<p>Ribs is the evolution of Skeleton, the original author seems to have disappeared and/or lost interest in the project, and my colleagues and I use this an awful lot.</p>
<h2id="whats-different-here">What's different here?</h2>
<p>My fork has one significant difference over the original project, that is a full SCSS conversion to make use of more modern technologies and to expose a lot more customisation options quickly and easily.</p>
<p>As time goes by, and with enough interest I will gradually extend the available options and build a packaging tool that allows you to select all of your customisations in a graphical way - thinking something along the lines of jQuery themeroller, just a bit more lightweight.</p>
<li>default - Runs Sass to create the stylesheet from the source files, places the output in ./css then creates a minified version of the file and places it into the same directory</li>
<li>test - This runs CSSLint over the output CSS file (Note that there are a few bits in the original skeleton css that I still need to fix!)</li>
<li>minify - This literally just runs cssmin, useful if you've edited Ribs.css directly</li>
<li>watch - This will monitor the scss directory for changes and automatically rebuild the css and minified css (Effectively the same as sass --watch but with added minification)</li>
<li>Oct 15, 2013 - (v1.0.10) Resolved some issues with the grid system (Switched to margins for push/pull and removed tablet specific alpha and omega classes), Added a couple of example files.</li>
<li>Oct 10, 2013 - (v1.0.8) Initial inline documentation, styledocco based docs generation, fixed breakpoint oversight on media queries for tablet and mobile</li>
<li>Oct 10, 2013 - (v1.0.7) Documented the differences between the original skeleton project and Ribs, Updated normalize to 2.1.3</li>
<li>Aug 7, 2013 - (v1.0.6) Some additional variables, grid push and pull</li>
<li>Jul 17, 2013 - (v1.0.5) Some additional variables, some base table styling</li>
<li>Jul 14, 2013 - (v1.0.4) Removed reset and replaced it with normalize</li>
<li>May 30, 2013 - (v1.0.3) Added 1.5 * font size line heights to headings and paragraphs</li>
<li>May 28, 2013 - Rename project to Ribs</li>
<li>May 17, 2013 - (v1.0.2) Travis CI build configuration, and minor refactor to remove as many of the warnings from CSSLint as was feasible to do - MAY CAUSE REGRESSIONS.</li>
<li>Apr 23, 2013 - (v1.0.0) Skeleton SCSS v1.0 - Additional variable conversions, changes based on feedback to the original project and bower submission.</li>
<li>Jan 31, 2013 - Completed SCSS conversion of Skeleton 1.2.</li>
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