { var contexts = this.contexts; while (contexts.length > 0) { var context = contexts.shift(); this.destination.next(context.buffer); context.subscription.unsubscribe(); context.buffer = null; context.subscription = null; } this.contexts = null; _super.prototype._complete.call(this); }; BufferToggleSubscriber.prototype.openBuffer = function (value) { var closingSelector = this.closingSelector; var contexts = this.contexts; var closingNotifier = tryCatch_1.tryCatch(closingSelector)(value); if (closingNotifier === errorObject_1.errorObject) { this._error(errorObject_1.errorObject.e); } else { var context = { buffer: [], subscription: new Subscription_1.Subscription() }; contexts.push(context); var subscriber = new BufferToggleClosingsSubscriber(this, context); var subscription = closingNotifier.subscribe(subscriber); context.subscription.add(subscription); this.add(subscription); } }; BufferToggleSubscriber.prototype.closeBuffer = function (context) { var contexts = this.contexts; if (contexts === null) { return; } var buffer = context.buffer, subscription = context.subscription; this.destination.next(buffer); contexts.splice(contexts.indexOf(context), 1); this.remove(subscription); subscription.unsubscribe(); }; return BufferToggleSubscriber; }(Subscriber_1.Subscriber)); var BufferToggleOpeningsSubscriber = (function (_super) { __extends(BufferToggleOpeningsSubscriber, _super); function BufferToggleOpeningsSubscriber(parent) { _super.call(this, null); this.parent = parent; } BufferToggleOpeningsSubscriber.prototype._next = function (value) { this.parent.openBuffer(value); }; BufferToggleOpeningsSubscriber.prototype._error = function (err) { this.parent.error(err); }; BufferToggleOpeningsSubscriber.prototype._complete = function () { // noop }; return BufferToggleOpeningsSubscriber; }(Subscriber_1.Subscriber)); var BufferToggleClosingsSubscriber = (function (_super) { __extends(BufferToggleClosingsSubscriber, _super); function BufferToggleClosingsSubscriber(parent, context) { _super.call(this, null); this.parent = parent; this.context = context; } BufferToggleClosingsSubscriber.prototype._next = function () { this.parent.closeBuffer(this.context); }; BufferToggleClosingsSubscriber.prototype._error = function (err) { this.parent.error(err); }; BufferToggleClosingsSubscriber.prototype._complete = function () { this.parent.closeBuffer(this.context); }; return BufferToggleClosingsSubscriber; }(Subscriber_1.Subscriber)); //# sourceMappingURL=bufferToggle.js.map