2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
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2011-05-04 18:20:56 -07:00
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2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
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2011-05-04 18:20:56 -07:00
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " src/stylesheets/base.css " >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " src/stylesheets/skeleton.css " >
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " src/stylesheets/layout.css " >
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< body >
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< div class = " container " >
2011-05-04 18:20:56 -07:00
< div class = " four columns sidebar " >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
< nav >
2011-05-04 18:20:56 -07:00
< img src = " documentation-assets/images/logo.png " id = " logo " ></ img >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
< ul >
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< li >< a href = " #whatAndWhy " > What & Why </ a ></ li >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
< li >< a href = " #basics " > Basics </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " #typography " > Typography </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " #grid " > Grid </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " #buttons " > Buttons </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " #tabs " > Tabs </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " #forms " > Forms </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " #mediaQueries " > Media Queries </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " #theFuture " > The Future </ a ></ li >
</ ul >
</ nav >
& nbsp ;
</ div >
2011-05-04 18:20:56 -07:00
< div class = " twelve columns content " >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
< header >
< p > Skeleton is a lightweight framework for HTML , CSS & jQuery that makes building websites easier .</ p >
</ header >
< hr class = " large " />
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< div class = " doc-section " id = " whatAndWhy " >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
< h3 > What & amp ; Why </ h3 >
< p > Here is where I need to chat about what Skeleton is , why it ' s awesome and how what the file structure is . Focus on : 1 ) Speed , 2 ) Best Practices , 3 ) Across devices </ p >
</ div >
< hr />
< div class = " doc-section " id = " basics " >
< h3 > Basics </ h3 >
< p > Here is where I need to chat about what Skeleton is , why it ' s awesome and how what the file structure is . Focus on : 1 ) Speed , 2 ) Best Practices , 3 ) Across devices </ p >
</ div >
< hr />
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< div class = " doc-section clearfix " id = " typography " >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
< h3 > Typography </ h3 >
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< p > The typography of Skeleton is designed to create a strong hierarchy with basic styles . The primary font is the classic Helvetica Neue , but the font stack can be easily changes with just a couple adjustments . Regular paragraphs are set at a 14 px base with 21 px line height .</ p >
< div class = " seven columns alpha headings " >
< h1 > Heading & lt ; h1 & gt ; </ h1 >
< h2 > Heading & lt ; h2 & gt ; </ h2 >
< h3 > Heading & lt ; h3 & gt ; </ h3 >
< h4 > Heading & lt ; h4 & gt ; </ h4 >
< h5 > Heading & lt ; h5 & gt ; </ h5 >
< h6 > Heading & lt ; h6 & gt ; </ h6 >
</ div >
< div class = " five columns omega " >
< blockquote >
< p > This is a blockquote style example . It stands out , but is awesome </ p >
< cite > Dave Gamache , Skeleton Creator </ cite >
</ blockquote >
</ div >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
</ div >
< hr />
< div class = " doc-section clearfix " id = " grid " >
< h3 > Grid </ h3 >
< p > Skeleton ' s base grid is a simpler variation of the 960 grid system . The syntax is simpler and is just as effective cross browser and across devices , but the awesome part is that it also has the flexibility to go mobile like a champ . The option is yours to have the site scale fluidly or to have a scaled fixed grid .</ p >
2011-05-04 18:20:56 -07:00
< div class = " example-grid " >
< div class = " one column alpha " > One </ div >
< div class = " eleven columns omega " > Eleven </ div >
< div class = " two columns alpha " > Two </ div >
< div class = " ten columns omega " > Ten </ div >
< div class = " three columns alpha " > Three </ div >
< div class = " nine columns omega " > Nine </ div >
< div class = " four columns alpha " > Four </ div >
< div class = " eight columns omega " > Eight </ div >
< div class = " five columns alpha " > Five </ div >
< div class = " seven columns omega " > Seven </ div >
< div class = " six columns alpha " > Six </ div >
< div class = " six columns omega " > Six </ div >
< div class = " seven columns alpha " > Seven </ div >
< div class = " five columns omega " > Five </ div >
< div class = " eight columns alpha " > Eight </ div >
< div class = " four columns omega " > Four </ div >
< div class = " nine columns alpha " > Nine </ div >
< div class = " three columns omega " > Three </ div >
< div class = " ten columns alpha " > Ten </ div >
< div class = " two columns omega " > Two </ div >
< div class = " eleven columns alpha " > Eleven </ div >
< div class = " one column omega " > One </ div >
</ div >
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< div class = " hidden-code " >
< a href = " " > Code Example </ a >
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " http://snipt.net/embed/44d7e5e7fece4e269ef873fc448804bb " ></ script >
</ div >
</ div >
< hr />
< div class = " doc-section " id = " buttons " >
< h3 > Buttons </ h3 >
< p > Button are intended for action and thus should have appropriate weight . The standard buttons are given that weight by being strong and dark , but they could just as easily be colorful .</ p >
< a href = " # " class = " button " > Save Now </ a >
< a href = " # " class = " secondary button " > Dismiss Changes </ a >
< div class = " hidden-code " >
< a href = " " > Code Example </ a >
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " http://snipt.net/embed/c9ba7e6bef73adc206a1f2f156336b1f " ></ script >
</ div >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
</ div >
< hr />
< div class = " doc-section " id = " tabs " >
< h3 > Tabs </ h3 >
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< p > Some very simple tabs that have dead simple jQuery that hook them up to their corresponding content .</ p >
2011-05-04 18:20:56 -07:00
< ul class = " tabs " >
< li >< a class = " active " href = " #simple " > Simple </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " #lightweight " > Lightweight </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " #mobileFriendly " > Mobile </ a ></ li >
</ ul >
< ul class = " tabs-content " >
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< li class = " active " id = " simpleTab " > The tabs are clean and simple unordered - list markup and basic CSS .</ li >
< li id = " lightweightTab " > The tabs are cross - browser , but don ' t need a ton of hacky CSS or markup .</ li >
< li id = " mobileFriendlyTab " > The tabs work like a charm even on mobile devices .</ li >
2011-05-04 18:20:56 -07:00
</ ul >
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< div class = " hidden-code " >
< a href = " " > Code Example </ a >
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " http://snipt.net/embed/4b46e3f57681fb03107aee169cd7e252 " ></ script >
</ div >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
</ div >
< hr />
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< div class = " doc-section clearfix " id = " forms " >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
< h3 > Forms </ h3 >
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< p > Forms can be one of the biggest pains for web developers , but just use these dead simple styles and you should be good to go . </ p >
< div class = " four columns alpha " style = " overflow: hidden " >
< form action = " " >
< label for = " regularInput " > Regular Input </ label >
< input type = " text " id = " regularInput " />
< label for = " regularTextarea " > Regular Textarea </ label >
< textarea id = " regularTextarea " ></ textarea >
< label for = " selectList " > Select List </ label >
< select id = " selectList " >
< option value = " Option 1 " > Option 1 </ option >
< option value = " Option 2 " > Option 2 </ option >
< option value = " Option 3 " > Option 3 </ option >
< option value = " Option 4 " > Option 4 </ option >
</ select >
< fieldset >
< label for = " " > Checkboxes </ label >
< label for = " regularCheckbox " >
< input type = " checkbox " id = " regularCheckbox " value = " checkbox 1 " />
< span > Regular Checkbox </ span >
</ label >
< label for = " secondRegularCheckbox " >
< input type = " checkbox " id = " secondRegularCheckbox " value = " checkbox 2 " />
< span > Regular Checkbox </ span >
</ label >
</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< label for = " " > Radio Buttons </ label >
< label for = " regularRadio " >
< input type = " radio " name = " radios " id = " regularRadio " value = " radio 1 " />
< span > Regular Radio </ span >
</ label >
< label for = " secondRegularRadio " >
< input type = " radio " name = " radios " id = " secondRegularRadio " value = " radio 2 " />
< span > Regular Radio </ span >
</ label >
</ fieldset >
<!-- < input type = " text " id = " placeholderInput " placeholder = " Placeholder Input " /> -->
</ form >
</ div >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
</ div >
< hr />
< div class = " doc-section " id = " mediaQueries " >
< h3 > Media Queries </ h3 >
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< p > Skeleton uses a < strong > lot </ strong > of media queries to serve the scalable grid , but also for the convenience of styling your site on different size screens . Skeleton 's media queries are almost exclusively targeted at max and min widths rather than device sizes or orientations. The advantage of this is browsers and future mobile devices that don' t map to exact set dimensions will still benefit from the styles . That being said , all of the queries were written to be optimal on Apple iOS devices . The built in media queries include :</ p >
< ul class = " square " >
< li >< strong > iPad Portrait </ strong > or any other tablet device </ li >
< li >< strong > iPhone </ strong > or mobile styles in general for small screens </ li >
< li >< strong > iPhone Landscape </ strong > or other mobile devices with a large screen size ( cascades over standard mobile styles ) </ li >
< li >< strong > Less than 960 </ strong > to style anything across browsers and devices that is smaller than the base grid </ li >
</ ul >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
</ div >
< hr />
< div class = " doc-section " id = " theFuture " >
< h3 > The Future </ h3 >
< p > Here is where I need to chat about what Skeleton is , why it ' s awesome and how what the file structure is . Focus on : 1 ) Speed , 2 ) Best Practices , 3 ) Across devices </ p >
</ div >
</ div >
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<!-- JS
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< script src = " //ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.js " ></ script >
< script > window . jQuery || document . write ( " <script src='src/javascripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js'> \x3C /script> " ) </ script >
< script src = " src/javascripts/modernizr-1.7.min.js " ></ script >
< script src = " src/javascripts/app.js " ></ script >
2011-05-05 12:41:53 -07:00
< script >
$ ( '.hidden-code' ) . click ( function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ();
$ ( this ) . children ( 'div' ) . slideDown ();
</ script >
2011-05-03 07:36:26 -07:00
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