"use strict"; var test = require('blue-tape'); var Promise = require('any-promise'); var promise_finally_1 = require('./promise-finally'); test('promise-finally', function (t) { t.test('run on resolve', function (t) { t.plan(2); function cb() { t.equal(arguments.length, 0, 'should not have any arguments'); } return promise_finally_1.default(Promise.resolve('hello'), cb) .then(function (value) { return t.equal(value, 'hello'); }); }); t.test('run on reject', function (t) { t.plan(2); function cb() { t.equal(arguments.length, 0, 'should not have any arguments'); } return promise_finally_1.default(Promise.reject('hello'), cb) .then(null, function (reason) { return t.equal(reason, 'hello'); }); }); }); //# sourceMappingURL=promise-finally.spec.js.map