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2017-05-17 13:45:25 -04:00
// Type definitions for Selenium WebDriverJS 2.44.0
// Project: https://code.google.com/p/selenium/
// Definitions by: Bill Armstrong <https://github.com/BillArmstrong>, Yuki Kokubun <https://github.com/Kuniwak>
// Definitions: https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped
declare module chrome {
* Creates a new WebDriver client for Chrome.
* @extends {webdriver.WebDriver}
class Driver extends webdriver.WebDriver {
* @param {(webdriver.Capabilities|Options)=} opt_config The configuration
* options.
* @param {remote.DriverService=} opt_service The session to use; will use
* the {@link getDefaultService default service} by default.
* @param {webdriver.promise.ControlFlow=} opt_flow The control flow to use, or
* {@code null} to use the currently active flow.
* @constructor
constructor(opt_config?: webdriver.Capabilities, opt_service?: any, opt_flow?: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow);
constructor(opt_config?: Options, opt_service?: any, opt_flow?: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow);
interface IOptionsValues {
args: string[];
binary?: string;
detach: boolean;
extensions: string[];
localState?: any;
logFile?: string;
prefs?: any;
interface IPerfLoggingPrefs {
enableNetwork: boolean;
enablePage: boolean;
enableTimeline: boolean;
tracingCategories: string;
bufferUsageReportingInterval: number;
* Class for managing ChromeDriver specific options.
class Options {
* @constructor
* Extracts the ChromeDriver specific options from the given capabilities
* object.
* @param {!webdriver.Capabilities} capabilities The capabilities object.
* @return {!Options} The ChromeDriver options.
static fromCapabilities(capabilities: webdriver.Capabilities): Options;
* Add additional command line arguments to use when launching the Chrome
* browser. Each argument may be specified with or without the "--" prefix
* (e.g. "--foo" and "foo"). Arguments with an associated value should be
* delimited by an "=": "foo=bar".
* @param {...(string|!Array.<string>)} var_args The arguments to add.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
addArguments(...var_args: string[]): Options;
* List of Chrome command line switches to exclude that ChromeDriver by default
* passes when starting Chrome. Do not prefix switches with "--".
* @param {...(string|!Array<string>)} var_args The switches to exclude.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
excludeSwitches(...var_args: string[]): Options;
* Add additional extensions to install when launching Chrome. Each extension
* should be specified as the path to the packed CRX file, or a Buffer for an
* extension.
* @param {...(string|!Buffer|!Array.<(string|!Buffer)>)} var_args The
* extensions to add.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
addExtensions(...var_args: any[]): Options;
* Sets the path to the Chrome binary to use. On Mac OS X, this path should
* reference the actual Chrome executable, not just the application binary
* (e.g. "/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome").
* The binary path be absolute or relative to the chromedriver server
* executable, but it must exist on the machine that will launch Chrome.
* @param {string} path The path to the Chrome binary to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setChromeBinaryPath(path: string): Options;
* Sets whether to leave the started Chrome browser running if the controlling
* ChromeDriver service is killed before {@link webdriver.WebDriver#quit()} is
* called.
* @param {boolean} detach Whether to leave the browser running if the
* chromedriver service is killed before the session.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
detachDriver(detach: boolean): Options;
* Sets the user preferences for Chrome's user profile. See the "Preferences"
* file in Chrome's user data directory for examples.
* @param {!Object} prefs Dictionary of user preferences to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setUserPreferences(prefs: any): Options;
* Sets the logging preferences for the new session.
* @param {!webdriver.logging.Preferences} prefs The logging preferences.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setLoggingPrefs(prefs: webdriver.logging.Preferences): Options;
* Sets the performance logging preferences. Options include:
* - `enableNetwork`: Whether or not to collect events from Network domain.
* - `enablePage`: Whether or not to collect events from Page domain.
* - `enableTimeline`: Whether or not to collect events from Timeline domain.
* Note: when tracing is enabled, Timeline domain is implicitly disabled,
* unless `enableTimeline` is explicitly set to true.
* - `tracingCategories`: A comma-separated string of Chrome tracing categories
* for which trace events should be collected. An unspecified or empty
* string disables tracing.
* - `bufferUsageReportingInterval`: The requested number of milliseconds
* between DevTools trace buffer usage events. For example, if 1000, then
* once per second, DevTools will report how full the trace buffer is. If a
* report indicates the buffer usage is 100%, a warning will be issued.
* @param {{enableNetwork: boolean,
* enablePage: boolean,
* enableTimeline: boolean,
* tracingCategories: string,
* bufferUsageReportingInterval: number}} prefs The performance
* logging preferences.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setPerfLoggingPrefs(prefs: IPerfLoggingPrefs): Options;
* Sets preferences for the "Local State" file in Chrome's user data
* directory.
* @param {!Object} state Dictionary of local state preferences.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setLocalState(state: any): Options;
* Sets the name of the activity hosting a Chrome-based Android WebView. This
* option must be set to connect to an [Android WebView](
* https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/getting-started/getting-started---android)
* @param {string} name The activity name.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
androidActivity(name: string): Options;
* Sets the device serial number to connect to via ADB. If not specified, the
* ChromeDriver will select an unused device at random. An error will be
* returned if all devices already have active sessions.
* @param {string} serial The device serial number to connect to.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
androidDeviceSerial(serial: string): Options;
* Configures the ChromeDriver to launch Chrome on Android via adb. This
* function is shorthand for
* {@link #androidPackage options.androidPackage('com.android.chrome')}.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
androidChrome(): Options;
* Sets the package name of the Chrome or WebView app.
* @param {?string} pkg The package to connect to, or `null` to disable Android
* and switch back to using desktop Chrome.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
androidPackage(pkg: string): Options;
* Sets the process name of the Activity hosting the WebView (as given by `ps`).
* If not specified, the process name is assumed to be the same as
* {@link #androidPackage}.
* @param {string} processName The main activity name.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
androidProcess(processName: string): Options;
* Sets whether to connect to an already-running instead of the specified
* {@linkplain #androidProcess app} instead of launching the app with a clean
* data directory.
* @param {boolean} useRunning Whether to connect to a running instance.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
androidUseRunningApp(useRunning: boolean): Options;
* Sets the path to Chrome's log file. This path should exist on the machine
* that will launch Chrome.
* @param {string} path Path to the log file to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setChromeLogFile(path: string): Options;
* Sets the proxy settings for the new session.
* @param {webdriver.ProxyConfig} proxy The proxy configuration to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setProxy(proxy: webdriver.ProxyConfig): Options;
* Converts this options instance to a {@link webdriver.Capabilities} object.
* @param {webdriver.Capabilities=} opt_capabilities The capabilities to merge
* these options into, if any.
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} The capabilities.
toCapabilities(opt_capabilities?: webdriver.Capabilities): webdriver.Capabilities;
* Converts this instance to its JSON wire protocol representation. Note this
* function is an implementation not intended for general use.
* @return {{args: !Array.<string>,
* binary: (string|undefined),
* detach: boolean,
* extensions: !Array.<string>,
* localState: (Object|undefined),
* logFile: (string|undefined),
* prefs: (Object|undefined)}} The JSON wire protocol representation
* of this instance.
toJSON(): IOptionsValues;
* Creates {@link remote.DriverService} instances that manage a ChromeDriver
* server.
class ServiceBuilder {
* @param {string=} opt_exe Path to the server executable to use. If omitted,
* the builder will attempt to locate the chromedriver on the current
* @throws {Error} If provided executable does not exist, or the chromedriver
* cannot be found on the PATH.
* @constructor
constructor(opt_exe?: string);
* Sets the port to start the ChromeDriver on.
* @param {number} port The port to use, or 0 for any free port.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
* @throws {Error} If the port is invalid.
usingPort(port: number): ServiceBuilder;
* Sets which port adb is listening to. _The ChromeDriver will connect to adb
* if an {@linkplain Options#androidPackage Android session} is requested, but
* adb **must** be started beforehand._
* @param {number} port Which port adb is running on.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
setAdbPort(port: number): ServiceBuilder;
* Sets the path of the log file the driver should log to. If a log file is
* not specified, the driver will log to stderr.
* @param {string} path Path of the log file to use.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
loggingTo(path: string): ServiceBuilder;
* Enables verbose logging.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
enableVerboseLogging(): ServiceBuilder;
* Sets the number of threads the driver should use to manage HTTP requests.
* By default, the driver will use 4 threads.
* @param {number} n The number of threads to use.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
setNumHttpThreads(n: number): ServiceBuilder;
* Sets the base path for WebDriver REST commands (e.g. "/wd/hub").
* By default, the driver will accept commands relative to "/".
* @param {string} path The base path to use.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
setUrlBasePath(path: string): ServiceBuilder;
* Defines the stdio configuration for the driver service. See
* {@code child_process.spawn} for more information.
* @param {(string|!Array.<string|number|!Stream|null|undefined>)} config The
* configuration to use.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
setStdio(config: string): ServiceBuilder;
setStdio(config: any[]): ServiceBuilder;
* Defines the environment to start the server under. This settings will be
* inherited by every browser session started by the server.
* @param {!Object.<string, string>} env The environment to use.
* @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference.
withEnvironment(env: { [key: string]: string }): ServiceBuilder;
* Creates a new DriverService using this instance's current configuration.
* @return {remote.DriverService} A new driver service using this instance's
* current configuration.
* @throws {Error} If the driver exectuable was not specified and a default
* could not be found on the current PATH.
build(): any;
* Returns the default ChromeDriver service. If such a service has not been
* configured, one will be constructed using the default configuration for
* a ChromeDriver executable found on the system PATH.
* @return {!remote.DriverService} The default ChromeDriver service.
function getDefaultService(): any;
* Sets the default service to use for new ChromeDriver instances.
* @param {!remote.DriverService} service The service to use.
* @throws {Error} If the default service is currently running.
function setDefaultService(service: any): void;
declare module firefox {
* Manages a Firefox subprocess configured for use with WebDriver.
class Binary {
* @param {string=} opt_exe Path to the Firefox binary to use. If not
* specified, will attempt to locate Firefox on the current system.
* @constructor
constructor(opt_exe?: string);
* Add arguments to the command line used to start Firefox.
* @param {...(string|!Array.<string>)} var_args Either the arguments to add as
* varargs, or the arguments as an array.
addArguments(...var_args: string[]): void;
* Launches Firefox and eturns a promise that will be fulfilled when the process
* terminates.
* @param {string} profile Path to the profile directory to use.
* @return {!promise.Promise.<!exec.Result>} A promise for the process result.
* @throws {Error} If this instance has already been started.
launch(profile: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<any>;
* Kills the managed Firefox process.
* @return {!promise.Promise} A promise for when the process has terminated.
kill(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* A WebDriver client for Firefox.
* @extends {webdriver.WebDriver}
class Driver extends webdriver.WebDriver {
* @param {(Options|webdriver.Capabilities|Object)=} opt_config The
* configuration options for this driver, specified as either an
* {@link Options} or {@link webdriver.Capabilities}, or as a raw hash
* object.
* @param {webdriver.promise.ControlFlow=} opt_flow The flow to
* schedule commands through. Defaults to the active flow object.
* @constructor
constructor(opt_config?: webdriver.Capabilities, opt_flow?: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow);
constructor(opt_config?: any, opt_flow?: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow);
* Configuration options for the FirefoxDriver.
class Options {
* @constructor
* Sets the profile to use. The profile may be specified as a
* {@link Profile} object or as the path to an existing Firefox profile to use
* as a template.
* @param {(string|!Profile)} profile The profile to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setProfile(profile: string): Options;
setProfile(profile: Profile): Options;
* Sets the binary to use. The binary may be specified as the path to a Firefox
* executable, or as a {@link Binary} object.
* @param {(string|!Binary)} binary The binary to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setBinary(binary: string): Options;
setBinary(binary: Binary): Options;
* Sets the logging preferences for the new session.
* @param {webdriver.logging.Preferences} prefs The logging preferences.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setLoggingPreferences(prefs: webdriver.logging.Preferences): Options;
* Sets the proxy to use.
* @param {webdriver.ProxyConfig} proxy The proxy configuration to use.
* @return {!Options} A self reference.
setProxy(proxy: webdriver.ProxyConfig): Options;
* Converts these options to a {@link webdriver.Capabilities} instance.
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A new capabilities object.
toCapabilities(opt_remote?: any): webdriver.Capabilities;
* Models a Firefox proifle directory for use with the FirefoxDriver. The
* {@code Proifle} directory uses an in-memory model until {@link #writeToDisk}
* is called.
class Profile {
* @param {string=} opt_dir Path to an existing Firefox profile directory to
* use a template for this profile. If not specified, a blank profile will
* be used.
* @constructor
constructor(opt_dir?: string);
* Registers an extension to be included with this profile.
* @param {string} extension Path to the extension to include, as either an
* unpacked extension directory or the path to a xpi file.
addExtension(extension: string): void;
* Sets a desired preference for this profile.
* @param {string} key The preference key.
* @param {(string|number|boolean)} value The preference value.
* @throws {Error} If attempting to set a frozen preference.
setPreference(key: string, value: string): void;
setPreference(key: string, value: number): void;
setPreference(key: string, value: boolean): void;
* Returns the currently configured value of a profile preference. This does
* not include any defaults defined in the profile's template directory user.js
* file (if a template were specified on construction).
* @param {string} key The desired preference.
* @return {(string|number|boolean|undefined)} The current value of the
* requested preference.
getPreference(key: string): any;
* @return {number} The port this profile is currently configured to use, or
* 0 if the port will be selected at random when the profile is written
* to disk.
getPort(): number;
* Sets the port to use for the WebDriver extension loaded by this profile.
* @param {number} port The desired port, or 0 to use any free port.
setPort(port: number): void;
* @return {boolean} Whether the FirefoxDriver is configured to automatically
* accept untrusted SSL certificates.
acceptUntrustedCerts(): boolean;
* Sets whether the FirefoxDriver should automatically accept untrusted SSL
* certificates.
* @param {boolean} value .
setAcceptUntrustedCerts(value: boolean): void;
* Sets whether to assume untrusted certificates come from untrusted issuers.
* @param {boolean} value .
setAssumeUntrustedCertIssuer(value: boolean): void;
* @return {boolean} Whether to assume untrusted certs come from untrusted
* issuers.
assumeUntrustedCertIssuer(): boolean;
* Sets whether to use native events with this profile.
* @param {boolean} enabled .
setNativeEventsEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
* Returns whether native events are enabled in this profile.
* @return {boolean} .
nativeEventsEnabled(): boolean;
* Writes this profile to disk.
* @param {boolean=} opt_excludeWebDriverExt Whether to exclude the WebDriver
* extension from the generated profile. Used to reduce the size of an
* {@link #encode() encoded profile} since the server will always install
* the extension itself.
* @return {!promise.Promise.<string>} A promise for the path to the new
* profile directory.
writeToDisk(opt_excludeWebDriverExt?: boolean): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Encodes this profile as a zipped, base64 encoded directory.
* @return {!promise.Promise.<string>} A promise for the encoded profile.
encode(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
declare module executors {
* Creates a command executor that uses WebDriver's JSON wire protocol.
* @param url The server's URL, or a promise that will resolve to that URL.
* @returns {!webdriver.CommandExecutor} The new command executor.
function createExecutor(url: string): webdriver.CommandExecutor;
function createExecutor(url: webdriver.promise.Promise<string>): webdriver.CommandExecutor;
declare module webdriver {
module error {
interface IErrorCode {
SUCCESS: number;
NO_SUCH_FRAME: number;
TIMEOUT: number;
NO_SUCH_ALERT: number;
// The following error codes are derived straight from HTTP return codes.
var ErrorCode: IErrorCode;
* Error extension that includes error status codes from the WebDriver wire
* protocol:
* http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#Response_Status_Codes
* @extends {Error}
class Error {
//region Constructors
* @param {!bot.ErrorCode} code The error's status code.
* @param {string=} opt_message Optional error message.
* @constructor
constructor(code: number, opt_message?: string);
//region Static Properties
* Status strings enumerated in the W3C WebDriver working draft.
* @enum {string}
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#status-codes
static State: {
NO_SUCH_ALERT: string;
NO_SUCH_DOM: string;
NO_SUCH_FRAME: string;
SUCCESS: string;
TIMEOUT: string;
//region Properties
* This error's status code.
* @type {!bot.ErrorCode}
code: number;
/** @type {string} */
state: string;
/** @override */
message: string;
/** @override */
name: string;
/** @override */
stack: string;
* Flag used for duck-typing when this code is embedded in a Firefox extension.
* This is required since an Error thrown in one component and then reported
* to another will fail instanceof checks in the second component.
* @type {boolean}
isAutomationError: boolean;
//region Methods
/** @return {string} The string representation of this error. */
toString(): string;
module logging {
* A hash describing log preferences.
* @typedef {Object.<webdriver.logging.Type, webdriver.logging.LevelName>}
class Preferences {
setLevel(type: string, level: ILevel): void;
toJSON(): { [key: string]: string };
interface IType {
/** Logs originating from the browser. */
BROWSER: string;
/** Logs from a WebDriver client. */
CLIENT: string;
/** Logs from a WebDriver implementation. */
DRIVER: string;
/** Logs related to performance. */
/** Logs from the remote server. */
SERVER: string;
* Common log types.
* @enum {string}
var Type: IType;
* Logging levels.
* @enum {{value: number, name: webdriver.logging.LevelName}}
interface ILevel {
value: number;
name: string;
interface ILevelValues {
ALL: ILevel;
DEBUG: ILevel;
INFO: ILevel;
OFF: ILevel;
var Level: ILevelValues;
* Converts a level name or value to a {@link webdriver.logging.Level} value.
* If the name/value is not recognized, {@link webdriver.logging.Level.ALL}
* will be returned.
* @param {(number|string)} nameOrValue The log level name, or value, to
* convert .
* @return {!webdriver.logging.Level} The converted level.
function getLevel(nameOrValue: string): ILevel;
function getLevel(nameOrValue: number): ILevel;
interface IEntryJSON {
level: string;
message: string;
timestamp: number;
type: string;
* A single log entry.
class Entry {
//region Constructors
* @param {(!webdriver.logging.Level|string)} level The entry level.
* @param {string} message The log message.
* @param {number=} opt_timestamp The time this entry was generated, in
* milliseconds since 0:00:00, January 1, 1970 UTC. If omitted, the
* current time will be used.
* @param {string=} opt_type The log type, if known.
* @constructor
constructor(level: ILevel, message: string, opt_timestamp?:number, opt_type?:string);
constructor(level: string, message: string, opt_timestamp?:number, opt_type?:string);
//region Public Properties
/** @type {!webdriver.logging.Level} */
level: ILevel;
/** @type {string} */
message: string;
/** @type {number} */
timestamp: number;
/** @type {string} */
type: string;
//region Static Methods
* Converts a {@link goog.debug.LogRecord} into a
* {@link webdriver.logging.Entry}.
* @param {!goog.debug.LogRecord} logRecord The record to convert.
* @param {string=} opt_type The log type.
* @return {!webdriver.logging.Entry} The converted entry.
static fromClosureLogRecord(logRecord: any, opt_type?:string): Entry;
//region Methods
* @return {{level: string, message: string, timestamp: number,
* type: string}} The JSON representation of this entry.
toJSON(): IEntryJSON;
module promise {
//region Functions
* Given an array of promises, will return a promise that will be fulfilled
* with the fulfillment values of the input array's values. If any of the
* input array's promises are rejected, the returned promise will be rejected
* with the same reason.
* @param {!Array.<(T|!webdriver.promise.Promise.<T>)>} arr An array of
* promises to wait on.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<T>>} A promise that is
* fulfilled with an array containing the fulfilled values of the
* input array, or rejected with the same reason as the first
* rejected value.
* @template T
function all(arr: Promise<any>[]): Promise<any[]>;
* Invokes the appropriate callback function as soon as a promised
* {@code value} is resolved. This function is similar to
* {@link webdriver.promise.when}, except it does not return a new promise.
* @param {*} value The value to observe.
* @param {Function} callback The function to call when the value is
* resolved successfully.
* @param {Function=} opt_errback The function to call when the value is
* rejected.
function asap(value: any, callback: Function, opt_errback?: Function): void;
* @return {!webdriver.promise.ControlFlow} The currently active control flow.
function controlFlow(): ControlFlow;
* Creates a new control flow. The provided callback will be invoked as the
* first task within the new flow, with the flow as its sole argument. Returns
* a promise that resolves to the callback result.
* @param {function(!webdriver.promise.ControlFlow)} callback The entry point
* to the newly created flow.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that resolves to the callback
* result.
function createFlow<R>(callback: (flow: ControlFlow) => R): Promise<R>;
* Determines whether a {@code value} should be treated as a promise.
* Any object whose "then" property is a function will be considered a promise.
* @param {*} value The value to test.
* @return {boolean} Whether the value is a promise.
function isPromise(value: any): boolean;
* Tests is a function is a generator.
* @param {!Function} fn The function to test.
* @return {boolean} Whether the function is a generator.
function isGenerator(fn: Function): boolean;
* Creates a promise that will be resolved at a set time in the future.
* @param {number} ms The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before
* resolving the promise.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} The promise.
function delayed(ms: number): Promise<void>;
* Calls a function for each element in an array, and if the function returns
* true adds the element to a new array.
* <p>If the return value of the filter function is a promise, this function
* will wait for it to be fulfilled before determining whether to insert the
* element into the new array.
* <p>If the filter function throws or returns a rejected promise, the promise
* returned by this function will be rejected with the same reason. Only the
* first failure will be reported; all subsequent errors will be silently
* ignored.
* @param {!(Array.<TYPE>|webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<TYPE>>)} arr The
* array to iterator over, or a promise that will resolve to said array.
* @param {function(this: SELF, TYPE, number, !Array.<TYPE>): (
* boolean|webdriver.promise.Promise.<boolean>)} fn The function
* to call for each element in the array.
* @param {SELF=} opt_self The object to be used as the value of 'this' within
* {@code fn}.
* @template TYPE, SELF
function filter<T>(arr: T[], fn: (element: T, index: number, array: T[]) => any, opt_self?: any): Promise<T[]>;
function filter<T>(arr: Promise<T[]>, fn: (element: T, index: number, array: T[]) => any, opt_self?: any): Promise<T[]>
* Creates a new deferred object.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Deferred} The new deferred object.
function defer<T>(): Deferred<T>;
* Creates a promise that has been resolved with the given value.
* @param {*=} opt_value The resolved value.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} The resolved promise.
function fulfilled<T>(opt_value?: T): Promise<T>;
* Calls a function for each element in an array and inserts the result into a
* new array, which is used as the fulfillment value of the promise returned
* by this function.
* <p>If the return value of the mapping function is a promise, this function
* will wait for it to be fulfilled before inserting it into the new array.
* <p>If the mapping function throws or returns a rejected promise, the
* promise returned by this function will be rejected with the same reason.
* Only the first failure will be reported; all subsequent errors will be
* silently ignored.
* @param {!(Array.<TYPE>|webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<TYPE>>)} arr The
* array to iterator over, or a promise that will resolve to said array.
* @param {function(this: SELF, TYPE, number, !Array.<TYPE>): ?} fn The
* function to call for each element in the array. This function should
* expect three arguments (the element, the index, and the array itself.
* @param {SELF=} opt_self The object to be used as the value of 'this' within
* {@code fn}.
* @template TYPE, SELF
function map<T>(arr: T[], fn: (element: T, index: number, array: T[]) => any, opt_self?: any): Promise<T[]>
function map<T>(arr: Promise<T[]>, fn: (element: T, index: number, array: T[]) => any, opt_self?: any): Promise<T[]>
* Creates a promise that has been rejected with the given reason.
* @param {*=} opt_reason The rejection reason; may be any value, but is
* usually an Error or a string.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} The rejected promise.
function rejected(opt_reason?: any): Promise<void>;
* Wraps a function that is assumed to be a node-style callback as its final
* argument. This callback takes two arguments: an error value (which will be
* null if the call succeeded), and the success value as the second argument.
* If the call fails, the returned promise will be rejected, otherwise it will
* be resolved with the result.
* @param {!Function} fn The function to wrap.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the
* result of the provided function's callback.
function checkedNodeCall<T>(fn: Function, ...var_args: any[]): Promise<T>;
* Consumes a {@code GeneratorFunction}. Each time the generator yields a
* promise, this function will wait for it to be fulfilled before feeding the
* fulfilled value back into {@code next}. Likewise, if a yielded promise is
* rejected, the rejection error will be passed to {@code throw}.
* <p>Example 1: the Fibonacci Sequence.
* <pre><code>
* webdriver.promise.consume(function* fibonacci() {
* var n1 = 1, n2 = 1;
* for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
* var tmp = yield n1 + n2;
* n1 = n2;
* n2 = tmp;
* }
* return n1 + n2;
* }).then(function(result) {
* console.log(result); // 13
* });
* </code></pre>
* <p>Example 2: a generator that throws.
* <pre><code>
* webdriver.promise.consume(function* () {
* yield webdriver.promise.delayed(250).then(function() {
* throw Error('boom');
* });
* }).thenCatch(function(e) {
* console.log(e.toString()); // Error: boom
* });
* </code></pre>
* @param {!Function} generatorFn The generator function to execute.
* @param {Object=} opt_self The object to use as "this" when invoking the
* initial generator.
* @param {...*} var_args Any arguments to pass to the initial generator.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<?>} A promise that will resolve to the
* generator's final result.
* @throws {TypeError} If the given function is not a generator.
function consume<T>(generatorFn: Function, opt_self?: any, ...var_args: any[]): Promise<T>;
* Registers an observer on a promised {@code value}, returning a new promise
* that will be resolved when the value is. If {@code value} is not a promise,
* then the return promise will be immediately resolved.
* @param {*} value The value to observe.
* @param {Function=} opt_callback The function to call when the value is
* resolved successfully.
* @param {Function=} opt_errback The function to call when the value is
* rejected.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A new promise.
function when<T,R>(value: T, opt_callback?: (value: T) => any, opt_errback?: (error: any) => any): Promise<R>;
function when<T,R>(value: Promise<T>, opt_callback?: (value: T) => any, opt_errback?: (error: any) => any): Promise<R>;
* Returns a promise that will be resolved with the input value in a
* fully-resolved state. If the value is an array, each element will be fully
* resolved. Likewise, if the value is an object, all keys will be fully
* resolved. In both cases, all nested arrays and objects will also be
* fully resolved. All fields are resolved in place; the returned promise will
* resolve on {@code value} and not a copy.
* Warning: This function makes no checks against objects that contain
* cyclical references:
* var value = {};
* value['self'] = value;
* webdriver.promise.fullyResolved(value); // Stack overflow.
* @param {*} value The value to fully resolve.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise for a fully resolved version
* of the input value.
function fullyResolved<T>(value: any): Promise<T>;
* Changes the default flow to use when no others are active.
* @param {!webdriver.promise.ControlFlow} flow The new default flow.
* @throws {Error} If the default flow is not currently active.
function setDefaultFlow(flow: ControlFlow): void;
* Error used when the computation of a promise is cancelled.
* @extends {goog.debug.Error}
* @final
class CancellationError {
* @param {string=} opt_msg The cancellation message.
* @constructor
constructor(opt_msg?: string);
name: string;
message: string;
interface IThenable<T> {
* Cancels the computation of this promise's value, rejecting the promise in the
* process. This method is a no-op if the promise has alreayd been resolved.
* @param {string=} opt_reason The reason this promise is being cancelled.
cancel(opt_reason?: string): void;
/** @return {boolean} Whether this promise's value is still being computed. */
isPending(): boolean;
* Registers listeners for when this instance is resolved.
* @param opt_callback The
* function to call if this promise is successfully resolved. The function
* should expect a single argument: the promise's resolved value.
* @param opt_errback The
* function to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect
* a single argument: the rejection reason.
* @return A new promise which will be
* resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
then<R>(opt_callback?: (value: T) => Promise<R>, opt_errback?: (error: any) => any): Promise<R>;
* Registers listeners for when this instance is resolved.
* @param opt_callback The
* function to call if this promise is successfully resolved. The function
* should expect a single argument: the promise's resolved value.
* @param opt_errback The
* function to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect
* a single argument: the rejection reason.
* @return A new promise which will be
* resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
then<R>(opt_callback?: (value: T) => R, opt_errback?: (error: any) => any): Promise<R>;
* Registers a listener for when this promise is rejected. This is synonymous
* with the {@code catch} clause in a synchronous API:
* <pre><code>
* // Synchronous API:
* try {
* doSynchronousWork();
* } catch (ex) {
* console.error(ex);
* }
* // Asynchronous promise API:
* doAsynchronousWork().thenCatch(function(ex) {
* console.error(ex);
* });
* </code></pre>
* @param {function(*): (R|webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>)} errback The function
* to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect a single
* argument: the rejection reason.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>} A new promise which will be
* resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
* @template R
thenCatch<R>(errback: (error: any) => any): Promise<R>;
* Registers a listener to invoke when this promise is resolved, regardless
* of whether the promise's value was successfully computed. This function
* is synonymous with the {@code finally} clause in a synchronous API:
* <pre><code>
* // Synchronous API:
* try {
* doSynchronousWork();
* } finally {
* cleanUp();
* }
* // Asynchronous promise API:
* doAsynchronousWork().thenFinally(cleanUp);
* </code></pre>
* <b>Note:</b> similar to the {@code finally} clause, if the registered
* callback returns a rejected promise or throws an error, it will silently
* replace the rejection error (if any) from this promise:
* <pre><code>
* try {
* throw Error('one');
* } finally {
* throw Error('two'); // Hides Error: one
* }
* webdriver.promise.rejected(Error('one'))
* .thenFinally(function() {
* throw Error('two'); // Hides Error: one
* });
* </code></pre>
* @param {function(): (R|webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>)} callback The function
* to call when this promise is resolved.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>} A promise that will be fulfilled
* with the callback result.
* @template R
thenFinally<R>(callback: () => any): Promise<R>;
* Thenable is a promise-like object with a {@code then} method which may be
* used to schedule callbacks on a promised value.
* @interface
* @template T
class Thenable<T> implements IThenable<T> {
* Cancels the computation of this promise's value, rejecting the promise in the
* process. This method is a no-op if the promise has alreayd been resolved.
* @param {string=} opt_reason The reason this promise is being cancelled.
cancel(opt_reason?: string): void;
/** @return {boolean} Whether this promise's value is still being computed. */
isPending(): boolean;
* Registers listeners for when this instance is resolved.
* @param opt_callback The
* function to call if this promise is successfully resolved. The function
* should expect a single argument: the promise's resolved value.
* @param opt_errback The
* function to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect
* a single argument: the rejection reason.
* @return A new promise which will be
* resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
then<R>(opt_callback?: (value: T) => Promise<R>, opt_errback?: (error: any) => any): Promise<R>;
* Registers listeners for when this instance is resolved.
* @param opt_callback The
* function to call if this promise is successfully resolved. The function
* should expect a single argument: the promise's resolved value.
* @param opt_errback The
* function to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect
* a single argument: the rejection reason.
* @return A new promise which will be
* resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
then<R>(opt_callback?: (value: T) => R, opt_errback?: (error: any) => any): Promise<R>;
* Registers a listener for when this promise is rejected. This is synonymous
* with the {@code catch} clause in a synchronous API:
* <pre><code>
* // Synchronous API:
* try {
* doSynchronousWork();
* } catch (ex) {
* console.error(ex);
* }
* // Asynchronous promise API:
* doAsynchronousWork().thenCatch(function(ex) {
* console.error(ex);
* });
* </code></pre>
* @param {function(*): (R|webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>)} errback The function
* to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect a single
* argument: the rejection reason.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>} A new promise which will be
* resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
* @template R
thenCatch<R>(errback: (error: any) => any): Promise<R>;
* Registers a listener to invoke when this promise is resolved, regardless
* of whether the promise's value was successfully computed. This function
* is synonymous with the {@code finally} clause in a synchronous API:
* <pre><code>
* // Synchronous API:
* try {
* doSynchronousWork();
* } finally {
* cleanUp();
* }
* // Asynchronous promise API:
* doAsynchronousWork().thenFinally(cleanUp);
* </code></pre>
* <b>Note:</b> similar to the {@code finally} clause, if the registered
* callback returns a rejected promise or throws an error, it will silently
* replace the rejection error (if any) from this promise:
* <pre><code>
* try {
* throw Error('one');
* } finally {
* throw Error('two'); // Hides Error: one
* }
* webdriver.promise.rejected(Error('one'))
* .thenFinally(function() {
* throw Error('two'); // Hides Error: one
* });
* </code></pre>
* @param {function(): (R|webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>)} callback The function
* to call when this promise is resolved.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>} A promise that will be fulfilled
* with the callback result.
* @template R
thenFinally<R>(callback: () => any): Promise<R>;
* Adds a property to a class prototype to allow runtime checks of whether
* instances of that class implement the Thenable interface. This function will
* also ensure the prototype's {@code then} function is exported from compiled
* code.
* @param {function(new: webdriver.promise.Thenable, ...[?])} ctor The
* constructor whose prototype to modify.
static addImplementation(ctor: Function): void;
* Checks if an object has been tagged for implementing the Thenable interface
* as defined by {@link webdriver.promise.Thenable.addImplementation}.
* @param {*} object The object to test.
* @return {boolean} Whether the object is an implementation of the Thenable
* interface.
static isImplementation(object: any): boolean;
interface IFulfilledCallback<T> {
(value: T|IThenable<T>|Thenable<T>|void): void;
interface IRejectedCallback {
(reason: any): void;
* Represents the eventual value of a completed operation. Each promise may be
* in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected. Each promise starts
* in the pending state and may make a single transition to either a
* fulfilled or rejected state, at which point the promise is considered
* resolved.
* @implements {promise.Thenable<T>}
* @template T
* @see http://promises-aplus.github.io/promises-spec/
class Promise<T> implements IThenable<T> {
* @param {function(
* function((T|IThenable<T>|Thenable)=),
* function(*=))} resolver
* Function that is invoked immediately to begin computation of this
* promise's value. The function should accept a pair of callback functions,
* one for fulfilling the promise and another for rejecting it.
* @param {promise.ControlFlow=} opt_flow The control flow
* this instance was created under. Defaults to the currently active flow.
* @constructor
constructor(resolver: (onFulfilled: IFulfilledCallback<T>, onRejected: IRejectedCallback)=>void, opt_flow?: ControlFlow);
constructor(); // For angular-protractor/angular-protractor-tests.ts
//region Methods
* Cancels the computation of this promise's value, rejecting the promise in the
* process.
* @param {*} reason The reason this promise is being cancelled. If not an
* {@code Error}, one will be created using the value's string
* representation.
cancel(reason: any): void;
/** @return {boolean} Whether this promise's value is still being computed. */
isPending(): boolean;
* Registers listeners for when this instance is resolved. This function most
* overridden by subtypes.
* @param opt_callback The function to call if this promise is
* successfully resolved. The function should expect a single argument: the
* promise's resolved value.
* @param opt_errback The function to call if this promise is
* rejected. The function should expect a single argument: the rejection
* reason.
* @return A new promise which will be resolved
* with the result of the invoked callback.
then<R>(opt_callback?: (value: T) => Promise<R>, opt_errback?: (error: any) => any): Promise<R>;
* Registers listeners for when this instance is resolved. This function most
* overridden by subtypes.
* @param opt_callback The function to call if this promise is
* successfully resolved. The function should expect a single argument: the
* promise's resolved value.
* @param opt_errback The function to call if this promise is
* rejected. The function should expect a single argument: the rejection
* reason.
* @return A new promise which will be resolved
* with the result of the invoked callback.
then<R>(opt_callback?: (value: T) => R, opt_errback?: (error: any) => any): Promise<R>;
* Registers a listener for when this promise is rejected. This is synonymous
* with the {@code catch} clause in a synchronous API:
* <pre><code>
* // Synchronous API:
* try {
* doSynchronousWork();
* } catch (ex) {
* console.error(ex);
* }
* // Asynchronous promise API:
* doAsynchronousWork().thenCatch(function(ex) {
* console.error(ex);
* });
* </code></pre>
* @param {function(*): (R|webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>)} errback The function
* to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect a single
* argument: the rejection reason.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>} A new promise which will be
* resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
* @template R
thenCatch<R>(errback: (error: any) => any): Promise<R>;
* Registers a listener to invoke when this promise is resolved, regardless
* of whether the promise's value was successfully computed. This function
* is synonymous with the {@code finally} clause in a synchronous API:
* <pre><code>
* // Synchronous API:
* try {
* doSynchronousWork();
* } finally {
* cleanUp();
* }
* // Asynchronous promise API:
* doAsynchronousWork().thenFinally(cleanUp);
* </code></pre>
* <b>Note:</b> similar to the {@code finally} clause, if the registered
* callback returns a rejected promise or throws an error, it will silently
* replace the rejection error (if any) from this promise:
* <pre><code>
* try {
* throw Error('one');
* } finally {
* throw Error('two'); // Hides Error: one
* }
* webdriver.promise.rejected(Error('one'))
* .thenFinally(function() {
* throw Error('two'); // Hides Error: one
* });
* </code></pre>
* @param {function(): (R|webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>)} callback The function
* to call when this promise is resolved.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>} A promise that will be fulfilled
* with the callback result.
* @template R
thenFinally<R>(callback: () => any): Promise<R>;
* Represents a value that will be resolved at some point in the future. This
* class represents the protected "producer" half of a Promise - each Deferred
* has a {@code promise} property that may be returned to consumers for
* registering callbacks, reserving the ability to resolve the deferred to the
* producer.
* <p>If this Deferred is rejected and there are no listeners registered before
* the next turn of the event loop, the rejection will be passed to the
* {@link webdriver.promise.ControlFlow} as an unhandled failure.
* <p>If this Deferred is cancelled, the cancellation reason will be forward to
* the Deferred's canceller function (if provided). The canceller may return a
* truth-y value to override the reason provided for rejection.
* @extends {webdriver.promise.Promise}
class Deferred<T> extends Promise<T> {
//region Constructors
* @param {webdriver.promise.ControlFlow=} opt_flow The control flow
* this instance was created under. This should only be provided during
* unit tests.
* @constructor
constructor(opt_flow?: ControlFlow);
static State_: {
BLOCKED: number;
PENDING: number;
REJECTED: number;
RESOLVED: number;
//region Properties
* The consumer promise for this instance. Provides protected access to the
* callback registering functions.
* @type {!webdriver.promise.Promise}
promise: Promise<T>;
//region Methods
* Rejects this promise. If the error is itself a promise, this instance will
* be chained to it and be rejected with the error's resolved value.
* @param {*=} opt_error The rejection reason, typically either a
* {@code Error} or a {@code string}.
reject(opt_error?: any): void;
errback(opt_error?: any): void;
* Resolves this promise with the given value. If the value is itself a
* promise and not a reference to this deferred, this instance will wait for
* it before resolving.
* @param {*=} opt_value The resolved value.
fulfill(opt_value?: T): void;
* Removes all of the listeners previously registered on this deferred.
* @throws {Error} If this deferred has already been resolved.
removeAll(): void;
interface IControlFlowTimer {
clearInterval: (ms: number) => void;
clearTimeout: (ms: number) => void;
setInterval: (fn: Function, ms: number) => number;
setTimeout: (fn: Function, ms: number) => number;
* Handles the execution of scheduled tasks, each of which may be an
* asynchronous operation. The control flow will ensure tasks are executed in
* the ordered scheduled, starting each task only once those before it have
* completed.
* Each task scheduled within this flow may return a
* {@link webdriver.promise.Promise} to indicate it is an asynchronous
* operation. The ControlFlow will wait for such promises to be resolved before
* marking the task as completed.
* Tasks and each callback registered on a {@link webdriver.promise.Promise}
* will be run in their own ControlFlow frame. Any tasks scheduled within a
* frame will take priority over previously scheduled tasks. Furthermore, if any
* of the tasks in the frame fail, the remainder of the tasks in that frame will
* be discarded and the failure will be propagated to the user through the
* callback/task's promised result.
* Each time a ControlFlow empties its task queue, it will fire an
* {@link webdriver.promise.ControlFlow.EventType.IDLE IDLE} event. Conversely,
* whenever the flow terminates due to an unhandled error, it will remove all
* remaining tasks in its queue and fire an
* {@link webdriver.promise.ControlFlow.EventType.UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
* UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION} event. If there are no listeners registered with the
* flow, the error will be rethrown to the global error handler.
* @extends {EventEmitter}
* @final
class ControlFlow extends EventEmitter {
* @constructor
* Events that may be emitted by an {@link webdriver.promise.ControlFlow}.
* @enum {string}
static EventType: {
/** Emitted when all tasks have been successfully executed. */
IDLE: string;
/** Emitted when a ControlFlow has been reset. */
RESET: string;
/** Emitted whenever a new task has been scheduled. */
* Emitted whenever a control flow aborts due to an unhandled promise
* rejection. This event will be emitted along with the offending rejection
* reason. Upon emitting this event, the control flow will empty its task
* queue and revert to its initial state.
* Returns a string representation of this control flow, which is its current
* {@link #getSchedule() schedule}, sans task stack traces.
* @return {string} The string representation of this contorl flow.
* @override
toString(): string;
* Resets this instance, clearing its queue and removing all event listeners.
reset(): void;
* Generates an annotated string describing the internal state of this control
* flow, including the currently executing as well as pending tasks. If
* {@code opt_includeStackTraces === true}, the string will include the
* stack trace from when each task was scheduled.
* @param {string=} opt_includeStackTraces Whether to include the stack traces
* from when each task was scheduled. Defaults to false.
* @return {string} String representation of this flow's internal state.
getSchedule(opt_includeStackTraces?: boolean): string;
* Schedules a task for execution. If there is nothing currently in the
* queue, the task will be executed in the next turn of the event loop. If
* the task function is a generator, the task will be executed using
* {@link webdriver.promise.consume}.
* @param {function(): (T|promise.Promise<T>)} fn The function to
* call to start the task. If the function returns a
* {@link webdriver.promise.Promise}, this instance will wait for it to be
* resolved before starting the next task.
* @param {string=} opt_description A description of the task.
* @return {!promise.Promise<T>} A promise that will be resolved
* with the result of the action.
* @template T
execute<T>(fn: ()=>(T|Promise<T>), opt_description?: string): Promise<T>;
* Inserts a {@code setTimeout} into the command queue. This is equivalent to
* a thread sleep in a synchronous programming language.
* @param {number} ms The timeout delay, in milliseconds.
* @param {string=} opt_description A description to accompany the timeout.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with
* the result of the action.
timeout(ms: number, opt_description?: string): Promise<void>;
* Schedules a task that shall wait for a condition to hold. Each condition
* function may return any value, but it will always be evaluated as a boolean.
* Condition functions may schedule sub-tasks with this instance, however,
* their execution time will be factored into whether a wait has timed out.
* In the event a condition returns a Promise, the polling loop will wait for
* it to be resolved before evaluating whether the condition has been satisfied.
* The resolution time for a promise is factored into whether a wait has timed
* out.
* If the condition function throws, or returns a rejected promise, the
* wait task will fail.
* If the condition is defined as a promise, the flow will wait for it to
* settle. If the timeout expires before the promise settles, the promise
* returned by this function will be rejected.
* If this function is invoked with `timeout === 0`, or the timeout is omitted,
* the flow will wait indefinitely for the condition to be satisfied.
* @param {(!promise.Promise<T>|function())} condition The condition to poll,
* or a promise to wait on.
* @param {number=} opt_timeout How long to wait, in milliseconds, for the
* condition to hold before timing out. If omitted, the flow will wait
* indefinitely.
* @param {string=} opt_message An optional error message to include if the
* wait times out; defaults to the empty string.
* @return {!promise.Promise<T>} A promise that will be fulfilled
* when the condition has been satisified. The promise shall be rejected if
* the wait times out waiting for the condition.
* @throws {TypeError} If condition is not a function or promise or if timeout
* is not a number >= 0.
* @template T
wait<T>(condition: Promise<T>|Function, opt_timeout?: number, opt_message?: string): Promise<T>;
module stacktrace {
* Class representing one stack frame.
class Frame {
* @param {(string|undefined)} context Context object, empty in case of global
* functions or if the browser doesn't provide this information.
* @param {(string|undefined)} name Function name, empty in case of anonymous
* functions.
* @param {(string|undefined)} alias Alias of the function if available. For
* example the function name will be 'c' and the alias will be 'b' if the
* function is defined as <code>a.b = function c() {};</code>.
* @param {(string|undefined)} path File path or URL including line number and
* optionally column number separated by colons.
* @constructor
constructor(context?: string, name?: string, alias?: string, path?: string);
* @return {string} The function name or empty string if the function is
* anonymous and the object field which it's assigned to is unknown.
getName(): string;
* @return {string} The url or empty string if it is unknown.
getUrl(): string;
* @return {number} The line number if known or -1 if it is unknown.
getLine(): number;
* @return {number} The column number if known and -1 if it is unknown.
getColumn(): number;
* @return {boolean} Whether the stack frame contains an anonymous function.
isAnonymous(): boolean;
* Converts this frame to its string representation using V8's stack trace
* format: http://code.google.com/p/v8/wiki/JavaScriptStackTraceApi
* @return {string} The string representation of this frame.
* @override
toString(): string;
* Stores a snapshot of the stack trace at the time this instance was created.
* The stack trace will always be adjusted to exclude this function call.
class Snapshot {
* @param {number=} opt_slice The number of frames to remove from the top of
* the generated stack trace.
* @constructor
constructor(opt_slice?: number);
* @return {!Array.<!webdriver.stacktrace.Frame>} The parsed stack trace.
getStacktrace(): Frame[];
* Formats an error's stack trace.
* @param {!(Error|goog.testing.JsUnitException)} error The error to format.
* @return {!(Error|goog.testing.JsUnitException)} The formatted error.
function format(error: any): any;
* Gets the native stack trace if available otherwise follows the call chain.
* The generated trace will exclude all frames up to and including the call to
* this function.
* @return {!Array.<!webdriver.stacktrace.Frame>} The frames of the stack trace.
function get(): Frame[];
* Whether the current browser supports stack traces.
* @type {boolean}
* @const
module until {
* Defines a condition to
class Condition<T> {
* @param {string} message A descriptive error message. Should complete the
* sentence "Waiting [...]"
* @param {function(!webdriver.WebDriver): OUT} fn The condition function to
* evaluate on each iteration of the wait loop.
* @constructor
constructor(message: string, fn: (webdriver: WebDriver) => any);
/** @return {string} A description of this condition. */
description(): string;
/** @type {function(!webdriver.WebDriver): OUT} */
fn(webdriver: WebDriver): any;
* Creates a condition that will wait until the input driver is able to switch
* to the designated frame. The target frame may be specified as:
* <ol>
* <li>A numeric index into {@code window.frames} for the currently selected
* frame.
* <li>A {@link webdriver.WebElement}, which must reference a FRAME or IFRAME
* element on the current page.
* <li>A locator which may be used to first locate a FRAME or IFRAME on the
* current page before attempting to switch to it.
* </ol>
* <p>Upon successful resolution of this condition, the driver will be left
* focused on the new frame.
* @param {!(number|webdriver.WebElement|
* webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|
* function(!webdriver.WebDriver): !webdriver.WebElement)} frame
* The frame identifier.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} A new condition.
function ableToSwitchToFrame(frame: number|WebElement|Locator|By.Hash|((webdriver: WebDriver)=>WebElement)): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that waits for an alert to be opened. Upon success, the
* returned promise will be fulfilled with the handle for the opened alert.
* @return {!until.Condition.<!webdriver.Alert>} The new condition.
function alertIsPresent(): Condition<Alert>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be disabled.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
* @see webdriver.WebDriver#isEnabled
function elementIsDisabled(element: WebElement): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be enabled.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
* @see webdriver.WebDriver#isEnabled
function elementIsEnabled(element: WebElement): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be deselected.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
* @see webdriver.WebDriver#isSelected
function elementIsNotSelected(element: WebElement): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be in the DOM,
* yet not visible to the user.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
* @see webdriver.WebDriver#isDisplayed
function elementIsNotVisible(element: WebElement): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be selected.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
* @see webdriver.WebDriver#isSelected
function elementIsSelected(element: WebElement): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to become visible.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
* @see webdriver.WebDriver#isDisplayed
function elementIsVisible(element: WebElement): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that will loop until an element is
* {@link webdriver.WebDriver#findElement found} with the given locator.
* @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Function)} locator The locator
* to use.
* @return {!until.Condition.<!webdriver.WebElement>} The new condition.
function elementLocated(locator: Locator|By.Hash|Function): Condition<WebElement>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the given element's
* {@link webdriver.WebDriver#getText visible text} to contain the given
* substring.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test.
* @param {string} substr The substring to search for.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
* @see webdriver.WebDriver#getText
function elementTextContains(element: WebElement, substr: string): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the given element's
* {@link webdriver.WebDriver#getText visible text} to match the given
* {@code text} exactly.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test.
* @param {string} text The expected text.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
* @see webdriver.WebDriver#getText
function elementTextIs(element: WebElement, text: string): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the given element's
* {@link webdriver.WebDriver#getText visible text} to match a regular
* expression.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test.
* @param {!RegExp} regex The regular expression to test against.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
* @see webdriver.WebDriver#getText
function elementTextMatches(element: WebElement, regex: RegExp): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that will loop until at least one element is
* {@link webdriver.WebDriver#findElement found} with the given locator.
* @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Function)} locator The locator
* to use.
* @return {!until.Condition.<!Array.<!webdriver.WebElement>>} The new
* condition.
function elementsLocated(locator: Locator|By.Hash|Function): Condition<WebElement[]>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to become stale. An
* element is considered stale once it is removed from the DOM, or a new page
* has loaded.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element that should become stale.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
function stalenessOf(element: WebElement): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the current page's title to contain
* the given substring.
* @param {string} substr The substring that should be present in the page
* title.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
function titleContains(substr: string): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the current page's title to match the
* given value.
* @param {string} title The expected page title.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
function titleIs(title: string): Condition<boolean>;
* Creates a condition that will wait for the current page's title to match the
* given regular expression.
* @param {!RegExp} regex The regular expression to test against.
* @return {!until.Condition.<boolean>} The new condition.
function titleMatches(regex: RegExp): Condition<boolean>;
interface ILocation {
x: number;
y: number;
interface ISize {
width: number;
height: number;
* Enumeration of the buttons used in the advanced interactions API.
* NOTE: A TypeScript enum was not used so that this class could be extended in Protractor.
* @enum {number}
interface IButton {
LEFT: number;
MIDDLE: number;
RIGHT: number;
var Button: IButton;
* Representations of pressable keys that aren't text. These are stored in
* the Unicode PUA (Private Use Area) code points, 0xE000-0xF8FF. Refer to
* http://www.google.com.au/search?&q=unicode+pua&btnG=Search
* @enum {string}
interface IKey {
NULL: string;
CANCEL: string; // ^break
HELP: string;
BACK_SPACE: string;
TAB: string;
CLEAR: string;
RETURN: string;
ENTER: string;
SHIFT: string;
CONTROL: string;
ALT: string;
PAUSE: string;
ESCAPE: string;
SPACE: string;
PAGE_UP: string;
PAGE_DOWN: string;
END: string;
HOME: string;
ARROW_LEFT: string;
LEFT: string;
ARROW_UP: string;
UP: string;
ARROW_RIGHT: string;
RIGHT: string;
ARROW_DOWN: string;
DOWN: string;
INSERT: string;
DELETE: string;
SEMICOLON: string;
EQUALS: string;
NUMPAD0: string; // number pad keys
NUMPAD1: string;
NUMPAD2: string;
NUMPAD3: string;
NUMPAD4: string;
NUMPAD5: string;
NUMPAD6: string;
NUMPAD7: string;
NUMPAD8: string;
NUMPAD9: string;
MULTIPLY: string;
ADD: string;
SEPARATOR: string;
SUBTRACT: string;
DECIMAL: string;
DIVIDE: string;
F1: string; // function keys
F2: string;
F3: string;
F4: string;
F5: string;
F6: string;
F7: string;
F8: string;
F9: string;
F10: string;
F11: string;
F12: string;
COMMAND: string; // Apple command key
META: string; // alias for Windows key
* Simulate pressing many keys at once in a "chord". Takes a sequence of
* {@link webdriver.Key}s or strings, appends each of the values to a string,
* and adds the chord termination key ({@link webdriver.Key.NULL}) and returns
* the resultant string.
* Note: when the low-level webdriver key handlers see Keys.NULL, active
* modifier keys (CTRL/ALT/SHIFT/etc) release via a keyup event.
* @param {...string} var_args The key sequence to concatenate.
* @return {string} The null-terminated key sequence.
* @see http://code.google.com/p/webdriver/issues/detail?id=79
chord: (...var_args: string[]) => string;
var Key: IKey;
* Class for defining sequences of complex user interactions. Each sequence
* will not be executed until {@link #perform} is called.
* <p>Example:<pre><code>
* new webdriver.ActionSequence(driver).
* keyDown(webdriver.Key.SHIFT).
* click(element1).
* click(element2).
* dragAndDrop(element3, element4).
* keyUp(webdriver.Key.SHIFT).
* perform();
* </pre></code>
class ActionSequence {
//region Constructors
* @param {!webdriver.WebDriver} driver The driver instance to use.
* @constructor
constructor(driver: WebDriver);
//region Methods
* Executes this action sequence.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved once
* this sequence has completed.
perform(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Moves the mouse. The location to move to may be specified in terms of the
* mouse's current location, an offset relative to the top-left corner of an
* element, or an element (in which case the middle of the element is used).
* @param {(!webdriver.WebElement|{x: number, y: number})} location The
* location to drag to, as either another WebElement or an offset in pixels.
* @param {{x: number, y: number}=} opt_offset An optional offset, in pixels.
* Defaults to (0, 0).
* @return {!webdriver.ActionSequence} A self reference.
mouseMove(location: WebElement, opt_offset?: ILocation): ActionSequence;
mouseMove(location: ILocation): ActionSequence;
* Presses a mouse button. The mouse button will not be released until
* {@link #mouseUp} is called, regardless of whether that call is made in this
* sequence or another. The behavior for out-of-order events (e.g. mouseDown,
* click) is undefined.
* <p>If an element is provided, the mouse will first be moved to the center
* of that element. This is equivalent to:
* <pre><code>sequence.mouseMove(element).mouseDown()</code></pre>
* <p>Warning: this method currently only supports the left mouse button. See
* http://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=4047
* @param {(webdriver.WebElement|webdriver.Button)=} opt_elementOrButton Either
* the element to interact with or the button to click with.
* Defaults to {@link webdriver.Button.LEFT} if neither an element nor
* button is specified.
* @param {webdriver.Button=} opt_button The button to use. Defaults to
* {@link webdriver.Button.LEFT}. Ignored if a button is provided as the
* first argument.
* @return {!webdriver.ActionSequence} A self reference.
mouseDown(opt_elementOrButton?: WebElement, opt_button?: number): ActionSequence;
mouseDown(opt_elementOrButton?: number): ActionSequence;
* Releases a mouse button. Behavior is undefined for calling this function
* without a previous call to {@link #mouseDown}.
* <p>If an element is provided, the mouse will first be moved to the center
* of that element. This is equivalent to:
* <pre><code>sequence.mouseMove(element).mouseUp()</code></pre>
* <p>Warning: this method currently only supports the left mouse button. See
* http://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=4047
* @param {(webdriver.WebElement|webdriver.Button)=} opt_elementOrButton Either
* the element to interact with or the button to click with.
* Defaults to {@link webdriver.Button.LEFT} if neither an element nor
* button is specified.
* @param {webdriver.Button=} opt_button The button to use. Defaults to
* {@link webdriver.Button.LEFT}. Ignored if a button is provided as the
* first argument.
* @return {!webdriver.ActionSequence} A self reference.
mouseUp(opt_elementOrButton?: WebElement, opt_button?: number): ActionSequence;
mouseUp(opt_elementOrButton?: number): ActionSequence;
* Convenience function for performing a "drag and drop" manuever. The target
* element may be moved to the location of another element, or by an offset (in
* pixels).
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to drag.
* @param {(!webdriver.WebElement|{x: number, y: number})} location The
* location to drag to, either as another WebElement or an offset in pixels.
* @return {!webdriver.ActionSequence} A self reference.
dragAndDrop(element: WebElement, location: WebElement): ActionSequence;
dragAndDrop(element: WebElement, location: ILocation): ActionSequence;
* Clicks a mouse button.
* <p>If an element is provided, the mouse will first be moved to the center
* of that element. This is equivalent to:
* <pre><code>sequence.mouseMove(element).click()</code></pre>
* @param {(webdriver.WebElement|webdriver.Button)=} opt_elementOrButton Either
* the element to interact with or the button to click with.
* Defaults to {@link webdriver.Button.LEFT} if neither an element nor
* button is specified.
* @param {webdriver.Button=} opt_button The button to use. Defaults to
* {@link webdriver.Button.LEFT}. Ignored if a button is provided as the
* first argument.
* @return {!webdriver.ActionSequence} A self reference.
click(opt_elementOrButton?: WebElement, opt_button?: number): ActionSequence;
click(opt_elementOrButton?: number): ActionSequence;
* Double-clicks a mouse button.
* <p>If an element is provided, the mouse will first be moved to the center of
* that element. This is equivalent to:
* <pre><code>sequence.mouseMove(element).doubleClick()</code></pre>
* <p>Warning: this method currently only supports the left mouse button. See
* http://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=4047
* @param {(webdriver.WebElement|webdriver.Button)=} opt_elementOrButton Either
* the element to interact with or the button to click with.
* Defaults to {@link webdriver.Button.LEFT} if neither an element nor
* button is specified.
* @param {webdriver.Button=} opt_button The button to use. Defaults to
* {@link webdriver.Button.LEFT}. Ignored if a button is provided as the
* first argument.
* @return {!webdriver.ActionSequence} A self reference.
doubleClick(opt_elementOrButton?: WebElement, opt_button?: number): ActionSequence;
doubleClick(opt_elementOrButton?: number): ActionSequence;
* Performs a modifier key press. The modifier key is <em>not released</em>
* until {@link #keyUp} or {@link #sendKeys} is called. The key press will be
* targetted at the currently focused element.
* @param {!webdriver.Key} key The modifier key to push. Must be one of
* @return {!webdriver.ActionSequence} A self reference.
* @throws {Error} If the key is not a valid modifier key.
keyDown(key: string): ActionSequence;
* Performs a modifier key release. The release is targetted at the currently
* focused element.
* @param {!webdriver.Key} key The modifier key to release. Must be one of
* @return {!webdriver.ActionSequence} A self reference.
* @throws {Error} If the key is not a valid modifier key.
keyUp(key: string): ActionSequence;
* Simulates typing multiple keys. Each modifier key encountered in the
* sequence will not be released until it is encountered again. All key events
* will be targetted at the currently focused element.
* @param {...(string|!webdriver.Key|!Array.<(string|!webdriver.Key)>)} var_args
* The keys to type.
* @return {!webdriver.ActionSequence} A self reference.
* @throws {Error} If the key is not a valid modifier key.
sendKeys(...var_args: any[]): ActionSequence;
* Class for defining sequences of user touch interactions. Each sequence
* will not be executed until {@link #perform} is called.
* Example:
* new webdriver.TouchSequence(driver).
* tapAndHold({x: 0, y: 0}).
* move({x: 3, y: 4}).
* release({x: 10, y: 10}).
* perform();
class TouchSequence {
* @param {!webdriver.WebDriver} driver The driver instance to use.
* @constructor
constructor(driver: WebDriver);
* Executes this action sequence.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved once
* this sequence has completed.
perform(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Taps an element.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} elem The element to tap.
* @return {!webdriver.TouchSequence} A self reference.
tap(elem: WebElement): TouchSequence;
* Double taps an element.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} elem The element to double tap.
* @return {!webdriver.TouchSequence} A self reference.
doubleTap(elem: WebElement): TouchSequence;
* Long press on an element.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} elem The element to long press.
* @return {!webdriver.TouchSequence} A self reference.
longPress(elem: WebElement): TouchSequence;
* Touch down at the given location.
* @param {{ x: number, y: number }} location The location to touch down at.
* @return {!webdriver.TouchSequence} A self reference.
tapAndHold(location: ILocation): TouchSequence;
* Move a held {@linkplain #tapAndHold touch} to the specified location.
* @param {{x: number, y: number}} location The location to move to.
* @return {!webdriver.TouchSequence} A self reference.
move(location: ILocation): TouchSequence;
* Release a held {@linkplain #tapAndHold touch} at the specified location.
* @param {{x: number, y: number}} location The location to release at.
* @return {!webdriver.TouchSequence} A self reference.
release(location: ILocation): TouchSequence;
* Scrolls the touch screen by the given offset.
* @param {{x: number, y: number}} offset The offset to scroll to.
* @return {!webdriver.TouchSequence} A self reference.
scroll(offset: IOffset): TouchSequence;
* Scrolls the touch screen, starting on `elem` and moving by the specified
* offset.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} elem The element where scroll starts.
* @param {{x: number, y: number}} offset The offset to scroll to.
* @return {!webdriver.TouchSequence} A self reference.
scrollFromElement(elem: WebElement, offset: IOffset): TouchSequence;
* Flick, starting anywhere on the screen, at speed xspeed and yspeed.
* @param {{xspeed: number, yspeed: number}} speed The speed to flick in each
direction, in pixels per second.
* @return {!webdriver.TouchSequence} A self reference.
flick(speed: ISpeed): TouchSequence;
* Flick starting at elem and moving by x and y at specified speed.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} elem The element where flick starts.
* @param {{x: number, y: number}} offset The offset to flick to.
* @param {number} speed The speed to flick at in pixels per second.
* @return {!webdriver.TouchSequence} A self reference.
flickElement(elem: WebElement, offset: IOffset, speed: number): TouchSequence;
interface IOffset {
x: number;
y: number;
interface ISpeed {
xspeed: number;
yspeed: number;
* Represents a modal dialog such as {@code alert}, {@code confirm}, or
* {@code prompt}. Provides functions to retrieve the message displayed with
* the alert, accept or dismiss the alert, and set the response text (in the
* case of {@code prompt}).
interface Alert {
//region Methods
* Retrieves the message text displayed with this alert. For instance, if the
* alert were opened with alert("hello"), then this would return "hello".
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved to the
* text displayed with this alert.
getText(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Accepts this alert.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when
* this command has completed.
accept(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Dismisses this alert.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when
* this command has completed.
dismiss(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Sets the response text on this alert. This command will return an error if
* the underlying alert does not support response text (e.g. window.alert and
* window.confirm).
* @param {string} text The text to set.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when
* this command has completed.
sendKeys(text: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* AlertPromise is a promise that will be fulfilled with an Alert. This promise
* serves as a forward proxy on an Alert, allowing calls to be scheduled
* directly on this instance before the underlying Alert has been fulfilled. In
* other words, the following two statements are equivalent:
* <pre><code>
* driver.switchTo().alert().dismiss();
* driver.switchTo().alert().then(function(alert) {
* return alert.dismiss();
* });
* </code></pre>
* @param {!webdriver.WebDriver} driver The driver controlling the browser this
* alert is attached to.
* @param {!webdriver.promise.Thenable.<!webdriver.Alert>} alert A thenable
* that will be fulfilled with the promised alert.
* @constructor
* @extends {webdriver.Alert}
* @implements {webdriver.promise.Thenable.<!webdriver.Alert>}
* @final
interface AlertPromise extends Alert, webdriver.promise.IThenable<Alert> {
* An error returned to indicate that there is an unhandled modal dialog on the
* current page.
* @extends {bot.Error}
interface UnhandledAlertError extends webdriver.error.Error {
//region Methods
* @return {string} The text displayed with the unhandled alert.
getAlertText(): string;
* @return {!webdriver.Alert} The open alert.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getAlertText}. This method will be removed in
* 2.45.0.
getAlert(): Alert;
* Recognized browser names.
* @enum {string}
interface IBrowser {
ANDROID: string;
CHROME: string;
FIREFOX: string;
IPAD: string;
IPHONE: string;
OPERA: string;
PHANTOM_JS: string;
SAFARI: string;
HTMLUNIT: string;
var Browser: IBrowser;
interface ProxyConfig {
proxyType: string;
proxyAutoconfigUrl?: string;
ftpProxy?: string;
httpProxy?: string;
sslProxy?: string;
noProxy?: string;
class Builder {
//region Constructors
* @constructor
//region Methods
* Creates a new WebDriver client based on this builder's current
* configuration.
* @return {!webdriver.WebDriver} A new WebDriver instance.
* @throws {Error} If the current configuration is invalid.
build(): WebDriver;
* Configures the target browser for clients created by this instance.
* Any calls to {@link #withCapabilities} after this function will
* overwrite these settings.
* <p>You may also define the target browser using the {@code SELENIUM_BROWSER}
* environment variable. If set, this environment variable should be of the
* form {@code browser[:[version][:platform]]}.
* @param {(string|webdriver.Browser)} name The name of the target browser;
* common defaults are available on the {@link webdriver.Browser} enum.
* @param {string=} opt_version A desired version; may be omitted if any
* version should be used.
* @param {string=} opt_platform The desired platform; may be omitted if any
* version may be used.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
forBrowser(name: string, opt_version?: string, opt_platform?: string): Builder;
* Returns the base set of capabilities this instance is currently configured
* to use.
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} The current capabilities for this builder.
getCapabilities(): Capabilities;
* @return {string} The URL of the WebDriver server this instance is configured
* to use.
getServerUrl(): string;
* Sets the default action to take with an unexpected alert before returning
* an error.
* @param {string} beahvior The desired behavior; should be "accept", "dismiss",
* or "ignore". Defaults to "dismiss".
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setAlertBehavior(behavior: string): Builder;
* Sets Chrome-specific options for drivers created by this builder. Any
* logging or proxy settings defined on the given options will take precedence
* over those set through {@link #setLoggingPrefs} and {@link #setProxy},
* respectively.
* @param {!chrome.Options} options The ChromeDriver options to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setChromeOptions(options: chrome.Options): Builder;
* Sets the control flow that created drivers should execute actions in. If
* the flow is never set, or is set to {@code null}, it will use the active
* flow at the time {@link #build()} is called.
* @param {webdriver.promise.ControlFlow} flow The control flow to use, or
* {@code null} to
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setControlFlow(flow: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow): Builder;
* Sets whether native events should be used.
* @param {boolean} enabled Whether to enable native events.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setEnableNativeEvents(enabled: boolean): Builder;
* Sets Firefox-specific options for drivers created by this builder. Any
* logging or proxy settings defined on the given options will take precedence
* over those set through {@link #setLoggingPrefs} and {@link #setProxy},
* respectively.
* @param {!firefox.Options} options The FirefoxDriver options to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setFirefoxOptions(options: firefox.Options): Builder;
* Sets the logging preferences for the created session. Preferences may be
* changed by repeated calls, or by calling {@link #withCapabilities}.
* @param {!(webdriver.logging.Preferences|Object.<string, string>)} prefs The
* desired logging preferences.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setLoggingPrefs(prefs: webdriver.logging.Preferences): Builder;
setLoggingPrefs(prefs: { [key: string]: string }): Builder;
* Sets the proxy configuration to use for WebDriver clients created by this
* builder. Any calls to {@link #withCapabilities} after this function will
* overwrite these settings.
* @param {!webdriver.ProxyConfig} config The configuration to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setProxy(config: ProxyConfig): Builder;
* Sets how elements should be scrolled into view for interaction.
* @param {number} behavior The desired scroll behavior: either 0 to align with
* the top of the viewport or 1 to align with the bottom.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
setScrollBehavior(behavior: number): Builder;
* Sets the URL of a remote WebDriver server to use. Once a remote URL has been
* specified, the builder direct all new clients to that server. If this method
* is never called, the Builder will attempt to create all clients locally.
* <p>As an alternative to this method, you may also set the
* {@code SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL} environment variable.
* @param {string} url The URL of a remote server to use.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
usingServer(url: string): Builder;
* Sets the desired capabilities when requesting a new session. This will
* overwrite any previously set capabilities.
* @param {!(Object|webdriver.Capabilities)} capabilities The desired
* capabilities for a new session.
* @return {!Builder} A self reference.
withCapabilities(capabilities: Capabilities): Builder;
withCapabilities(capabilities: any): Builder;
* Common webdriver capability keys.
* @enum {string}
interface ICapability {
* Indicates whether a driver should accept all SSL certs by default. This
* capability only applies when requesting a new session. To query whether
* a driver can handle insecure SSL certs, see
* {@link webdriver.Capability.SECURE_SSL}.
* The browser name. Common browser names are defined in the
* {@link webdriver.Browser} enum.
* Defines how elements should be scrolled into the viewport for interaction.
* This capability will be set to zero (0) if elements are aligned with the
* top of the viewport, or one (1) if aligned with the bottom. The default
* behavior is to align with the top of the viewport.
* Whether the driver is capable of handling modal alerts (e.g. alert,
* confirm, prompt). To define how a driver <i>should</i> handle alerts,
* use {@link webdriver.Capability.UNEXPECTED_ALERT_BEHAVIOR}.
* Key for the logging driver logging preferences.
* Whether this session generates native events when simulating user input.
* Describes the platform the browser is running on. Will be one of
* ANDROID, IOS, LINUX, MAC, UNIX, or WINDOWS. When <i>requesting</i> a
* session, ANY may be used to indicate no platform preference (this is
* semantically equivalent to omitting the platform capability).
PLATFORM: string;
* Describes the proxy configuration to use for a new WebDriver session.
PROXY: string;
/** Whether the driver supports changing the brower's orientation. */
ROTATABLE: string;
* Whether a driver is only capable of handling secure SSL certs. To request
* that a driver accept insecure SSL certs by default, use
* {@link webdriver.Capability.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS}.
SECURE_SSL: string;
/** Whether the driver supports manipulating the app cache. */
/** Whether the driver supports locating elements with CSS selectors. */
/** Whether the browser supports JavaScript. */
/** Whether the driver supports controlling the browser's location info. */
/** Whether the driver supports taking screenshots. */
* Defines how the driver should handle unexpected alerts. The value should
* be one of "accept", "dismiss", or "ignore.
/** Defines the browser version. */
VERSION: string;
var Capability: ICapability;
class Capabilities {
//region Constructors
* @param {(webdriver.Capabilities|Object)=} opt_other Another set of
* capabilities to merge into this instance.
* @constructor
constructor(opt_other?: Capabilities);
constructor(opt_other?: any);
//region Methods
/** @return {!Object} The JSON representation of this instance. */
toJSON(): any;
* Merges another set of capabilities into this instance. Any duplicates in
* the provided set will override those already set on this instance.
* @param {!(webdriver.Capabilities|Object)} other The capabilities to
* merge into this instance.
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A self reference.
merge(other: Capabilities): Capabilities;
merge(other: any): Capabilities;
* @param {string} key The capability to set.
* @param {*} value The capability value. Capability values must be JSON
* serializable. Pass {@code null} to unset the capability.
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A self reference.
set(key: string, value: any): Capabilities;
* Sets the logging preferences. Preferences may be specified as a
* {@link webdriver.logging.Preferences} instance, or a as a map of log-type to
* log-level.
* @param {!(webdriver.logging.Preferences|Object.<string, string>)} prefs The
* logging preferences.
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A self reference.
setLoggingPrefs(prefs: webdriver.logging.Preferences): Capabilities;
setLoggingPrefs(prefs: { [key: string]: string }): Capabilities;
* Sets the proxy configuration for this instance.
* @param {webdriver.ProxyConfig} proxy The desired proxy configuration.
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A self reference.
setProxy(proxy: ProxyConfig): Capabilities;
* Sets whether native events should be used.
* @param {boolean} enabled Whether to enable native events.
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A self reference.
setEnableNativeEvents(enabled: boolean): Capabilities;
* Sets how elements should be scrolled into view for interaction.
* @param {number} behavior The desired scroll behavior: either 0 to align with
* the top of the viewport or 1 to align with the bottom.
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A self reference.
setScrollBehavior(behavior: number): Capabilities;
* Sets the default action to take with an unexpected alert before returning
* an error.
* @param {string} behavior The desired behavior; should be "accept", "dismiss",
* or "ignore". Defaults to "dismiss".
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A self reference.
setAlertBehavior(behavior: string): Capabilities;
* @param {string} key The capability to return.
* @return {*} The capability with the given key, or {@code null} if it has
* not been set.
get(key: string): any;
* @param {string} key The capability to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether the specified capability is set.
has(key: string): boolean;
//region Static Methods
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A basic set of capabilities for Android.
static android(): Capabilities;
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A basic set of capabilities for Chrome.
static chrome(): Capabilities;
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A basic set of capabilities for Firefox.
static firefox(): Capabilities;
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A basic set of capabilities for
* Internet Explorer.
static ie(): Capabilities;
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A basic set of capabilities for iPad.
static ipad(): Capabilities;
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A basic set of capabilities for iPhone.
static iphone(): Capabilities;
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A basic set of capabilities for Opera.
static opera(): Capabilities;
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A basic set of capabilities for
* PhantomJS.
static phantomjs(): Capabilities;
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A basic set of capabilities for Safari.
static safari(): Capabilities;
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A basic set of capabilities for HTMLUnit.
static htmlunit(): Capabilities;
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} A basic set of capabilities for HTMLUnit
* with enabled Javascript.
static htmlunitwithjs(): Capabilities;
* An enumeration of valid command string.
interface ICommandName {
NEW_SESSION: string;
CLOSE: string;
QUIT: string;
GET: string;
GO_BACK: string;
GO_FORWARD: string;
REFRESH: string;
ADD_COOKIE: string;
GET_COOKIE: string;
GET_TITLE: string;
SET_TIMEOUT: string;
EXECUTE_SQL: string;
GET_APP_CACHE: string;
// These belong to the Advanced user interactions - an element is
// optional for these commands.
CLICK: string;
MOUSE_DOWN: string;
MOUSE_UP: string;
MOVE_TO: string;
// These belong to the Advanced Touch API
TOUCH_DOWN: string;
TOUCH_UP: string;
TOUCH_MOVE: string;
TOUCH_FLICK: string;
GET_LOG: string;
var CommandName: ICommandName;
* Describes a command to be executed by the WebDriverJS framework.
* @param {!webdriver.CommandName} name The name of this command.
* @constructor
class Command {
//region Constructors
* @param {!webdriver.CommandName} name The name of this command.
* @constructor
constructor(name: string);
//region Methods
* @return {!webdriver.CommandName} This command's name.
getName(): string;
* Sets a parameter to send with this command.
* @param {string} name The parameter name.
* @param {*} value The parameter value.
* @return {!webdriver.Command} A self reference.
setParameter(name: string, value: any): Command;
* Sets the parameters for this command.
* @param {!Object.<*>} parameters The command parameters.
* @return {!webdriver.Command} A self reference.
setParameters(parameters: any): Command;
* Returns a named command parameter.
* @param {string} key The parameter key to look up.
* @return {*} The parameter value, or undefined if it has not been set.
getParameter(key: string): any;
* @return {!Object.<*>} The parameters to send with this command.
getParameters(): any;
* Handles the execution of {@code webdriver.Command} objects.
interface CommandExecutor {
* Executes the given {@code command}. If there is an error executing the
* command, the provided callback will be invoked with the offending error.
* Otherwise, the callback will be invoked with a null Error and non-null
* {@link bot.response.ResponseObject} object.
* @param {!webdriver.Command} command The command to execute.
* @param {function(Error, !bot.response.ResponseObject=)} callback the function
* to invoke when the command response is ready.
execute(command: Command, callback: (error: Error, responseObject: any) => any ): void;
* Object that can emit events for others to listen for. This is used instead
* of Closure's event system because it is much more light weight. The API is
* based on Node's EventEmitters.
class EventEmitter {
//region Constructors
* @constructor
//region Methods
* Fires an event and calls all listeners.
* @param {string} type The type of event to emit.
* @param {...*} var_args Any arguments to pass to each listener.
emit(type: string, ...var_args: any[]): void;
* Returns a mutable list of listeners for a specific type of event.
* @param {string} type The type of event to retrieve the listeners for.
* @return {!Array.<{fn: !Function, oneshot: boolean,
* scope: (Object|undefined)}>} The registered listeners for
* the given event type.
listeners(type: string): Array<{fn: Function; oneshot: boolean; scope: any;}>;
* Registers a listener.
* @param {string} type The type of event to listen for.
* @param {!Function} listenerFn The function to invoke when the event is fired.
* @param {Object=} opt_scope The object in whose scope to invoke the listener.
* @return {!webdriver.EventEmitter} A self reference.
addListener(type: string, listenerFn: Function, opt_scope?:any): EventEmitter;
* Registers a one-time listener which will be called only the first time an
* event is emitted, after which it will be removed.
* @param {string} type The type of event to listen for.
* @param {!Function} listenerFn The function to invoke when the event is fired.
* @param {Object=} opt_scope The object in whose scope to invoke the listener.
* @return {!webdriver.EventEmitter} A self reference.
once(type: string, listenerFn: any, opt_scope?: any): EventEmitter;
* An alias for {@code #addListener()}.
* @param {string} type The type of event to listen for.
* @param {!Function} listenerFn The function to invoke when the event is fired.
* @param {Object=} opt_scope The object in whose scope to invoke the listener.
* @return {!webdriver.EventEmitter} A self reference.
on(type: string, listenerFn: Function, opt_scope?:any): EventEmitter;
* Removes a previously registered event listener.
* @param {string} type The type of event to unregister.
* @param {!Function} listenerFn The handler function to remove.
* @return {!webdriver.EventEmitter} A self reference.
removeListener(type: string, listenerFn: Function): EventEmitter;
* Removes all listeners for a specific type of event. If no event is
* specified, all listeners across all types will be removed.
* @param {string=} opt_type The type of event to remove listeners from.
* @return {!webdriver.EventEmitter} A self reference.
removeAllListeners(opt_type?: string): EventEmitter;
* Interface for navigating back and forth in the browser history.
interface WebDriverNavigation {
//region Constructors
* @param {!webdriver.WebDriver} driver The parent driver.
* @constructor
new (driver: WebDriver): WebDriverNavigation;
//region Methods
* Schedules a command to navigate to a new URL.
* @param {string} url The URL to navigate to.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the URL has been loaded.
to(url: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to move backwards in the browser history.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the navigation event has completed.
back(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to move forwards in the browser history.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the navigation event has completed.
forward(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to refresh the current page.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the navigation event has completed.
refresh(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
interface IWebDriverOptionsCookie {
name: string;
value: string;
path?: string;
domain?: string;
secure?: boolean;
expiry?: number;
* Provides methods for managing browser and driver state.
interface WebDriverOptions {
//region Constructors
* @param {!webdriver.WebDriver} driver The parent driver.
* @constructor
new (driver: webdriver.WebDriver): WebDriverOptions;
//region Methods
* Schedules a command to add a cookie.
* @param {string} name The cookie name.
* @param {string} value The cookie value.
* @param {string=} opt_path The cookie path.
* @param {string=} opt_domain The cookie domain.
* @param {boolean=} opt_isSecure Whether the cookie is secure.
* @param {(number|!Date)=} opt_expiry When the cookie expires. If specified as
* a number, should be in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the
* cookie has been added to the page.
addCookie(name: string, value: string, opt_path?: string, opt_domain?: string, opt_isSecure?: boolean, opt_expiry?: number): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
addCookie(name: string, value: string, opt_path?: string, opt_domain?: string, opt_isSecure?: boolean, opt_expiry?: Date): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to delete all cookies visible to the current page.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when all
* cookies have been deleted.
deleteAllCookies(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to delete the cookie with the given name. This command is
* a no-op if there is no cookie with the given name visible to the current
* page.
* @param {string} name The name of the cookie to delete.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the
* cookie has been deleted.
deleteCookie(name: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to retrieve all cookies visible to the current page.
* Each cookie will be returned as a JSON object as described by the WebDriver
* wire protocol.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the
* cookies visible to the current page.
* @see http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#Cookie_JSON_Object
getCookies(): webdriver.promise.Promise<IWebDriverOptionsCookie[]>;
* Schedules a command to retrieve the cookie with the given name. Returns null
* if there is no such cookie. The cookie will be returned as a JSON object as
* described by the WebDriver wire protocol.
* @param {string} name The name of the cookie to retrieve.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the
* named cookie, or {@code null} if there is no such cookie.
* @see http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#Cookie_JSON_Object
getCookie(name: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<IWebDriverOptionsCookie>;
* @return {!webdriver.WebDriver.Logs} The interface for managing driver
* logs.
logs(): WebDriverLogs;
* @return {!webdriver.WebDriver.Timeouts} The interface for managing driver
* timeouts.
timeouts(): WebDriverTimeouts;
* @return {!webdriver.WebDriver.Window} The interface for managing the
* current window.
window(): WebDriverWindow;
* An interface for managing timeout behavior for WebDriver instances.
interface WebDriverTimeouts {
//region Constructors
* @param {!webdriver.WebDriver} driver The parent driver.
* @constructor
new (driver: WebDriver): WebDriverTimeouts;
//region Methods
* Specifies the amount of time the driver should wait when searching for an
* element if it is not immediately present.
* <p/>
* When searching for a single element, the driver should poll the page
* until the element has been found, or this timeout expires before failing
* with a {@code bot.ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_ELEMENT} error. When searching
* for multiple elements, the driver should poll the page until at least one
* element has been found or this timeout has expired.
* <p/>
* Setting the wait timeout to 0 (its default value), disables implicit
* waiting.
* <p/>
* Increasing the implicit wait timeout should be used judiciously as it
* will have an adverse effect on test run time, especially when used with
* slower location strategies like XPath.
* @param {number} ms The amount of time to wait, in milliseconds.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the
* implicit wait timeout has been set.
implicitlyWait(ms: number): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Sets the amount of time to wait, in milliseconds, for an asynchronous script
* to finish execution before returning an error. If the timeout is less than or
* equal to 0, the script will be allowed to run indefinitely.
* @param {number} ms The amount of time to wait, in milliseconds.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the
* script timeout has been set.
setScriptTimeout(ms: number): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Sets the amount of time to wait for a page load to complete before returning
* an error. If the timeout is negative, page loads may be indefinite.
* @param {number} ms The amount of time to wait, in milliseconds.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when
* the timeout has been set.
pageLoadTimeout(ms: number): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* An interface for managing the current window.
interface WebDriverWindow {
//region Constructors
* @param {!webdriver.WebDriver} driver The parent driver.
* @constructor
new (driver: WebDriver): WebDriverWindow;
//region Methods
* Retrieves the window's current position, relative to the top left corner of
* the screen.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the
* window's position in the form of a {x:number, y:number} object literal.
getPosition(): webdriver.promise.Promise<ILocation>;
* Repositions the current window.
* @param {number} x The desired horizontal position, relative to the left side
* of the screen.
* @param {number} y The desired vertical position, relative to the top of the
* of the screen.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the
* command has completed.
setPosition(x: number, y: number): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Retrieves the window's current size.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the
* window's size in the form of a {width:number, height:number} object
* literal.
getSize(): webdriver.promise.Promise<ISize>;
* Resizes the current window.
* @param {number} width The desired window width.
* @param {number} height The desired window height.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the
* command has completed.
setSize(width: number, height: number): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Maximizes the current window.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the
* command has completed.
maximize(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Interface for managing WebDriver log records.
interface WebDriverLogs {
//region Constructors
* @param {!webdriver.WebDriver} driver The parent driver.
* @constructor
new (driver: WebDriver): WebDriverLogs;
* Fetches available log entries for the given type.
* <p/>Note that log buffers are reset after each call, meaning that
* available log entries correspond to those entries not yet returned for a
* given log type. In practice, this means that this call will return the
* available log entries since the last call, or from the start of the
* session.
* @param {!webdriver.logging.Type} type The desired log type.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<!webdriver.logging.Entry>>} A
* promise that will resolve to a list of log entries for the specified
* type.
get(type: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<webdriver.logging.Entry[]>;
* Retrieves the log types available to this driver.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<!webdriver.logging.Type>>} A
* promise that will resolve to a list of available log types.
getAvailableLogTypes(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string[]>;
* An interface for changing the focus of the driver to another frame or window.
interface WebDriverTargetLocator {
//region Constructors
* @param {!webdriver.WebDriver} driver The parent driver.
* @constructor
new (driver: WebDriver): WebDriverTargetLocator;
//region Methods
* Schedules a command retrieve the {@code document.activeElement} element on
* the current document, or {@code document.body} if activeElement is not
* available.
* @return {!webdriver.WebElement} The active element.
activeElement(): WebElementPromise;
* Schedules a command to switch focus of all future commands to the first frame
* on the page.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the
* driver has changed focus to the default content.
defaultContent(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to switch the focus of all future commands to another
* frame on the page.
* <p/>
* If the frame is specified by a number, the command will switch to the frame
* by its (zero-based) index into the {@code window.frames} collection.
* <p/>
* If the frame is specified by a string, the command will select the frame by
* its name or ID. To select sub-frames, simply separate the frame names/IDs by
* dots. As an example, "main.child" will select the frame with the name "main"
* and then its child "child".
* <p/>
* If the specified frame can not be found, the deferred result will errback
* with a {@code bot.ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_FRAME} error.
* @param {string|number} nameOrIndex The frame locator.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the
* driver has changed focus to the specified frame.
frame(nameOrIndex: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
frame(nameOrIndex: number): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to switch the focus of all future commands to another
* window. Windows may be specified by their {@code window.name} attribute or
* by its handle (as returned by {@code webdriver.WebDriver#getWindowHandles}).
* <p/>
* If the specificed window can not be found, the deferred result will errback
* with a {@code bot.ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_WINDOW} error.
* @param {string} nameOrHandle The name or window handle of the window to
* switch focus to.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the
* driver has changed focus to the specified window.
window(nameOrHandle: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to change focus to the active alert dialog. This command
* will return a {@link bot.ErrorCode.NO_MODAL_DIALOG_OPEN} error if a modal
* dialog is not currently open.
* @return {!webdriver.Alert} The open alert.
alert(): AlertPromise;
* Used with {@link webdriver.WebElement#sendKeys WebElement#sendKeys} on file
* input elements ({@code <input type="file">}) to detect when the entered key
* sequence defines the path to a file.
* By default, {@linkplain webdriver.WebElement WebElement's} will enter all
* key sequences exactly as entered. You may set a
* {@linkplain webdriver.WebDriver#setFileDetector file detector} on the parent
* WebDriver instance to define custom behavior for handling file elements. Of
* particular note is the {@link selenium-webdriver/remote.FileDetector}, which
* should be used when running against a remote
* [Selenium Server](http://docs.seleniumhq.org/download/).
class FileDetector {
/** @constructor */
* Handles the file specified by the given path, preparing it for use with
* the current browser. If the path does not refer to a valid file, it will
* be returned unchanged, otherwisee a path suitable for use with the current
* browser will be returned.
* This default implementation is a no-op. Subtypes may override this
* function for custom tailored file handling.
* @param {!webdriver.WebDriver} driver The driver for the current browser.
* @param {string} path The path to process.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise<string>} A promise for the processed
* file path.
* @package
handleFile(driver: webdriver.WebDriver, path: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Creates a new WebDriver client, which provides control over a browser.
* Every WebDriver command returns a {@code webdriver.promise.Promise} that
* represents the result of that command. Callbacks may be registered on this
* object to manipulate the command result or catch an expected error. Any
* commands scheduled with a callback are considered sub-commands and will
* execute before the next command in the current frame. For example:
* var message = [];
* driver.call(message.push, message, 'a').then(function() {
* driver.call(message.push, message, 'b');
* });
* driver.call(message.push, message, 'c');
* driver.call(function() {
* alert('message is abc? ' + (message.join('') == 'abc'));
* });
class WebDriver {
//region Constructors
* @param {!(webdriver.Session|webdriver.promise.Promise)} session Either a
* known session or a promise that will be resolved to a session.
* @param {!webdriver.CommandExecutor} executor The executor to use when
* sending commands to the browser.
* @param {webdriver.promise.ControlFlow=} opt_flow The flow to
* schedule commands through. Defaults to the active flow object.
* @constructor
constructor(session: Session, executor: CommandExecutor, opt_flow?: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow);
constructor(session: webdriver.promise.Promise<Session>, executor: CommandExecutor, opt_flow?: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow);
//region Static Properties
static Navigation: WebDriverNavigation;
static Options: WebDriverOptions;
static Timeouts: WebDriverTimeouts;
static Window: WebDriverWindow;
static Logs: WebDriverLogs;
static TargetLocator: WebDriverTargetLocator;
//region StaticMethods
* Creates a new WebDriver client for an existing session.
* @param {!webdriver.CommandExecutor} executor Command executor to use when
* querying for session details.
* @param {string} sessionId ID of the session to attach to.
* @param {webdriver.promise.ControlFlow=} opt_flow The control flow all driver
* commands should execute under. Defaults to the
* {@link webdriver.promise.controlFlow() currently active} control flow.
* @return {!webdriver.WebDriver} A new client for the specified session.
static attachToSession(executor: CommandExecutor, sessionId: string, opt_flow?: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow): WebDriver;
* Creates a new WebDriver session.
* @param {!webdriver.CommandExecutor} executor The executor to create the new
* session with.
* @param {!webdriver.Capabilities} desiredCapabilities The desired
* capabilities for the new session.
* @param {webdriver.promise.ControlFlow=} opt_flow The control flow all driver
* commands should execute under, including the initial session creation.
* Defaults to the {@link webdriver.promise.controlFlow() currently active}
* control flow.
* @return {!webdriver.WebDriver} The driver for the newly created session.
static createSession(executor: CommandExecutor, desiredCapabilities: Capabilities, opt_flow?: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow): WebDriver;
//region Methods
* @return {!webdriver.promise.ControlFlow} The control flow used by this
* instance.
controlFlow(): webdriver.promise.ControlFlow;
* Schedules a {@code webdriver.Command} to be executed by this driver's
* {@code webdriver.CommandExecutor}.
* @param {!webdriver.Command} command The command to schedule.
* @param {string} description A description of the command for debugging.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with
* the command result.
schedule<T>(command: Command, description: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<T>;
* Sets the {@linkplain webdriver.FileDetector file detector} that should be
* used with this instance.
* @param {webdriver.FileDetector} detector The detector to use or {@code null}.
setFileDetector(detector: FileDetector): void;
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<!webdriver.Session>} A promise for this
* client's session.
getSession(): webdriver.promise.Promise<Session>;
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<!webdriver.Capabilities>} A promise
* that will resolve with the this instance's capabilities.
getCapabilities(): webdriver.promise.Promise<Capabilities>;
* Schedules a command to quit the current session. After calling quit, this
* instance will be invalidated and may no longer be used to issue commands
* against the browser.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the command has completed.
quit(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Creates a new action sequence using this driver. The sequence will not be
* scheduled for execution until {@link webdriver.ActionSequence#perform} is
* called. Example:
* <pre><code>
* driver.actions().
* mouseDown(element1).
* mouseMove(element2).
* mouseUp().
* perform();
* </code></pre>
* @return {!webdriver.ActionSequence} A new action sequence for this instance.
actions(): ActionSequence;
* Creates a new touch sequence using this driver. The sequence will not be
* scheduled for execution until {@link webdriver.TouchSequence#perform} is
* called. Example:
* driver.touchActions().
* tap(element1).
* doubleTap(element2).
* perform();
* @return {!webdriver.TouchSequence} A new touch sequence for this instance.
touchActions(): TouchSequence;
* Schedules a command to execute JavaScript in the context of the currently
* selected frame or window. The script fragment will be executed as the body
* of an anonymous function. If the script is provided as a function object,
* that function will be converted to a string for injection into the target
* window.
* Any arguments provided in addition to the script will be included as script
* arguments and may be referenced using the {@code arguments} object.
* Arguments may be a boolean, number, string, or {@code webdriver.WebElement}.
* Arrays and objects may also be used as script arguments as long as each item
* adheres to the types previously mentioned.
* The script may refer to any variables accessible from the current window.
* Furthermore, the script will execute in the window's context, thus
* {@code document} may be used to refer to the current document. Any local
* variables will not be available once the script has finished executing,
* though global variables will persist.
* If the script has a return value (i.e. if the script contains a return
* statement), then the following steps will be taken for resolving this
* functions return value:
* - For a HTML element, the value will resolve to a
* {@link webdriver.WebElement}
* - Null and undefined return values will resolve to null</li>
* - Booleans, numbers, and strings will resolve as is</li>
* - Functions will resolve to their string representation</li>
* - For arrays and objects, each member item will be converted according to
* the rules above
* @param {!(string|Function)} script The script to execute.
* @param {...*} var_args The arguments to pass to the script.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<T>} A promise that will resolve to the
* scripts return value.
* @template T
executeScript<T>(script: string, ...var_args: any[]): webdriver.promise.Promise<T>;
executeScript<T>(script: Function, ...var_args: any[]): webdriver.promise.Promise<T>;
* Schedules a command to execute asynchronous JavaScript in the context of the
* currently selected frame or window. The script fragment will be executed as
* the body of an anonymous function. If the script is provided as a function
* object, that function will be converted to a string for injection into the
* target window.
* Any arguments provided in addition to the script will be included as script
* arguments and may be referenced using the {@code arguments} object.
* Arguments may be a boolean, number, string, or {@code webdriver.WebElement}.
* Arrays and objects may also be used as script arguments as long as each item
* adheres to the types previously mentioned.
* Unlike executing synchronous JavaScript with {@link #executeScript},
* scripts executed with this function must explicitly signal they are finished
* by invoking the provided callback. This callback will always be injected
* into the executed function as the last argument, and thus may be referenced
* with {@code arguments[arguments.length - 1]}. The following steps will be
* taken for resolving this functions return value against the first argument
* to the script's callback function:
* - For a HTML element, the value will resolve to a
* {@link webdriver.WebElement}
* - Null and undefined return values will resolve to null
* - Booleans, numbers, and strings will resolve as is
* - Functions will resolve to their string representation
* - For arrays and objects, each member item will be converted according to
* the rules above
* __Example #1:__ Performing a sleep that is synchronized with the currently
* selected window:
* var start = new Date().getTime();
* driver.executeAsyncScript(
* 'window.setTimeout(arguments[arguments.length - 1], 500);').
* then(function() {
* console.log(
* 'Elapsed time: ' + (new Date().getTime() - start) + ' ms');
* });
* __Example #2:__ Synchronizing a test with an AJAX application:
* var button = driver.findElement(By.id('compose-button'));
* button.click();
* driver.executeAsyncScript(
* 'var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];' +
* 'mailClient.getComposeWindowWidget().onload(callback);');
* driver.switchTo().frame('composeWidget');
* driver.findElement(By.id('to')).sendKeys('dog@example.com');
* __Example #3:__ Injecting a XMLHttpRequest and waiting for the result. In
* this example, the inject script is specified with a function literal. When
* using this format, the function is converted to a string for injection, so it
* should not reference any symbols not defined in the scope of the page under
* test.
* driver.executeAsyncScript(function() {
* var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
* var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
* xhr.open("GET", "/resource/data.json", true);
* xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
* if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
* callback(xhr.responseText);
* }
* }
* xhr.send('');
* }).then(function(str) {
* console.log(JSON.parse(str)['food']);
* });
* @param {!(string|Function)} script The script to execute.
* @param {...*} var_args The arguments to pass to the script.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<T>} A promise that will resolve to the
* scripts return value.
* @template T
executeAsyncScript<T>(script: string|Function, ...var_args: any[]): webdriver.promise.Promise<T>;
* Schedules a command to execute a custom function.
* @param {function(...): (T|webdriver.promise.Promise.<T>)} fn The function to
* execute.
* @param {Object=} opt_scope The object in whose scope to execute the function.
* @param {...*} var_args Any arguments to pass to the function.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<T>} A promise that will be resolved'
* with the function's result.
* @template T
call<T>(fn: (...var_args: any[])=>(T|webdriver.promise.Promise<T>), opt_scope?: any, ...var_args: any[]): webdriver.promise.Promise<T>;
* Schedules a command to wait for a condition to hold. The condition may be
* specified by a {@link webdriver.until.Condition}, as a custom function, or
* as a {@link webdriver.promise.Promise}.
* For a {@link webdriver.until.Condition} or function, the wait will repeatedly
* evaluate the condition until it returns a truthy value. If any errors occur
* while evaluating the condition, they will be allowed to propagate. In the
* event a condition returns a {@link webdriver.promise.Promise promise}, the
* polling loop will wait for it to be resolved and use the resolved value for
* whether the condition has been satisified. Note the resolution time for
* a promise is factored into whether a wait has timed out.
* *Example:* waiting up to 10 seconds for an element to be present and visible
* on the page.
* var button = driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.id('foo'), 10000);
* button.click();
* This function may also be used to block the command flow on the resolution
* of a {@link webdriver.promise.Promise promise}. When given a promise, the
* command will simply wait for its resolution before completing. A timeout may
* be provided to fail the command if the promise does not resolve before the
* timeout expires.
* *Example:* Suppose you have a function, `startTestServer`, that returns a
* promise for when a server is ready for requests. You can block a `WebDriver`
* client on this promise with:
* var started = startTestServer();
* driver.wait(started, 5 * 1000, 'Server should start within 5 seconds');
* driver.get(getServerUrl());
* @param {!(webdriver.promise.Promise<T>|
* webdriver.until.Condition<T>|
* function(!webdriver.WebDriver): T)} condition The condition to
* wait on, defined as a promise, condition object, or a function to
* evaluate as a condition.
* @param {number=} opt_timeout How long to wait for the condition to be true.
* @param {string=} opt_message An optional message to use if the wait times
* out.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise<T>} A promise that will be fulfilled
* with the first truthy value returned by the condition function, or
* rejected if the condition times out.
* @template T
wait<T>(condition: webdriver.promise.Promise<T>|webdriver.until.Condition<T>|((driver: WebDriver)=>T), timeout?: number, opt_message?: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<T>;
* Schedules a command to make the driver sleep for the given amount of time.
* @param {number} ms The amount of time, in milliseconds, to sleep.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the sleep has finished.
sleep(ms: number): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to retrieve they current window handle.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<string>} A promise that will be
* resolved with the current window handle.
getWindowHandle(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Schedules a command to retrieve the current list of available window handles.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<string>>} A promise that will
* be resolved with an array of window handles.
getAllWindowHandles(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string[]>;
* Schedules a command to retrieve the current page's source. The page source
* returned is a representation of the underlying DOM: do not expect it to be
* formatted or escaped in the same way as the response sent from the web
* server.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<string>} A promise that will be
* resolved with the current page source.
getPageSource(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Schedules a command to close the current window.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when this command has completed.
close(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to navigate to the given URL.
* @param {string} url The fully qualified URL to open.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the document has finished loading.
get(url: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to retrieve the URL of the current page.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<string>} A promise that will be
* resolved with the current URL.
getCurrentUrl(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Schedules a command to retrieve the current page's title.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<string>} A promise that will be
* resolved with the current page's title.
getTitle(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Schedule a command to find an element on the page. If the element cannot be
* found, a {@link bot.ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_ELEMENT} result will be returned
* by the driver. Unlike other commands, this error cannot be suppressed. In
* other words, scheduling a command to find an element doubles as an assert
* that the element is present on the page. To test whether an element is
* present on the page, use {@link #isElementPresent} instead.
* The search criteria for an element may be defined using one of the
* factories in the {@link webdriver.By} namespace, or as a short-hand
* {@link webdriver.By.Hash} object. For example, the following two statements
* are equivalent:
* var e1 = driver.findElement(By.id('foo'));
* var e2 = driver.findElement({id:'foo'});
* You may also provide a custom locator function, which takes as input
* this WebDriver instance and returns a {@link webdriver.WebElement}, or a
* promise that will resolve to a WebElement. For example, to find the first
* visible link on a page, you could write:
* var link = driver.findElement(firstVisibleLink);
* function firstVisibleLink(driver) {
* var links = driver.findElements(By.tagName('a'));
* return webdriver.promise.filter(links, function(link) {
* return links.isDisplayed();
* }).then(function(visibleLinks) {
* return visibleLinks[0];
* });
* }
* When running in the browser, a WebDriver cannot manipulate DOM elements
* directly; it may do so only through a {@link webdriver.WebElement} reference.
* This function may be used to generate a WebElement from a DOM element. A
* reference to the DOM element will be stored in a known location and this
* driver will attempt to retrieve it through {@link #executeScript}. If the
* element cannot be found (eg, it belongs to a different document than the
* one this instance is currently focused on), a
* {@link bot.ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_ELEMENT} error will be returned.
* @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Element|Function)} locator The
* locator to use.
* @return {!webdriver.WebElement} A WebElement that can be used to issue
* commands against the located element. If the element is not found, the
* element will be invalidated and all scheduled commands aborted.
findElement(locatorOrElement: Locator|By.Hash|WebElement|Function): WebElementPromise;
* Schedules a command to test if an element is present on the page.
* If given a DOM element, this function will check if it belongs to the
* document the driver is currently focused on. Otherwise, the function will
* test if at least one element can be found with the given search criteria.
* @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Element|
* Function)} locatorOrElement The locator to use, or the actual
* DOM element to be located by the server.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<boolean>} A promise that will resolve
* with whether the element is present on the page.
isElementPresent(locatorOrElement: Locator|By.Hash|WebElement|Function): webdriver.promise.Promise<boolean>;
* Schedule a command to search for multiple elements on the page.
* @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Function)} locator The locator
* strategy to use when searching for the element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<!webdriver.WebElement>>} A
* promise that will resolve to an array of WebElements.
findElements(locator: Locator|By.Hash|Function): webdriver.promise.Promise<WebElement[]>;
* Schedule a command to take a screenshot. The driver makes a best effort to
* return a screenshot of the following, in order of preference:
* <ol>
* <li>Entire page
* <li>Current window
* <li>Visible portion of the current frame
* <li>The screenshot of the entire display containing the browser
* </ol>
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<string>} A promise that will be
* resolved to the screenshot as a base-64 encoded PNG.
takeScreenshot(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* @return {!webdriver.WebDriver.Options} The options interface for this
* instance.
manage(): WebDriverOptions;
* @return {!webdriver.WebDriver.Navigation} The navigation interface for this
* instance.
navigate(): WebDriverNavigation;
* @return {!webdriver.WebDriver.TargetLocator} The target locator interface for
* this instance.
switchTo(): WebDriverTargetLocator;
interface IWebElementId {
ELEMENT: string;
* Defines an object that can be asynchronously serialized to its WebDriver
* wire representation.
* @constructor
* @template T
interface Serializable<T> {
* Returns either this instance's serialized represention, if immediately
* available, or a promise for its serialized representation. This function is
* conceptually equivalent to objects that have a {@code toJSON()} property,
* except the serialize() result may be a promise or an object containing a
* promise (which are not directly JSON friendly).
* @return {!(T|IThenable.<!T>)} This instance's serialized wire format.
serialize(): T|webdriver.promise.IThenable<T>;
* Represents a DOM element. WebElements can be found by searching from the
* document root using a {@code webdriver.WebDriver} instance, or by searching
* under another {@code webdriver.WebElement}:
* <pre><code>
* driver.get('http://www.google.com');
* var searchForm = driver.findElement(By.tagName('form'));
* var searchBox = searchForm.findElement(By.name('q'));
* searchBox.sendKeys('webdriver');
* </code></pre>
* The WebElement is implemented as a promise for compatibility with the promise
* API. It will always resolve itself when its internal state has been fully
* resolved and commands may be issued against the element. This can be used to
* catch errors when an element cannot be located on the page:
* <pre><code>
* driver.findElement(By.id('not-there')).then(function(element) {
* alert('Found an element that was not expected to be there!');
* }, function(error) {
* alert('The element was not found, as expected');
* });
* </code></pre>
interface IWebElement {
//region Methods
* Schedules a command to click on this element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when
* the click command has completed.
click(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to type a sequence on the DOM element represented by this
* instance.
* <p/>
* Modifier keys (SHIFT, CONTROL, ALT, META) are stateful; once a modifier is
* processed in the keysequence, that key state is toggled until one of the
* following occurs:
* <ul>
* <li>The modifier key is encountered again in the sequence. At this point the
* state of the key is toggled (along with the appropriate keyup/down events).
* </li>
* <li>The {@code webdriver.Key.NULL} key is encountered in the sequence. When
* this key is encountered, all modifier keys current in the down state are
* released (with accompanying keyup events). The NULL key can be used to
* simulate common keyboard shortcuts:
* <code>
* element.sendKeys("text was",
* webdriver.Key.CONTROL, "a", webdriver.Key.NULL,
* "now text is");
* // Alternatively:
* element.sendKeys("text was",
* webdriver.Key.chord(webdriver.Key.CONTROL, "a"),
* "now text is");
* </code></li>
* <li>The end of the keysequence is encountered. When there are no more keys
* to type, all depressed modifier keys are released (with accompanying keyup
* events).
* </li>
* </ul>
* <strong>Note:</strong> On browsers where native keyboard events are not yet
* supported (e.g. Firefox on OS X), key events will be synthesized. Special
* punctionation keys will be synthesized according to a standard QWERTY en-us
* keyboard layout.
* @param {...string} var_args The sequence of keys to
* type. All arguments will be joined into a single sequence (var_args is
* permitted for convenience).
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when all
* keys have been typed.
sendKeys(...var_args: string[]): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to query for the tag/node name of this element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the
* element's tag name.
getTagName(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Schedules a command to query for the computed style of the element
* represented by this instance. If the element inherits the named style from
* its parent, the parent will be queried for its value. Where possible, color
* values will be converted to their hex representation (e.g. #00ff00 instead of
* rgb(0, 255, 0)).
* <p/>
* <em>Warning:</em> the value returned will be as the browser interprets it, so
* it may be tricky to form a proper assertion.
* @param {string} cssStyleProperty The name of the CSS style property to look
* up.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the
* requested CSS value.
getCssValue(cssStyleProperty: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Schedules a command to query for the value of the given attribute of the
* element. Will return the current value even if it has been modified after the
* page has been loaded. More exactly, this method will return the value of the
* given attribute, unless that attribute is not present, in which case the
* value of the property with the same name is returned. If neither value is
* set, null is returned. The "style" attribute is converted as best can be to a
* text representation with a trailing semi-colon. The following are deemed to
* be "boolean" attributes and will be returned as thus:
* <p>async, autofocus, autoplay, checked, compact, complete, controls, declare,
* defaultchecked, defaultselected, defer, disabled, draggable, ended,
* formnovalidate, hidden, indeterminate, iscontenteditable, ismap, itemscope,
* loop, multiple, muted, nohref, noresize, noshade, novalidate, nowrap, open,
* paused, pubdate, readonly, required, reversed, scoped, seamless, seeking,
* selected, spellcheck, truespeed, willvalidate
* <p>Finally, the following commonly mis-capitalized attribute/property names
* are evaluated as expected:
* <ul>
* <li>"class"
* <li>"readonly"
* </ul>
* @param {string} attributeName The name of the attribute to query.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the
* attribute's value.
getAttribute(attributeName: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Get the visible (i.e. not hidden by CSS) innerText of this element, including
* sub-elements, without any leading or trailing whitespace.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the
* element's visible text.
getText(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Schedules a command to compute the size of this element's bounding box, in
* pixels.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the
* element's size as a {@code {width:number, height:number}} object.
getSize(): webdriver.promise.Promise<ISize>;
* Schedules a command to compute the location of this element in page space.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved to the
* element's location as a {@code {x:number, y:number}} object.
getLocation(): webdriver.promise.Promise<ILocation>;
* Schedules a command to query whether the DOM element represented by this
* instance is enabled, as dicted by the {@code disabled} attribute.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with
* whether this element is currently enabled.
isEnabled(): webdriver.promise.Promise<boolean>;
* Schedules a command to query whether this element is selected.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with
* whether this element is currently selected.
isSelected(): webdriver.promise.Promise<boolean>;
* Schedules a command to submit the form containing this element (or this
* element if it is a FORM element). This command is a no-op if the element is
* not contained in a form.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when
* the form has been submitted.
submit(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to clear the {@code value} of this element. This command
* has no effect if the underlying DOM element is neither a text INPUT element
* nor a TEXTAREA element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when
* the element has been cleared.
clear(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to test whether this element is currently displayed.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with
* whether this element is currently visible on the page.
isDisplayed(): webdriver.promise.Promise<boolean>;
* Schedules a command to retrieve the outer HTML of this element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with
* the element's outer HTML.
getOuterHtml(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<webdriver.WebElement.Id>} A promise
* that resolves to this element's JSON representation as defined by the
* WebDriver wire protocol.
* @see http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol
getId(): webdriver.promise.Promise<IWebElementId>;
* Schedules a command to retrieve the inner HTML of this element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the
* element's inner HTML.
getInnerHtml(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
interface IWebElementFinders {
* Schedule a command to find a descendant of this element. If the element
* cannot be found, a {@code bot.ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_ELEMENT} result will
* be returned by the driver. Unlike other commands, this error cannot be
* suppressed. In other words, scheduling a command to find an element doubles
* as an assert that the element is present on the page. To test whether an
* element is present on the page, use {@code #isElementPresent} instead.
* <p>The search criteria for an element may be defined using one of the
* factories in the {@link webdriver.By} namespace, or as a short-hand
* {@link webdriver.By.Hash} object. For example, the following two statements
* are equivalent:
* <code><pre>
* var e1 = element.findElement(By.id('foo'));
* var e2 = element.findElement({id:'foo'});
* </pre></code>
* <p>You may also provide a custom locator function, which takes as input
* this WebDriver instance and returns a {@link webdriver.WebElement}, or a
* promise that will resolve to a WebElement. For example, to find the first
* visible link on a page, you could write:
* <code><pre>
* var link = element.findElement(firstVisibleLink);
* function firstVisibleLink(element) {
* var links = element.findElements(By.tagName('a'));
* return webdriver.promise.filter(links, function(link) {
* return links.isDisplayed();
* }).then(function(visibleLinks) {
* return visibleLinks[0];
* });
* }
* </pre></code>
* @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Function)} locator The
* locator strategy to use when searching for the element.
* @return {!webdriver.WebElement} A WebElement that can be used to issue
* commands against the located element. If the element is not found, the
* element will be invalidated and all scheduled commands aborted.
findElement(locator: Locator|By.Hash|Function): WebElementPromise;
* Schedules a command to test if there is at least one descendant of this
* element that matches the given search criteria.
* @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Function)} locator The
* locator strategy to use when searching for the element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<boolean>} A promise that will be
* resolved with whether an element could be located on the page.
isElementPresent(locator: Locator|By.Hash|Function): webdriver.promise.Promise<boolean>;
* Schedules a command to find all of the descendants of this element that
* match the given search criteria.
* @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Function)} locator The
* locator strategy to use when searching for the elements.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<!webdriver.WebElement>>} A
* promise that will resolve to an array of WebElements.
findElements(locator: Locator|By.Hash|Function): webdriver.promise.Promise<WebElement[]>;
* Defines an object that can be asynchronously serialized to its WebDriver
* wire representation.
* @constructor
* @template T
interface Serializable<T> {
* Returns either this instance's serialized represention, if immediately
* available, or a promise for its serialized representation. This function is
* conceptually equivalent to objects that have a {@code toJSON()} property,
* except the serialize() result may be a promise or an object containing a
* promise (which are not directly JSON friendly).
* @return {!(T|IThenable.<!T>)} This instance's serialized wire format.
serialize(): T|webdriver.promise.IThenable<T>;
* Represents a DOM element. WebElements can be found by searching from the
* document root using a {@link webdriver.WebDriver} instance, or by searching
* under another WebElement:
* driver.get('http://www.google.com');
* var searchForm = driver.findElement(By.tagName('form'));
* var searchBox = searchForm.findElement(By.name('q'));
* searchBox.sendKeys('webdriver');
* The WebElement is implemented as a promise for compatibility with the promise
* API. It will always resolve itself when its internal state has been fully
* resolved and commands may be issued against the element. This can be used to
* catch errors when an element cannot be located on the page:
* driver.findElement(By.id('not-there')).then(function(element) {
* alert('Found an element that was not expected to be there!');
* }, function(error) {
* alert('The element was not found, as expected');
* });
* @extends {webdriver.Serializable.<webdriver.WebElement.Id>}
class WebElement implements Serializable<IWebElementId> {
* @param {!webdriver.WebDriver} driver The parent WebDriver instance for this
* element.
* @param {!(webdriver.promise.Promise.<webdriver.WebElement.Id>|
* webdriver.WebElement.Id)} id The server-assigned opaque ID for the
* underlying DOM element.
* @constructor
constructor(driver: WebDriver, id: webdriver.promise.Promise<IWebElementId>|IWebElementId);
* Wire protocol definition of a WebElement ID.
* @typedef {{ELEMENT: string}}
* @see https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol
static Id: IWebElementId;
* The property key used in the wire protocol to indicate that a JSON object
* contains the ID of a WebElement.
* @type {string}
* @const
static ELEMENT_KEY: string;
* @return {!webdriver.WebDriver} The parent driver for this instance.
getDriver(): WebDriver;
* Schedule a command to find a descendant of this element. If the element
* cannot be found, a {@link bot.ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_ELEMENT} result will
* be returned by the driver. Unlike other commands, this error cannot be
* suppressed. In other words, scheduling a command to find an element doubles
* as an assert that the element is present on the page. To test whether an
* element is present on the page, use {@link #isElementPresent} instead.
* The search criteria for an element may be defined using one of the
* factories in the {@link webdriver.By} namespace, or as a short-hand
* {@link webdriver.By.Hash} object. For example, the following two statements
* are equivalent:
* var e1 = element.findElement(By.id('foo'));
* var e2 = element.findElement({id:'foo'});
* You may also provide a custom locator function, which takes as input
* this WebDriver instance and returns a {@link webdriver.WebElement}, or a
* promise that will resolve to a WebElement. For example, to find the first
* visible link on a page, you could write:
* var link = element.findElement(firstVisibleLink);
* function firstVisibleLink(element) {
* var links = element.findElements(By.tagName('a'));
* return webdriver.promise.filter(links, function(link) {
* return links.isDisplayed();
* }).then(function(visibleLinks) {
* return visibleLinks[0];
* });
* }
* @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Function)} locator The
* locator strategy to use when searching for the element.
* @return {!webdriver.WebElement} A WebElement that can be used to issue
* commands against the located element. If the element is not found, the
* element will be invalidated and all scheduled commands aborted.
findElement(locator: Locator|By.Hash|Function): WebElementPromise;
* Schedules a command to test if there is at least one descendant of this
* element that matches the given search criteria.
* @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Function)} locator The
* locator strategy to use when searching for the element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<boolean>} A promise that will be
* resolved with whether an element could be located on the page.
isElementPresent(locator: Locator|By.Hash|Function): webdriver.promise.Promise<boolean>;
* Schedules a command to find all of the descendants of this element that
* match the given search criteria.
* @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Function)} locator The
* locator strategy to use when searching for the elements.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<!Array.<!webdriver.WebElement>>} A
* promise that will resolve to an array of WebElements.
findElements(locator: Locator|By.Hash|Function): webdriver.promise.Promise<WebElement[]>;
* Schedules a command to click on this element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the click command has completed.
click(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to type a sequence on the DOM element represented by this
* instance.
* Modifier keys (SHIFT, CONTROL, ALT, META) are stateful; once a modifier is
* processed in the keysequence, that key state is toggled until one of the
* following occurs:
* - The modifier key is encountered again in the sequence. At this point the
* state of the key is toggled (along with the appropriate keyup/down events).
* - The {@link webdriver.Key.NULL} key is encountered in the sequence. When
* this key is encountered, all modifier keys current in the down state are
* released (with accompanying keyup events). The NULL key can be used to
* simulate common keyboard shortcuts:
* element.sendKeys("text was",
* webdriver.Key.CONTROL, "a", webdriver.Key.NULL,
* "now text is");
* // Alternatively:
* element.sendKeys("text was",
* webdriver.Key.chord(webdriver.Key.CONTROL, "a"),
* "now text is");
* - The end of the keysequence is encountered. When there are no more keys
* to type, all depressed modifier keys are released (with accompanying keyup
* events).
* If this element is a file input ({@code <input type="file">}), the
* specified key sequence should specify the path to the file to attach to
* the element. This is analgous to the user clicking "Browse..." and entering
* the path into the file select dialog.
* var form = driver.findElement(By.css('form'));
* var element = form.findElement(By.css('input[type=file]'));
* element.sendKeys('/path/to/file.txt');
* form.submit();
* For uploads to function correctly, the entered path must reference a file
* on the _browser's_ machine, not the local machine running this script. When
* running against a remote Selenium server, a {@link webdriver.FileDetector}
* may be used to transparently copy files to the remote machine before
* attempting to upload them in the browser.
* __Note:__ On browsers where native keyboard events are not supported
* (e.g. Firefox on OS X), key events will be synthesized. Special
* punctionation keys will be synthesized according to a standard QWERTY en-us
* keyboard layout.
* @param {...(string|!webdriver.promise.Promise<string>)} var_args The sequence
* of keys to type. All arguments will be joined into a single sequence.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when all keys have been typed.
sendKeys(...var_args: Array<string|webdriver.promise.Promise<string>>): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to query for the tag/node name of this element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<string>} A promise that will be
* resolved with the element's tag name.
getTagName(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Schedules a command to query for the computed style of the element
* represented by this instance. If the element inherits the named style from
* its parent, the parent will be queried for its value. Where possible, color
* values will be converted to their hex representation (e.g. #00ff00 instead of
* rgb(0, 255, 0)).
* _Warning:_ the value returned will be as the browser interprets it, so
* it may be tricky to form a proper assertion.
* @param {string} cssStyleProperty The name of the CSS style property to look
* up.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<string>} A promise that will be
* resolved with the requested CSS value.
getCssValue(cssStyleProperty: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Schedules a command to query for the value of the given attribute of the
* element. Will return the current value, even if it has been modified after
* the page has been loaded. More exactly, this method will return the value of
* the given attribute, unless that attribute is not present, in which case the
* value of the property with the same name is returned. If neither value is
* set, null is returned (for example, the "value" property of a textarea
* element). The "style" attribute is converted as best can be to a
* text representation with a trailing semi-colon. The following are deemed to
* be "boolean" attributes and will return either "true" or null:
* async, autofocus, autoplay, checked, compact, complete, controls, declare,
* defaultchecked, defaultselected, defer, disabled, draggable, ended,
* formnovalidate, hidden, indeterminate, iscontenteditable, ismap, itemscope,
* loop, multiple, muted, nohref, noresize, noshade, novalidate, nowrap, open,
* paused, pubdate, readonly, required, reversed, scoped, seamless, seeking,
* selected, spellcheck, truespeed, willvalidate
* Finally, the following commonly mis-capitalized attribute/property names
* are evaluated as expected:
* - "class"
* - "readonly"
* @param {string} attributeName The name of the attribute to query.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<?string>} A promise that will be
* resolved with the attribute's value. The returned value will always be
* either a string or null.
getAttribute(attributeName: string): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Get the visible (i.e. not hidden by CSS) innerText of this element, including
* sub-elements, without any leading or trailing whitespace.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<string>} A promise that will be
* resolved with the element's visible text.
getText(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Schedules a command to compute the size of this element's bounding box, in
* pixels.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<{width: number, height: number}>} A
* promise that will be resolved with the element's size as a
* {@code {width:number, height:number}} object.
getSize(): webdriver.promise.Promise<ISize>;
* Schedules a command to compute the location of this element in page space.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<{x: number, y: number}>} A promise that
* will be resolved to the element's location as a
* {@code {x:number, y:number}} object.
getLocation(): webdriver.promise.Promise<ILocation>;
* Schedules a command to query whether the DOM element represented by this
* instance is enabled, as dicted by the {@code disabled} attribute.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<boolean>} A promise that will be
* resolved with whether this element is currently enabled.
isEnabled(): webdriver.promise.Promise<boolean>;
* Schedules a command to query whether this element is selected.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<boolean>} A promise that will be
* resolved with whether this element is currently selected.
isSelected(): webdriver.promise.Promise<boolean>;
* Schedules a command to submit the form containing this element (or this
* element if it is a FORM element). This command is a no-op if the element is
* not contained in a form.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the form has been submitted.
submit(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to clear the {@code value} of this element. This command
* has no effect if the underlying DOM element is neither a text INPUT element
* nor a TEXTAREA element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<void>} A promise that will be resolved
* when the element has been cleared.
clear(): webdriver.promise.Promise<void>;
* Schedules a command to test whether this element is currently displayed.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<boolean>} A promise that will be
* resolved with whether this element is currently visible on the page.
isDisplayed(): webdriver.promise.Promise<boolean>;
* Schedules a command to retrieve the outer HTML of this element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<string>} A promise that will be
* resolved with the element's outer HTML.
getOuterHtml(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<webdriver.WebElement.Id>} A promise
* that resolves to this element's JSON representation as defined by the
* WebDriver wire protocol.
* @see http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol
getId(): webdriver.promise.Promise<IWebElementId>;
* Returns the raw ID string ID for this element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise<string>} A promise that resolves to this
* element's raw ID as a string value.
* @package
getRawId(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
/** @override */
serialize(): webdriver.promise.Promise<IWebElementId>;
* Schedules a command to retrieve the inner HTML of this element.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the
* element's inner HTML.
getInnerHtml(): webdriver.promise.Promise<string>;
* Compares to WebElements for equality.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} a A WebElement.
* @param {!webdriver.WebElement} b A WebElement.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved to
* whether the two WebElements are equal.
static equals(a: WebElement, b: WebElement): webdriver.promise.Promise<boolean>;
* WebElementPromise is a promise that will be fulfilled with a WebElement.
* This serves as a forward proxy on WebElement, allowing calls to be
* scheduled without directly on this instance before the underlying
* WebElement has been fulfilled. In other words, the following two statements
* are equivalent:
* <pre><code>
* driver.findElement({id: 'my-button'}).click();
* driver.findElement({id: 'my-button'}).then(function(el) {
* return el.click();
* });
* </code></pre>
* @param {!webdriver.WebDriver} driver The parent WebDriver instance for this
* element.
* @param {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<!webdriver.WebElement>} el A promise
* that will resolve to the promised element.
* @constructor
* @extends {webdriver.WebElement}
* @implements {webdriver.promise.Thenable.<!webdriver.WebElement>}
* @final
class WebElementPromise extends WebElement implements webdriver.promise.IThenable<WebElement> {
* Cancels the computation of this promise's value, rejecting the promise in the
* process. This method is a no-op if the promise has alreayd been resolved.
* @param {string=} opt_reason The reason this promise is being cancelled.
cancel(opt_reason?: string): void;
/** @return {boolean} Whether this promise's value is still being computed. */
isPending(): boolean;
* Registers listeners for when this instance is resolved.
* @param opt_callback The
* function to call if this promise is successfully resolved. The function
* should expect a single argument: the promise's resolved value.
* @param opt_errback The
* function to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect
* a single argument: the rejection reason.
* @return A new promise which will be
* resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
then<R>(opt_callback?: (value: WebElement) => webdriver.promise.Promise<R>, opt_errback?: (error: any) => any): webdriver.promise.Promise<R>;
* Registers listeners for when this instance is resolved.
* @param opt_callback The
* function to call if this promise is successfully resolved. The function
* should expect a single argument: the promise's resolved value.
* @param opt_errback The
* function to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect
* a single argument: the rejection reason.
* @return A new promise which will be
* resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
then<R>(opt_callback?: (value: WebElement) => R, opt_errback?: (error: any) => any): webdriver.promise.Promise<R>;
* Registers a listener for when this promise is rejected. This is synonymous
* with the {@code catch} clause in a synchronous API:
* <pre><code>
* // Synchronous API:
* try {
* doSynchronousWork();
* } catch (ex) {
* console.error(ex);
* }
* // Asynchronous promise API:
* doAsynchronousWork().thenCatch(function(ex) {
* console.error(ex);
* });
* </code></pre>
* @param {function(*): (R|webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>)} errback The function
* to call if this promise is rejected. The function should expect a single
* argument: the rejection reason.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>} A new promise which will be
* resolved with the result of the invoked callback.
* @template R
thenCatch<R>(errback: (error: any) => any): webdriver.promise.Promise<R>;
* Registers a listener to invoke when this promise is resolved, regardless
* of whether the promise's value was successfully computed. This function
* is synonymous with the {@code finally} clause in a synchronous API:
* <pre><code>
* // Synchronous API:
* try {
* doSynchronousWork();
* } finally {
* cleanUp();
* }
* // Asynchronous promise API:
* doAsynchronousWork().thenFinally(cleanUp);
* </code></pre>
* <b>Note:</b> similar to the {@code finally} clause, if the registered
* callback returns a rejected promise or throws an error, it will silently
* replace the rejection error (if any) from this promise:
* <pre><code>
* try {
* throw Error('one');
* } finally {
* throw Error('two'); // Hides Error: one
* }
* webdriver.promise.rejected(Error('one'))
* .thenFinally(function() {
* throw Error('two'); // Hides Error: one
* });
* </code></pre>
* @param {function(): (R|webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>)} callback The function
* to call when this promise is resolved.
* @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<R>} A promise that will be fulfilled
* with the callback result.
* @template R
thenFinally<R>(callback: () => any): webdriver.promise.Promise<R>;
module By {
* Locates elements that have a specific class name. The returned locator
* is equivalent to searching for elements with the CSS selector ".clazz".
* @param {string} className The class name to search for.
* @return {!webdriver.Locator} The new locator.
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110525/elements.html#classes
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/selector.html#class-html
function className(value: string): Locator;
* Locates elements using a CSS selector. For browsers that do not support
* CSS selectors, WebDriver implementations may return an
* {@linkplain bot.Error.State.INVALID_SELECTOR invalid selector} error. An
* implementation may, however, emulate the CSS selector API.
* @param {string} selector The CSS selector to use.
* @return {!webdriver.Locator} The new locator.
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/selector.html
function css(value: string): Locator;
* Locates an element by its ID.
* @param {string} id The ID to search for.
* @return {!webdriver.Locator} The new locator.
function id(value: string): Locator;
* Locates link elements whose {@linkplain webdriver.WebElement#getText visible
* text} matches the given string.
* @param {string} text The link text to search for.
* @return {!webdriver.Locator} The new locator.
function linkText(value: string): Locator;
* Locates an elements by evaluating a
* {@linkplain webdriver.WebDriver#executeScript JavaScript expression}.
* The result of this expression must be an element or list of elements.
* @param {!(string|Function)} script The script to execute.
* @param {...*} var_args The arguments to pass to the script.
* @return {function(!webdriver.WebDriver): !webdriver.promise.Promise} A new,
* JavaScript-based locator function.
function js(script: any, ...var_args: any[]): (WebDriver: webdriver.WebDriver) => webdriver.promise.Promise<any>;
* Locates elements whose {@code name} attribute has the given value.
* @param {string} name The name attribute to search for.
* @return {!webdriver.Locator} The new locator.
function name(value: string): Locator;
* Locates link elements whose {@linkplain webdriver.WebElement#getText visible
* text} contains the given substring.
* @param {string} text The substring to check for in a link's visible text.
* @return {!webdriver.Locator} The new locator.
function partialLinkText(value: string): Locator;
* Locates elements with a given tag name. The returned locator is
* equivalent to using the
* [getElementsByTagName](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element.getElementsByTagName)
* DOM function.
* @param {string} text The substring to check for in a link's visible text.
* @return {!webdriver.Locator} The new locator.
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html
function tagName(value: string): Locator;
* Locates elements matching a XPath selector. Care should be taken when
* using an XPath selector with a {@link webdriver.WebElement} as WebDriver
* will respect the context in the specified in the selector. For example,
* given the selector {@code "//div"}, WebDriver will search from the
* document root regardless of whether the locator was used with a
* WebElement.
* @param {string} xpath The XPath selector to use.
* @return {!webdriver.Locator} The new locator.
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/
function xpath(value: string): Locator;
* Short-hand expressions for the primary element locator strategies.
* For example the following two statements are equivalent:
* var e1 = driver.findElement(webdriver.By.id('foo'));
* var e2 = driver.findElement({id: 'foo'});
* Care should be taken when using JavaScript minifiers (such as the
* Closure compiler), as locator hashes will always be parsed using
* the un-obfuscated properties listed.
* @typedef {(
* {className: string}|
* {css: string}|
* {id: string}|
* {js: string}|
* {linkText: string}|
* {name: string}|
* {partialLinkText: string}|
* {tagName: string}|
* {xpath: string})}
type Hash = {className: string}|
{css: string}|
{id: string}|
{js: string}|
{linkText: string}|
{name: string}|
{partialLinkText: string}|
{tagName: string}|
{xpath: string};
* An element locator.
class Locator {
* An element locator.
* @param {string} using The type of strategy to use for this locator.
* @param {string} value The search target of this locator.
* @constructor
constructor(using: string, value: string);
* Maps {@link webdriver.By.Hash} keys to the appropriate factory function.
* @type {!Object.<string, function(string): !(Function|webdriver.Locator)>}
* @const
static Strategy: {
className: typeof webdriver.By.className;
css: typeof webdriver.By.css;
id: typeof webdriver.By.id;
js: typeof webdriver.By.js;
linkText: typeof webdriver.By.linkText;
name: typeof webdriver.By.name;
partialLinkText: typeof webdriver.By.partialLinkText;
tagName: typeof webdriver.By.tagName;
xpath: typeof webdriver.By.xpath;
* Verifies that a {@code value} is a valid locator to use for searching for
* elements on the page.
* @param {*} value The value to check is a valid locator.
* @return {!(webdriver.Locator|Function)} A valid locator object or function.
* @throws {TypeError} If the given value is an invalid locator.
static checkLocator(value: any): Locator | Function;
* The search strategy to use when searching for an element.
* @type {string}
using: string;
* The search target for this locator.
* @type {string}
value: string;
/** @return {string} String representation of this locator. */
toString(): string;
* Contains information about a WebDriver session.
class Session {
//region Constructors
* @param {string} id The session ID.
* @param {!(Object|webdriver.Capabilities)} capabilities The session
* capabilities.
* @constructor
constructor(id: string, capabilities: Capabilities);
constructor(id: string, capabilities: any);
//region Methods
* @return {string} This session's ID.
getId(): string;
* @return {!webdriver.Capabilities} This session's capabilities.
getCapabilities(): Capabilities;
* Retrieves the value of a specific capability.
* @param {string} key The capability to retrieve.
* @return {*} The capability value.
getCapability(key: string): any;
* Returns the JSON representation of this object, which is just the string
* session ID.
* @return {string} The JSON representation of this Session.
toJSON(): string;
declare module testing {
* Registers a new test suite.
* @param name The suite name.
* @param fn The suite function, or {@code undefined} to define a pending test suite.
function describe(name: string, fn: Function): void;
* Defines a suppressed test suite.
* @param name The suite name.
* @param fn The suite function, or {@code undefined} to define a pending test suite.
function xdescribe(name: string, fn: Function): void;
* Register a function to call after the current suite finishes.
* @param fn
function after(fn: Function): void;
* Register a function to call after each test in a suite.
* @param fn
function afterEach(fn: Function): void;
* Register a function to call before the current suite starts.
* @param fn
function before(fn: Function): void;
* Register a function to call before each test in a suite.
* @param fn
function beforeEach(fn: Function): void;
* Add a test to the current suite.
* @param name The test name.
* @param fn The test function, or {@code undefined} to define a pending test case.
function it(name: string, fn: Function): void;
* An alias for {@link #it()} that flags the test as the only one that should
* be run within the current suite.
* @param name The test name.
* @param fn The test function, or {@code undefined} to define a pending test case.
function iit(name: string, fn: Function): void;
* Adds a test to the current suite while suppressing it so it is not run.
* @param name The test name.
* @param fn The test function, or {@code undefined} to define a pending test case.
function xit(name: string, fn: Function): void;
declare module 'selenium-webdriver/chrome' {
export = chrome;
declare module 'selenium-webdriver/firefox' {
export = firefox;
declare module 'selenium-webdriver/executors' {
export = executors;
declare module 'selenium-webdriver' {
export = webdriver;
declare module 'selenium-webdriver/testing' {
export = testing;